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Vintage Fishing Party


Finding a venue and activity for a group of kids under the age of 6 is challenging!  What does one do when the birthday of your favorite 5 year old is in March on the East Coast?  You have a fishing party of course!

Design Inspiration

Inspired by our son's latest obsession I jumped at the idea of finding a nearby place to host a fishing party.  It just so happened that our local state park runs a program for kids just his age, including an instructor and and use of their party space.  

Decorating Style

Traditional with a twist.  I love classic design mixed with a modern flair - not just in home decor but in anything including parties!. Plus, if you add the right mix of color it makes any design uniform and unique.

Project Details

This was a mid-afternoon party so I kept the food light and served fishing themed snacks:  Mini Minnows (goldfish), Melon Bobbers (melon balls + fruit salad) and Squirmy Wormies (gummy worms).  I custom ordered table tent printables & gift bag tags from the Etsy shop Itsy Belle:  I loved the color scheme for these printables so much that I retro fitted all other details of the party to match, including the invitations from Jenrik Designs: and the personalized favor bags from Sweet Mady's:


Favorite Items

Using Pinterest as a source of inspiration I transformed these cutout cardstock fish into napkin holders displayed on a table wrapped in brown paper with a fish net overlay.  There are so many fabulous ideas out there just waiting for you to tweak and make your own!


If you have a theme you love, designing a party is easy.  Using vintage or unusual display items will make your party even more special and unique.  It was also fun mixing artwork or decor (i.e.framed hook display and wooden buoys) that I had at home into the tablescapes - somehow it makes the party even that much more personal.

20 Fishing Themed Birthday Party Ideas

Monday 30th of July 2018

[…] From Anne Marie via Project Nursery […]

20 Fishing Themed Birthday Party Ideas | Spaceships and Laser Beams

Monday 28th of May 2018

[…] From Anne Marie via Project Nursery […]

B. Lovely Events

Monday 3rd of June 2013

Love the fishies in this party! Had to feature them on my fishy ideas for pool and beach parties today.


Friday 1st of February 2013

Anne Marie you did such a lovely job! I absolutely love your color scheme! I love it so much that I have decided to use the same colors for a couples shower! I know this may be a silly question, but could you please inform me where you purchased the paper plates, napkins and balloons? I would appreciate it greatly! Thank you :)

Itsy Belle

Monday 30th of July 2012

Thanks so much for including our Lil Fisherman Printables! Your party is adorable!