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    Our First Nursery for our first baby boy. Due May 21st!!


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      1. hawahawa

        May 4, 2011

        I love how simple this whole room looks!  And you know what? I simply love those fabric panels, you should teach us how to do these!

      2. uofmrocky

        May 6, 2011

        Thanks so much!  It is our first nursery so it was very experimental.  The fabric panel are super easy and super cheap.  All you need to do is go to any crafts stores IE Michales and purchase different sizes of their painters canvases.  Then go to any fabric store and buy some fabric that matches the room.   Finally just use a staple gun to staple the fabric to the backs of the canvas.   SUPER EASY and SUPER CHEAP!

      3. uofmrocky

        May 6, 2011

        Thanks so much!  It is our first nursery so it was very experimental.  The fabric panel are super easy and super cheap.  All you need to do is go to any crafts stores IE Michales and purchase different sizes of their painters canvases.  Then go to any fabric store and buy some fabric that matches the room.   Finally just use a staple gun to staple the fabric to the backs of the canvas.   SUPER EASY and SUPER CHEAP!

      4. smallhousebaby

        May 9, 2011

        I love your glider!  We’ve been looking everywhere but can’t find one we like.  Do you mind telling us where you found it?


      5. uofmrocky

        May 10, 2011

        Thanks! We found the glider on this site

        They have quite a few to choose from. 

      6. Trisha

        May 17, 2011

        Absolutely LOVE the color of the walls. We are looking at different shades of grey for our twin boys’ room. Would you mind sharing the color/brand of paint? Thanks! :)

      7. uofmrocky

        May 17, 2011

        Thank you much!  It is called LazyGray by sherwin williams. 

      8. uofmrocky

        May 17, 2011

        Thank you much!  It is called LazyGray by sherwin williams. 

      9. uofmrocky

        May 17, 2011

        Thank you much!  It is called LazyGray by sherwin williams. 

      10. CreativeCrumbs

        May 25, 2011

        Who are your etsy suppliers?  I love that lamp and that mobile, where did you get those?

      11. kvestrand

        July 22, 2011

        I really like your furniture – where did you get it? I’m having a girl and really don’t want white – do you think this is too dark for a girl?

      12. uofmrocky

        July 22, 2011

        THe Mobile I bought from .  The Lamps are from Ikea….I love the furniture as well.  It is very high quality for being from Babies R us.   It is made by baby cache.     I don’t think its too dark at all for a girl.  It’s all about the colors of of your accesories and your walls. 

      13. Amanda

        August 16, 2011

        I was wondering where you got your crib set. Did you make it yourself? If so where did you get the fabric! I love it.

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