Shop Suggestions

    I am not a major pink fan, so my goal was to create a classy, sweet feminine nursery without it! I used a neutral white, ivory, and gray palette with a priority for texture. I love the added wood elements and how it brings the entire design together. This is definitely my favorite room in our home! Love it so much. <3

    Shelby Cain
    Shelby Cain
    First time mom!! :)
    Shelby Cain
    First time mom!! :)

    Shop New Arrivals


      1. Taryn

        January 8, 2018

        Do you happen to know what paint color was used? It is perfect!

      2. Tyler

        January 17, 2018

        Where oh where did you get that footstool?! I have been looking for one just like it!! Gorgeous nursery!

      3. Courtney todd

        January 19, 2018

        Can you please let me know where you got the large rabbit prints? Specifically the backside rabbit?! Thank you!

      4. Beth

        January 19, 2018

        Hi Courtney, It’s from the etsy shop LILAxLOLA. FYI sources are linked in the right column on desktop and below the comments on mobile.

      5. Katelyn

        January 20, 2018

        What paint color did you use? It’s perfect!

      6. Jamie

        January 20, 2018

        Hi where are the bunny prints from??

      7. Beth

        January 20, 2018

        Hi Jamie, They are from the etsy shop LILAxLOLA.

      8. Carly

        January 21, 2018

        Beth love this! Where is the aframe rolling cart with three bins (on wheels) from?

      9. Chris

        January 22, 2018

        I would love to know your paint color as well!

      10. karim

        January 23, 2018

        I’m also interested in the paint color name

      11. Shonda

        January 23, 2018

        Beth, absolutely gorgeous! Do you happened to know the paint color?

      12. Beth

        January 23, 2018

        It’s not my nursery. I’m the editor here at Project Nursery. Sorry I do not know the paint color she used.

      13. Karol

        January 24, 2018

        What size are the bunny prints in this nursery?

      14. Bessi

        January 26, 2018

        I would like to know as well where the cart came from. It’s so pretty.

      15. Jessica

        January 28, 2018

        Where can I get that “Little light of mine” blanket?

      16. Pauline

        January 30, 2018

        Hello, where did you buy this beautiful bed? Thanks

      17. Kristin

        February 1, 2018

        Hi, I’m so in love with the bed! Where did you buy this? Thank you

      18. RB

        February 2, 2018

        What size are the bunny prints?

      19. Kate

        February 2, 2018

        Where are he frames for the bunny pictures from? I have been looking everywhere for some like these!

      20. Allison

        February 3, 2018

        What size are the bunny prints? Where did you print them and what frames?
        We’re doing a velveteen rabbit theme and I was debating prints like this behind the crib!

      21. VALERIE

        February 5, 2018

        Beautiful! Can I ask where you got the bunny prints?

      22. Beth

        February 6, 2018

        They are from the etsy shop LILAxLOLA.

      23. Lindsay Clukies

        February 6, 2018

        Where is the crib from?

      24. Rachel

        February 8, 2018

        How and where can you get the rabbit pictures printed? Besides at home.

      25. Lindsay Clukies

        February 8, 2018

        Where did you get the mountai hanging frames? Love!

      26. Kelsey

        February 8, 2018

        Can you tell me the size of the bunny prints?

      27. Midge

        February 11, 2018

        Hi were bunny pics from plz and basket shelf’s that are on the floor and pompom laundry plz

      28. Lyndsi

        February 22, 2018

        Where did you get the round rug??

      29. Jackie

        March 2, 2018

        Hi, can you tell me where she got the bunny sheet?

      30. Beth

        March 2, 2018

        The crib sheet is from Boll & Branch. The exact set is linked in the sources (right column on desktop, scroll down below comments on mobile).

      31. Jen

        March 14, 2018

        Interested in finding out the size of the bunny prints and what frames were used. I found the etsy shop LILAxLOLA but you only receive the pdfs and need to print yourself. Would like more details because you did a great job!

      32. Jen

        March 14, 2018

        What chair did you use? I am looking for one with a high-back to accommodate a tall husband and yours looks quite tall.

      33. Claire

        March 21, 2018

        I’m with you Jen. Looking for the perfect nursery chair. Beth, where is your chair from?

      34. Beth

        March 21, 2018

        Hi Claire, It’s not my nursery. I’m the Project Nursery Editor. :) The nursery owner did not include that info, and unfortunately I can’t tell what chair that is by sight.

      35. Claire Hobbs

        March 22, 2018

        Oops! Sorry about that!

      36. Beth

        March 22, 2018

        No problem!

      37. Jessica

        March 25, 2018

        I love the fluffy ball bin, where is that from please?

      38. Heather

        April 4, 2018

        Hi! What size rabbit prints are pictured? xx

      39. Nicole Bishop

        April 23, 2018

        Did any receive an answer on what size prints they are?

      40. Brianne

        April 26, 2018

        Where dis the step stool come from?

      41. Brianne

        April 26, 2018

        Also where did the blanket come from that’s thrown over the crib?

      42. Tanya Tucker

        May 23, 2018

        Where is the half moon pillow from? Thanks so much. <3

      43. Silvana

        June 2, 2018

        Hi, can you please let me know where you got the picture frames from, thank you.

      44. Nadine

        July 4, 2018

        Do you have the link for the round rug?

      45. Kaitlyn

        July 10, 2018

        How big are those bunny prints?

      46. Nik

        July 17, 2018

        Hey all:
        Frame answer:
        Thank you! They are poster size. 24×36, Michaels

      47. Nlayne

        August 15, 2018

        Love the room – and…just have to point out that we have the same last name, which is not common.

      48. Milena

        October 12, 2018

        Love the room, just wanted to know the book shelves are adorable where did u get those??

      49. Dana

        November 12, 2018

        Love the room! I was wondering where you found that cut Pom Pom storage basket?

      50. Leah

        December 3, 2018

        okay I love this look much and I am totally gonna use it for my future daughter but I’m like freaking out at the name “Saylor Layne” cuz that’s the name that I have been wanting to name my daughter. Like it’s weird that you have the same first name but you also have the same middle name and you spell it the same and it’s so weird cuz it’s not a common name but def good job cuz it’s a beautiful name. I ALWAYS wanted to name my daughter Saylor Layne and I want to name my second daughter Blayke Lively.

      51. Lk

        December 6, 2018

        What paint colour is the room?

      52. Gretchen

        January 6, 2019

        Where is the chandelier from? I’ve been searching everywhere!

      53. Beth

        January 8, 2019

        Your nursery has been featured in our 2019 Nursery Trends post! Thanks for being a part of our design community!

      54. Ilyanna

        January 11, 2019

        What’s the name of the paint color on the wall?

      55. Ilyanna

        January 11, 2019

        What’s the name of the paint color used on the wall?

      56. Josline

        February 24, 2019

        Hi there, can I please have a link for the round rug? The name of it please

      57. Adelle

        March 7, 2019

        What size are the bunny prints please?

      58. Randie

        April 18, 2019

        Do you know what rug the round one is on WayFair? I’m not finding it.

      59. Ian

        July 6, 2019

        for those asking about the paint color – it looks like either behr sculptor clay (home depot) or benjamin moore revere pewter. Both are really beautiful colors

      60. Josianne

        December 29, 2019

        Can you please tell us which rug it is on Wayfair? The round one! The link only brings me to the Wayfair homepage! Thanks!!

      61. Kaylee

        January 11, 2020

        Do you know the size of the prints you used and where the frames are from? I want to get the exact bunny prints and I love the size and frames?

      62. Nicole Bishop

        January 11, 2020

        Scroll up I believe i posted those answers before.

        Kaylee JAN 11, 2020 AT 11:19 AM
        Do you know the size of the prints you used and where the frames are from? I want to get the exact bunny prints and I love the size and frames?

      63. Nicole bishop

        January 11, 2020

        Hey all:
        Frame answer:
        Thank you! They are poster size. 24×36, Michaels

      64. Jamie M

        July 11, 2020

        What paint color did you use!? I love how it looks with the crib and dresser

      65. Georgia B

        April 8, 2021

        What size is the faux fur rug? It’s all so cute!

      66. Alex

        December 2, 2021

        Absolutely LOVE your decor!! Could you please tell me the name of the beaded chandelier from Wayfair? Thank you!!

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