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    Ecclectic vintage inspired nursery


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      1. lynsmama

        May 23, 2011

        Would appreciate any and all comments.  Too girly or boyish?  Thanks!

      2. leslielou820

        May 26, 2011

        i really like how you used the embroidery circles to create neat “framed” art, I’m def going to do that in my lil girls space-cool!

      3. BriskRain

        May 30, 2011

        I like the little details you added, especially those little “speak no evil, see no evil and hear no evil” monkeys. I also like the shadowboxes, although I’d encourage you to put more whimsical items inside, aside from books and frames.

      4. sangtrip

        August 8, 2011

        i agree – the addition of the little details make the room!

        what is the wall paint color you used?

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