Project Nursery

Project Nursery 2017 Baby Shower Gift Guide and Giveaway Enter to Win Hero Image

We’re ready to shower one lucky winner with our favorite baby products from feeding to nursery decor and everything in between! We know how overwhelming it can be to finalize your registry, so we are back again for our annual Spring Shower Gift Guide and Giveaway to help relieve as much pressure as possible! […]

Herringbone Shiplap Girl's Nursery

We’re leaving our toys out! This week’s roundup of nursery designs from our Project Gallery features spaces that used baby’s playthings as part of the decor. Now before you gasp, let’s remember that baby products and toys have come a long way. […]

Stokke Steps Chair

Discerning, design-loving parents, your stylish baby gear search ends here! Stokke has stepped up the high chair game with their sleek and modern Steps Chair. […]

Project Nursery Mum + Bub SmartBand

Big news friends! We’ve officially launched in the land down under. That’s right, mate, Project Nursery’s line of stylish and functional electronics for growing families can now be found in both Australia and New Zealand. […]

Free Printable Mother's Day Card

Now I love florals and pastels as much as the next mom, but I thought it would be fun to do something a little different when celebrating Mother’s Day this year. I created this sweet, modern and fun Mother’s Day celebration to share with you, with a Whole Llama Love for Mama! […]

Tempaper Celestial Border Stripe

There was a time when you could hardly call a nursery a nursery without a decorative border adorning the room. It’s easy to see why this trend was so popular—it’s a quick and easy way to add a decorative element to the space with minimal effort. […]