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    Genevieve was my first baby and I didn’t realize how quickly she’d outgrow her nursery! She was 2 and needed less storage for baby items and more room for toys. I’d also painted her nursery pink which felt more appropriate for an infant and less so for my fiery toddler. At the time she loved elephants so I went with that inspiration and her bright and bubbly personality to create an elephant themed room (but not over the top!) with bold color and patterns.

    My favorite part of the room was the chevron wall, hands down! Like the rest of the country, I fell in love with the pattern but knew I’d tire of it in my main living area. It was so perfect for a child’s space. It was a labor of love for sure but I never got bored with it and Genevieve loved it plus the chalk wall underneath. I also loved the inexpensive gallery wall.

    You can find tutorials for the chevron ceiling fan and the chevron wall on my blog here. Unfortunately I decorated this room awhile ago so sources are not relevant but if you have a question, feel free to ask!

    Tiffany DeLangie
    Tiffany DeLangie
    I'm a SAHM of three littles ages 2, 5, and 7. I'm also a blogger and a photographer. I love to decorate but little kid spaces will always be my favorite! I also love my family (my husband is my favorite), Jesus, naps, big breakfasts, coffee, donuts, wine and more coffee.
    Tiffany DeLangie
    I'm a SAHM of three littles ages 2, 5, and 7. I'm also a blogger and a photographer. I love to decorate but little kid spaces will always be my favorite! I also love my family (my husband is my favorite), Jesus, naps, big breakfasts, coffee, donuts, wine and more coffee.

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