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    When I first found out I was pregnant and soon after found out I was having a girl, the initial ideas I had for a baby girl’s nursery were much different than what ended up materializing.  My husband seemed to be okay with me handling the design and decor part and he was more than happy to execute the setup.  I knew I did not want the color pink in the room.  I knew that I wanted a neutral wall color in case we ever decide to have another baby.  Those were the only two ideas I had.  It wasn’t until my sister showed me a photo of a black and white nursery she found on pinterest when I knew those were the neutral colors I wanted.  I decided to accent with gold because I thought that would add a feminine/glam touch without being overly girly.  I don’t consider myself to be very good at designing spaces or decorating.  Our house is a work in progress and when inspiration hits, that’s when we make any decor additions.  I thought it was going to be a challenge to pull a room together with a strict color scheme in such a short amount of time.  With plenty of help from pinterest and Project Nursery, I ended up with plenty of inspiration and it even became fun to find all of the details for this nursery.  We joke that this room is the most complete room in our house.  We know it will surely be comfortable and peaceful as we expect to be spending quite a bit of time in there.

    Julianne Geraghty
    Julianne Geraghty
    New mom in Cincinnati, Ohio.
    Julianne Geraghty
    New mom in Cincinnati, Ohio.

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