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    Living in an all boy household I am usually super excited when my niece’s b-day rolls around since I get to do something really girly and cute. But my niece who is the cutest thing you have ever seen has decided she no longer wants to wear dresses or anything girly whatsoever….. (insert tear) so I had to rethink my plan… I just purchased a new t-shirt for football season from a local shop called The Hayloft, the shirt is black with white writing saying Down Set What?. A few months ago I found the cutest digital cliparts and paper from The Cheeky Darling on Etsy and found them in my favorites again while looking for ideas for my niece. A girly flag football game was born!!!! I was in love with the idea and my bro and sister-in-law loved it too! They have a big side yard that we spray painted the football lines and make the goal posts from PVC plumbing pipe. I found the football helmet at a flea market, used acrylic paint from Walmart and painted it lime green. The football statue I bought several years ago from Hobby Lobby and spray painted it with some left over paint from another project. The canvas was a DIY project. I found the pom poms, foam fingers and small megaphones on I designed the invites from the digital package from The Cheeky Darling on Etsy. All of the kids had a blast playing football or cheering on the teams!




    Party Styling, invitation, rentals, DIYs and photography: The Pink Gypsy

    Instagram: @the_pink_gypsy

    Facebook: andreaandamberspartiesandphotos


    Cake and caramel apples: My friend and baker; Heather Miller


    Football Digital Cliparts: The Cheeky Darling on Etsy


    Pom Poms, foam fingers, pink whistles and small megaphones – Oriental Trading


    Large megaphones –


    The Pink Gypsy
    The Pink Gypsy
    This is my creative outlet planning parties for my boys and friends!!
    The Pink Gypsy
    This is my creative outlet planning parties for my boys and friends!!

    Shop New Arrivals


      1. canon reed

        April 27, 2018

        hey it’s canon from the cheeky darling! i was just googling the shop name & found this post! thank you so much!!

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