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    A January birthday in Iowa of course means celebrating indoors. But that didn’t mean we couldn’t bring the outdoors in. Between painting with pinecones, scooping and dumping ingredients to make our own trail mix, chucking marshmallows into a bear’s mouth, and munching on hot dogs , Camp Crew was a raging success!

    Every camper went home with a canteen and a bag of gear ( flashlight, whistle, and adhesive glow stars…so even if they didn’t get to at the party, they can sleep under the stars!) My husband built the A-frame tent and I used the Target bear as a muse to paint a piece of plywood for the marshmallow toss. The afternoon was a perfect way to wear out a clan of two-year-olds!

    Elizabeth Smith
    Elizabeth Smith
    Des Moines-based wife and mama of one, part time designer/photographer, full-time household runner!
    Elizabeth Smith
    Des Moines-based wife and mama of one, part time designer/photographer, full-time household runner!

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