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    1st Birthday Party for my son Blake

    Rebecca Propes
    Rebecca Propes
    Rebecca calls Gilbert, AZ home. Interior designer by trade, mom to 3 boys and crazy talented in everything party, home, and DIY.
    Rebecca Propes
    Rebecca calls Gilbert, AZ home. Interior designer by trade, mom to 3 boys and crazy talented in everything party, home, and DIY.

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      1. Melisa

        December 20, 2010

        I am still blown away by that Target gate. Every detail is so cute and yummy. Amazing job Rebecca!

      2. Ken

        December 29, 2010

        Fabulous cake, I agree!!!  But I think it’s those cute little sugar cookies that takes the cake (no pun intended!)

      3. Recreate

        December 30, 2010

        I love the colors of this party.  Exciting.  And it helps that all the decors here are like something new to the eyes.  No cliches!

      4. CraftyMom

        January 6, 2011

        So NICE!!

      5. Fanny

        November 23, 2011

        I Love the colors where did you find the wall paper on the back ?
        Is great!

      6. Manuella

        May 17, 2013

        Hello!! Very beautiful!! congratulation!! I also would like to know where did you find the wall paper on the back. Thanks a lot!!

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