Baby Rooms

The suspense is over! We are ready to unveil our July Project Gallery winners. Congratulations to louisakopp for designing a room that is bright, cheerful and a lovely example of how you can create a fabulous room on a budget. In similar fashion, our Party of the Month winner, Elizabeth, created a hot air balloon celebration that …

When I'm helping expecting parents design their nursery, I tell them to spend the money where it counts! There's nothing wrong with combining luxury items with discount items and making it all look amazing together. Dressing the windows can finish the room—not only does it help darken the room to aid sleep, it adds a …

girls hot pink and silver baby nursery

In the years since we started exclusively designing nurseries and childrens' rooms, we've had several projects that instantly became crowd favorites. As we are nearing our 100th project, we've been taking some time to reflect on those special rooms. And, we've finally made some of our most popular items available for sale in our new …

Stripes are the next big thing in the baby's nursery! And we're showing you a beautiful example of how to do it on Project Nursery's ALL NEW YouTube Channel.  Today's example comes from mom and designer, Lindsay, of Anyon Designs, who created a beautiful nursery for her baby Hawken. Lindsay painted horizontal stripes all throughout …

Who doesn't love the feel of a vintage room? Congratulations to shuttermom for creating a lovely nursery, full of feminine accents and classic inspiration. Thank you to all who voted—in the spirit of vintage, hearing from you never gets old. Vintage Pink and White Nursery by shuttermom Click Here for More Photos and Details   Want …

Time flies when you're having fun! Clearly you were all having fun creating lovely nurseries and festive celebrations in honor of your children. Thank you, readers, for all of your inspiring work. While you're having fun this weekend, please remember to let us know which project you "like" most by Monday. Summer Olympics Party by …

Cheers to stripes! In horizontal rows of pink and white, this small city nursery looks more spacious and so feminine with its striped walls. Congratulations to annabear for taking a risk and seeing a huge reward—we all loved it! Girly Pink Stripes by annabear Click Here for More Photos and Details   Want to be …

Great job, readers! This week you really showed us what you are made of with your lovely nursery designs and creative party planning. We are impressed with all the gallery entries but there are a few standouts we'd like to mention. Enjoy your weekend, and please take time to tell us which nursery or party …