Project Nursery

What makes a stroller smart? Is it its adaptability to multiple terrains? Is it its ability to transport children from birth to four years old? Or what about the way it folds flat and takes up less space? We took the new phil&teds Smart Stroller for a test drive (well, lots of test drives!) to get …

Jordin Sparks Nursery

We’re so excited to tell you about this special nursery that we’ve been keeping under wraps (hint: you may have caught a glimpse of it over on We’re touring the nursery of American Idol winner Jordin Sparks today! […]

S'mores Cart

Happy Fourth of July, dear readers! We hope you have a wonderful and relaxing day and save at least a little room for a treat. […]

Clementine Swaddle

It wasn’t that long ago that I had my first baby, but the way the industry has changed over the years, it might as well have been in the dark ages! When creating my baby registry, I had to physically go to the store and zap everything with the scanning gun. I also had to …

Project Nursery Baby Monitor

Over the years, we have added a number of different products to our line, but the monitor will always be our first baby, and we want to give you the chance to win one of them! We’re giving away our 4.3″ Baby Monitor System with 2 Digital Zoom Cameras. […]

Baby Builder Tee

Cricut has introduced a lot of new products over the last year, but there is no product that has me more excited than their new SPORTFLEX Iron-on. Let’s just say, I had my own personal mom fail not too long ago attempting to DIY my kids’ sports jerseys with traditional iron-on. Spoiler alert, it didn’t …

Red White and Blue Nursery Design Inspiration

A little dose of American spirit in the nursery is a patriotic touch that we can all get behind. And what says USA more than stars and stripes, and red, white and blue! As we celebrate Independence Day all week long with this sale, we can’t help but showcase some of our favorite nurseries, playrooms and …