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I Couldn’t wait to decorate my little boy’s Nursery! Living in a small rental apartment provides its challenges. But to even have a separate room in the city is a big deal. Most importantly this room has to double as a guest room and hopefully he will grow into it as well.

Me and my husband are performers living in NYC and expecting a lil' boy this October! Decorating a 600 square foot apartment is harder than you think, but I love the challenge.

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    1. Jessica Bell Elliott

      February 3, 2014

      Love those curtains! Do you remember what they were called at target?

    2. Christina Hedrick

      February 10, 2014

      I know they were the exhilaration brand, hope that helps.

    3. LUBLINI

      June 5, 2014

      We love Stokke SO much, we have a whole section just for Stokke….

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