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We prepared this room for our first baby- a little girl. Once we found out that we were having a girl we wanted to create a soothing environment with feminine touches. I’ve always been a huge fan of butterflies, so I was thrilled when I discovered the Beautiful Butterfly beading from NoJo. I had a blast creating her nursery and am very pleased how it tuned out!
Very girly butterfly and lavender room! The colors are so feminine and delicate and lovely. I like the lavender glider and ottoman, the changing table and the quilt.
i love the purple room. so pretty
Your baby’s room is beautiful! Great job! Do you mind if I ask where you found those curtains? I have been searching everywhere for butterfly curtains exactly like that for my baby girl to be nursery. Also I cannot find that rug anywhere, babies r us does not carry it anymore apparently. Thank you and any help is much appreciated.