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    I didn’t want his room to be a room that screamed BABY since when we do have guests, they’ll be sharing his space. We painted it green well before we knew the sex and agreed to work with it either way. When we found out we were having a boy, I wanted to add in a few owl elements but keeping mostly in the theme of the rest of our house using bold colors and patterns. 

    BIGGEST CHALLENGE: Space was a big issue for us. When we bought our house, we weren’t planning on having kids so soon, and we don’t get many guests due to where we live so we intentionally kept this room small. Having to share the space with a queen-sized bed and crib and dresser while still making it functional was definitely a challenge. We rearranged it several times before settling on this final layout. 

    Proud USAF wife and full-time SAHM to Declan, born April 2011. Currently residing in one of the top ten coldest places on the planet earth.
    Proud USAF wife and full-time SAHM to Declan, born April 2011. Currently residing in one of the top ten coldest places on the planet earth.

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      1. Amy

        May 16, 2012

        Just wanted to say “hi” my name is Amy and i am having a son, i am naming him Declan! lol I just thought it was interesting and i am doing a whale themed room for him :) i like how you have made the room convertible!

      2. Tasha Cune

        May 17, 2012

        What a coincidence! I first thought it was the poster herself who commented on her own post first. Took me a few moments to see you’re a different person.

        Anyway, nice modern room. I love how free of clutter it is, decor-wise.

      3. Anna

        July 18, 2012

        Love your room and definitly appreciate the multipurpose baby room as mine is as well. Although to be honest your room caught my eye particularily because i am naming my son Deklen a different version of Declan :) And everyone told me im crazy to name my son that and i absolutely love it and nice to know someone else also loved the name :)

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