Shop Suggestions

    My husband and I wanted to give our baby a fun, colorful, (budget friendly) room, that spoke to both boy and girl, since we weren’t finding out the gender of our baby till he or she was born. Looking at the finished product that took us months to achieve, we happily succeeded. We hope our little Nicholas is as happy with the room as we are. :)


    Shop New Arrivals


      1. Brooke M.

        January 17, 2012

        I love the color combinations! Do you mind if I ask what the wall color is? It’s exactly what I’ve been looking for to use in my little girl’s room!

      2. Jean

        January 17, 2012

        Brooke M.,

        Sure! Its called Forget Me Not by Benjamin Moore…and I added 25% white to it.

      3. Susie

        January 18, 2012

        I love it. Can you tell me which changing pad you’re using? It seems great as it can be strapped to the dresser!

      4. Jean

        January 18, 2012


        I rigged it. LOL Its the standard changing pad from Babys R Us…i attached the strap to the back of the dresser and under inside the drawer top so it doesnt move…and good thing I did, cuz my son is quite the squirmer! So far its worked out great. :)

      5. Emily

        January 18, 2012

        Hi, Love the room, especially the chevron valance. I looked for “Trouser” on Etsy, and didn’t see it. Is that the correct shop? Thanks!

      6. hawahawa

        January 19, 2012

        Your changing table is absolutely gorgeous! I like the pops of modern colors or hues all throughout the nursery.

      7. Jean

        January 19, 2012


        Yes, Trouser is correct. Her name is Ashley…i dont know why its not coming up I just checked it.

        I recommend Jonna at fingersandtoes who did my bedding…she can do the valance too.
        i just had Ashley at Trousers prior to booking Jonna, or I would have just had her do everything. I also had Jonna make a diaper caddy for the back of the bedroom door (thats not showing in the pictures) and its so cute. :)

      8. Jean

        January 19, 2012


        Thank you! Im sooo happy how it came out. My husband worked so hard on it LOL
        I really appreciate the compliment :)

      9. Christy

        January 20, 2012

        Love it! And thanks for posting where you got everything. Are those origami stars? Was wondering how you did the mobile?

      10. Jean

        January 20, 2012


        Yea I just took thin scrapbooking paper that i had in the colors I needed ( don’t use anything thick or you won’t be able to fold it… or you can buy origami paper), some are magazine pages I cut up too… And cut strips of them and folded origami stars and threaded clear fishing wire with a needle through them making a knot to separate them from each other. The stars are really easy to make.. You can YouTube it and watch a tutorial…. Its super easy!!

      11. Carrie

        January 24, 2012

        I was wondering where you ordered the sparrow decal from? It’s super cute! I have been looking for a similar one for my daughter.

      12. Jean

        February 2, 2012

        Beepart is the artist’s shop on etsy. His name is Neil. good luck!

        I was wondering where you ordered the sparrow decal from? It’s super cute! I have been looking for a similar one for my daughter.

      13. debbie

        February 29, 2012

        Made with Love! xxoo

      14. Jean

        March 6, 2012


        :) yes indeed!

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