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    My first daughter’s room was a joy to create, I still love everything about it a year later, and am looking forward to making room in it for her baby sister!


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      1. tkrinsky

        July 26, 2010

        Just curious – were the Blik stickers easy to use? Do you feel like they are going to damage your walls? I’ve been thinking about using them, and the pattern you used is one of my faves. Thanks.

      2. Chandra99

        August 9, 2010

        The Anise pattern was pretty easy to put on. I don’t think I will be removing them any time soon though so it is hard to tell if I could get them off without damaging the paint underneath.
        Blik does have a Re-Stick line though, that is meant to be easily removable and reusable that I am sure would not damage anything.

      3. PrincessRaina

        August 20, 2010

        I just love the simplicity of this room.  I really love your concept of a common thread.

      4. TheLifeofPi

        August 26, 2010

        Chandra99:  Thanks for sharing this room.  I love the choice of colors.  I adore the mobile that you made.  Great work!

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