Project Nursery

Mint Ubbi Diaper Pail

As you prepare for the arrival of your baby and inevitably go through the process of nesting, at some point cleanliness will take top priority, more than any color, design or adorable animal theme that previously dominated your thoughts. […]

Painted Dresser/Changing Table Vintage Furniture in the Nursery - Project Nursery

Oftentimes when I’m working with new clients who are expecting their first baby, I find that they worry about getting the right items and products for the nursery. Because there are so many unknowns, a lot of my clients try to stay with the items they’ve read about […]

Pastel Easter Brunch Tablescape Modern Easter Place Settings

Well folks, spring has sprung! March is here, which means Easter is more than on its way. This year I tried to come up with a uniquely fun and different Easter brunch tablescape idea to inspire you. […]

Minnie Mouse Birthday Party

We love starting out the week with a new readers’ favorite. It’s always fun to see which project resonated with our readers the most. This week it’s an adorable birthday party for a two-year-old Minnie Mouse fan. […]

When the BABYZEN YOYO+ arrived on my steps, I was legitimately shocked by how small the box was. I knew that it folded up small beforehand, but I was still super impressed to see it in person. Seeing is believing, my friends. […]

Pink and White Twin Nursery Modern Nursery for Twin Girls - Project Nursery

Are you ready for a little eye candy to kick off your weekend? Well, look no further because our gallery is overflowing with new inspiration, and today we’re sharing our four projects of the week. […]