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    Designed this in 2009 while pregnant with my first- Amelia Rose, born in May of 2009. Got a few things at Anthropologie and did lots of arts and crafts projects (painted the mural, made the mobile, and the light arrangement). It was so much fun! Soon to transition her room to a toddler room now that baby #2 is coming in October! Will take pictures of our future son’s nursery and Amelia’s newly transitioned toddlers room soon (-; Here’s my blog which I will post info and photo’s of of my art and the babies room-


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      1. IngridCalloway

        August 3, 2011

        Looks like a very cute and pretty nursery. Too bad you shared only one photo.

      2. Caroline'sKids

        August 3, 2011

        Hi Ingrid,

        I did this write up and started uploading but after 1 picture it kept timing out? So if you can give me a tip on uploading multiple pictures I would appreciate it (-; Thanks!

      3. Caroline'sKids

        August 3, 2011

        Created a collage with the photos, so sorry they are so small but I couldn’t upload more than 1 for some reason so I redid it . Now everyone can see the nursery in it’s entirety (-; Visit my blog if you like to see more of my creative mind at work-

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