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    Brady’s nursery is a combination of all things old and new, handmade and purchased,  tied into one theme: Rustic Cabin.

    Ashley Bitting
    Ashley Bitting
    Ashley Bitting

    Shop New Arrivals


      1. Lauren Benoit

        April 18, 2012

        Very cute nursery.

      2. Dandelion

        April 25, 2012

        That distressed dresser is a winner! Is that color teal?

      3. Kirsten

        April 25, 2012

        Hi, would you mind sharing what the name of the paints you used for your nursery? I really like what you’ve done with your nursery :) thanks

      4. Ashley

        May 10, 2012


        Yep! It’s a dark teal. I purchased it on Craigslist but my original plan was to purchase and paint a dresser just like this. I just got super lucky when I found it already done!

      5. Ashley

        May 10, 2012


        The gray walls are Lowe’s no-VOC paint color matched to Benjamin Moore’s Conventry Gray. I didn’t realize how HARD it was to find the right color of gray!! Some are too brown, others too silver. This one was perfect! I purchased the dresser on Craigslist. :) I’m happy to answer any more questions so just let me know!

      6. Brooke

        May 11, 2012

        Love the room! Can you please tell me where you found the rug and the crib bedding? Thanks!

      7. Ashley

        May 11, 2012


        Rug – Urban Outfitters
        Crib bedding – made by a friend but the fabric is Joel Dewberry Modern Meadow Picnic Plaid and Nap Sack in Grass. Etsy also has these as well as similar fabrics for custom bedding.

      8. subaec01

        June 2, 2012

        I love the baskets in the ladder!!! How did you attach them and where did you get the baskets from?

      9. Ashley

        June 2, 2012


        Coat hooks! :) They are screwed into the ladder bars and then I just pushed them through the weave of the baskets. I got the baskets at Marshalls.

      10. D.Ray

        June 19, 2012

        Question about buying used furniture for a nursery: I’m very worried about off gassing from MDF & paint – any tips on how to make sure used furniture is safe?

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