Shop Suggestions

    My daughter Ariella is the sweetest little thing.  When the time was coming to plan her 4th birthday party theme, I suggested at least a half dozen ideas to her for themes and she promptly dismissed all of them and exclaimed “I want a bunny party!”  She also specifically requested to have live bunnies at her party :)

    Entertaining With Emily
    Entertaining With Emily
    Although my design background is in interior architecture, I am a creatively-obsessed, hands-on DIYer mostly because I have an insatiable need to alter everything, just a bit. I never met a can of spray paint I didn’t like!
    Entertaining With Emily
    Although my design background is in interior architecture, I am a creatively-obsessed, hands-on DIYer mostly because I have an insatiable need to alter everything, just a bit. I never met a can of spray paint I didn’t like!

    Shop New Arrivals


      1. Shirley A.

        January 31, 2016

        Shirley here from Seven Anchors Designs! We’re thrilled to be listed as one of Emily’s vendors for her amazing party (still swooning at the pictures). We’re offering 15% off to any readers coming from this Project Nursery blog. Use code: PN15OFF. Cheers!

      2. Lynzy Ponchione

        April 3, 2016

        Hi! This bunny birthday is absolutely adorable! I love the bunny/veggie signage….where can I find something similar?

      3. Dani

        July 26, 2016

        I love the “It’s some bunny birthday” watercolor wallpaper. Where can I find something similar?

      4. laura

        March 22, 2017


        Where did she find the poster frame easel? thanks so much!

      5. Christina Chamnongvongse

        March 18, 2019

        Hello! Where didn’t you get the some bunny’s one backdrop?

      6. Beth

        March 18, 2019

        Emily sells the backdrop for the dessert table here.

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