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    For our baby boy, I wanted something fun and light and whimsical, with lots of color.  I love blues and greens, and I fell in love with the Riley Blake aqua chevron fabric on Etsy.  Hours were spent on Pinterest and looking for the perfect everything, while keeping a slight budget in mind and spending money where it counted.  Another challenge was the room – two walls of windows, doors on the other walls, and duct work creating difficult corners.  Everything had to be measured exactly for this to work!

    A former NASA engineer turned SAHM with a couple part time jobs to keep my sanity. I've been married four years and our first baby boy was born in July 2013. My loves are my family and friends, my puppy, traveling, pinterest, facebook, and parties.
    A former NASA engineer turned SAHM with a couple part time jobs to keep my sanity. I've been married four years and our first baby boy was born in July 2013. My loves are my family and friends, my puppy, traveling, pinterest, facebook, and parties.

    Shop New Arrivals


      1. Maia

        October 9, 2013

        Such a lovely room! That photo of your baby is just adorable!

      2. Frauline

        October 16, 2013

        I particularly love the various patterns you used — chevron, polka dots, and what’s the other pattern called?

      3. Amy Lyn Eilers

        April 26, 2014

        Just wondering how you like that chair? We are looking at getting the same one but with it being an online only item, I’m hesitant.

      4. Lisa Riley

        May 13, 2014

        We’ve had it a year now, and I love it. It’s held up well, and has hidden all the milk stains!

      5. Lisa Riley

        May 13, 2014

        I’m not sure! I found the material on etsy.

      6. KC

        May 29, 2014

        I’ve been looking at the Child Craft London crib but can’t seem to find a mattress with dimensions that match up to it. Where did you find yours?

      7. Joanne

        August 1, 2014

        Never thought of gray walls. Put it in my guest room tonight. Build out tomorrow.

      8. sonia

        July 7, 2015

        Where did you get those floating bookshelves? I really like them.

      9. Rachel

        July 13, 2015

        Is the glider the Halo Sterling color?

      10. Jennifer

        September 17, 2015

        Is the chair Halo Rope, or Halo Sterling?? Looking to buy the same one, I love it!

      11. Katherine Enright

        November 19, 2016

        Hi! Where did you buy that rug?! I love it but can’t find it anywhere!!! Any help? Thanks!!

      12. Ashley

        July 13, 2017

        Where is the dresser from?

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