Project Nursery

Baby HearMuffs

Summer is filled with outdoor events—fairs, live music, sports games and more. Now some events are just not meant for baby, so call up a sitter when required. But there are other outdoor events that an older baby can happily tag along with some minor modifications. […]

Painted Nursery Dresser

Have you found the perfect vintage dresser for your nursery but it’s a little beat up? Just can’t find that perfect shelf in the perfect color for your nursery space? The simple solution is a can of paint, some elbow grease and a spare weekend. […]

Walmart Baby Registry

Setting up your baby registry can be overwhelming. We get it. You’re new to this whole parenting gig after all, and this kind of feels like your first test. (Don’t worry, no one’s keeping score.) We’re excited to introduce you to the Walmart baby registry, which makes it super easy to set up and add products …

Favorite Breastfeeding Essentials

Did you catch our social media manager and mom-of-three, Lauren, on IGTV? She shared her very favorite breastfeeding essentials. With a third breastfeeding babe in the mix, you better believe that Lauren has racked up a lot of experience and good breastfeeding tips! Watch the video below to see if any of her breastfeeding essentials …

printable art

We put together a cool DIY artwork project for all your cool kids. I love easy projects that make a great visual impact. And what’s easier than a free printable DIY project, right? […]