Project Nursery

Surviving the Holidays with Baby

Oh the holidays! This time of year can be such a beautiful time to spend with friends and family, but if you are a new parent, the thought of surviving the holidays with baby can be a daunting one. […]

Holiday Gift Guide for Moms

If you have an expectant mom or a new mom on your holiday shopping list, we think it’s nice to give a nod to this special time in her life. […]

Philips Avent Bottles

The world of a new mom can sometimes be overwhelming. I remember the day I decided to introduce my little one to a bottle. I walked into the bottle aisle of the store and was shocked by the sheer number of choices. I didn’t know where to start […]

Holiday Gift Guide for Baby

Okay, okay. So baby probably won’t remember her first Hanukkah, Christmas or anything with her name on it under the tree. But that’s no reason to skimp in the gift department, especially since mom and dad will appreciate new treasures and functional gear too. […]

Great Adventure Blanket

We’re celebrating Black Friday NOW through Nov. 28 with 25% off all the goodies your cart can hold in The Project Nursery Shop! And the best part? No crowds or lines—just you, an afternoon filled with little ones napping peacefully and your shopping list! […]

Neutral Boys Nursery

If you needed proof that it’s totally possible to design a gorgeous nursery without knowing baby’s gender, this is it. Catherine and Sean Lowe, who met and fell in love on The Bachelor, recently welcomed their son Samuel into their family […]

Quilted Christmas Bedding

With Thanksgiving coming tomorrow, we know Christmas decorating is not far behind. While we are all busy decorating the main parts of our homes why not bring a little holiday flare to the little ones? […]

Cookie Teether

Is it just me, or are stockings the BEST part of Christmas morning? There’s something so exciting about watching your loved ones pour through their goodies, knowing each item—no matter how big or small—was picked specifically for them! […]