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    A gender-neutral room with a book-theme for our first baby.

    Shut Up Duffy
    Shut Up Duffy
    Shut Up Duffy

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      1. NYC1984

        January 24, 2011

        Oh my gosh I love this!  I have been trying to find ideas on how to incorporate books into a nursery other than just putting books everywhere and I’m surprised that there aren’t that many resources out there for book-themed nurseries.  I might have to steal a few ideas from you, so thank you for sharing!  :)

      2. Recreate

        January 25, 2011

        Great work here!  I love the ultra modern look that is book-inspired without necessarily looking like a dusty library!


        January 25, 2011

        I love the book cover art.  That is just brilliant.  Adorable room!

      4. kberland

        January 27, 2011

        I absolutely love this nursery.  Its simple with a theme that isn’t totally overdone!  Those books will be off the shelves in no time!

      5. amanda1433

        January 30, 2011

        I love the mobile! Does your friend sell them?

      6. CreativeCrumbs

        January 31, 2011

        Went through your blog and basically enjoyed myself.  I think it’s nice that you seemed to have fun being pregnant and it shows in your pictures and your work here.  Great work on this room as well!

      7. rewing123

        January 31, 2011

        Thanks to everyone for all of the nice comments!  Amanda1433- This was the first time my friend made the mobile and actually just started a new job so I’m not sure if she’d be able to start making and selling them right now, but I sent her this link so she can get in touch with you if it’s something she could do.  Thanks again!

      8. KelleJoya

        February 1, 2011

        Your framed art pieces look really interesting. And oh, a book-themed shower. That would be nice. I see you are a bookworm. And you even kept some of your old books!

      9. mamabeck3

        February 1, 2011

        Your nursery is beautiful! I would love to know the paint brand and colors you used! I’ve been looking for the perfect shade of green and this may be it!

      10. Samantha Linnea

        February 2, 2011

        I have been searching for a theme and just when I’d lost hope, here you are! I love the book theme idea and am definently going to borrow it. I couldn’t think of something I liked enough to have a whole room in my house full of and yet I have a library and didn’t put the two together. Thank you so much!

      11. rewing123

        February 16, 2011

        Thanks!  I’ve actually had several requests for the paint color.  It was painted about 5 years ago so I’m going to have to see if we still have the cans in the basement.  I’m 5 days late right now and I’m on semi-bedrest so I can’t go scrounging around down there but I promise that as soon as I can, I’ll post the colors.  

      12. Taylor

        October 5, 2011

        Hi, I was wondering where you got the book covers printed?

      13. rewing123

        October 6, 2011

        I printed them myself. I just picked a bunch of books I wanted to use and searched online for high quality images. Then I printed them on photo quality paper. Except for The Giving Tree, which was the actual book cover torn off. The Alice In Wonderland print was torn from a calendar w/ book illustrations in it.

      14. jspielvogel

        January 6, 2013

        I’m not sure that words can express how much I love this! I work with, and I just googled “children’s book nurseries” and you popped up. This is amazing – nicely done!

      15. Amy

        September 29, 2014

        Help! I love your nursery- so much that we are putting together a book themed nursery as well. I am having trouble finding high quality images of the book covers. Any tips? Thanks :)

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