Our house has been in full swing party mode the entire month of February. After hosting a super bowl party, a baby shower and a birthday party, I have a whole new appreciation for the amount of time and effort our readers put into their parties. After browsing the gallery, it looks like our house …
Project Nursery
We have a new Project of the Week! We are excited to announce that Cami’s Valentine’s Playdate by I DO invitations by michelle is our readers' pick! Congrats to our winner, and a huge thank you to everyone who voted! Cami’s Valentine’s Playdate by I DO invitations by michelle Click Here to View More Photos …
Has it been a month already? Although time has been flying, our readers have been very busy uploading stellar rooms to our gallery! After a lot of deliberation and hours browsing the gallery, our team finally narrowed down the amazing rooms to six February Project of the Month finalists! Now we are leaving it up …
Living in New York City has its perks, but apartment living with three young children has its challenges. It requires me to be super organized when it comes to keeping the kids rooms clean and clutter-free. When my kids want a toy they want it pronto, so categorizing toys by size and type (cars, balls, …
Happy Friday everyone! You know the drill. Our team is ready to announce our top four picks and then you the readers select our Project of Week by letting us know which project you "like" best. Hope you all have a fabulous (long) weekend and can't wait to see which project you choose! Collin’s Nursery …
We've curated whimsical plush rugs to coordinate nicely with everything in your child’s toy box. Find playroom perfect rocket ships, balloons, honeycomb patterns and more on sale today at Opensky.
I have to admit when I open the mailbox to uncover a new catalog I get excited. Maybe it’s the shopper in me, but there is something amazing about opening a catalog filled with new products! One Step Ahead is always a fan favorite in my house. My daughter and I love to sit down …
I spent hours searching for shopping for my daughter's highchair. I wanted something that was functional but didn't scream "baby" the second you walked into the kitchen. I ended up settling for a very basic chair, a brand that shall remain nameless, but always wished for something a little more hip. The Baby Bjorn highchair definitely …