Project Nursery

Video Baby Monitor System with Digital Zoom Camera from Project Nursery

When I was a kid, I was convinced that the second I became a mom, I would grow eyes in the back of my head, allowing me to see every move my child made. Turns out, that isn’t real life, but I’m not telling my toddler So while we’re stuck with just one set of …

DIY Fourth of July Parade Wagon Independence Day Wagon Decor

For me, the best part of our Fourth of July celebration is the fireworks. There’s something so magical and nostalgic about waiting until it’s dark enough for the fireworks show to begin and then watching the beautiful display of lights burst to life.

Santa Fe Nursery Furniture Collection from évolur

You know how they say that hindsight is 20/20? Well, my daughter is ready for a major bedroom overhaul, and the so-called perfect crib that I chose for her many moons ago is about to be kicked to the curb. Why, you ask? Because in all my excitement to design the perfect nursery, I failed to …

Free Printable Summer Wall Art

The kids are officially out of school, so we’re getting into the summer vibes with lots of pool time, sugary popsicles, sticky watermelon lips and sunscreen-covered faces. To celebrate my favorite season, I created printable wall art just in time for summer. […]

Vintage Soft Pink and White Girls Nursery - Project Nursery

As summer has been creeping in, the uploads to our gallery have been getting hotter and hotter! We’re so impressed by all of the latest designs, and after much deliberation, we’ve selected six room finalists who compete for the title of Project of the Month. […]

Rustic Bohemian Floral Nursery - Project Nursery

There’s something new to see at every angle! This week’s readers’ favorite nursery is this gorgeous Rustic Bohemian Floral Nursery by Jamie L. Brown. A lover of planning parties and designing rooms, this mother of three knows the fun of adding interest into every corner of a space. […]