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Flowers and Butterflies


This room was decorated when Leonor turned 6 and went to primary school. She needs a place to do her homework and has a lot of toys and books. So everything was organized so that she can sleep, play, study and read. Everything she likes to do. She spends there a lot of time playing with her sisters. As the room is quite small, the majority of items were custom made.

Design Inspiration

The pink and turquoise color combination was the starting point. Then we picked up the fabric for the duvet cover and it all came together. The risk was taken by using three different patterns on the fabric and different shades of pink and blue. The flowers and butterflies from the fabric also connect with the murals.

Decorating Style

Girly and contemporary.

Project Details

As said before the majority of things were custom made so that we could make a great use of the space.

The fabrics are from designers guild.

The bed, armoire, desk and shelves designed by Ines Pereira @ Perfect Home

The chair from IKEA.

The lampshades were made using the curtains' and armchair fabrics (on inside, another outside).

The mural naïf drawings by Ines Pereira @ Perfect Home


Favorite Items

The murals. They make the room unique and she loves them.


As my daughter was 6 her opinion was very important. She chose the colors she wanted - don't forget that at this age the room is for them, not for you! Then find a fabric she/loves with the colors and start from that. If you use the space wisely, they can use the room for everything they like.

Rachael Johndon

Wednesday 22nd of August 2012

I love the colors. What brand and name is the color of the walls?


Tuesday 10th of July 2012


Thank you Zen, your comments are lovely!


Tuesday 3rd of July 2012

Such a charming, delicate colored room. Your lamp and flower murals are so nice. And your bed/closet/shelf in one is a real winner!