Chevron may be the trendiest pattern of the moment, but these lattice-patterned walls can create just as much impact in a nursery. Whether you use painter's tape or a stencil to achieve the effect, the result is eye-catching and impressive. Take a look at some examples from the gallery—I love that the pattern looks great …
Design Inspiration Ideas
They say that the cobbler's child never has shoes, so what happens when a nursery designer's little girl is born? Well, it's the opposite of the age-old proverb—this cobbler's child gets the Louboutins of nurseries. We wanted to share some of the images and elements of Alessia's little lady's tiny nest. Blending white, gray and …
We are deep in the trenches planning a much-asked-for get together for my daughter Lauren; she wants to have a lemonade stand playdate with some of her friends. Of course, I am like most mothers who have a hard time turning down their little ones' requests, and I especially have a soft spot when she …
It's so hard to resist the daily emails from GILT. The clothes, the accessories, the gifts, the DEALS! Guess what? Project Nursery has teamed up with GILT Baby & Kids to offer two curated sales featuring some of our favorite nursery furniture lines and essentials. The first sale begins on Tuesday, April 24th at 12pm …
Spring is in full swing, and we are thoroughly enjoying the bright color trend that is hot, hot, hot this season. Could it be that our Show us Your CMYK Style contest set this trend in motion? We'd love to think so, and with over 280 entries to our contest, we must tip our hats …
It is hard to believe that I started contributing as a design expert for Project Nursery over three years ago. This first room is the nursery design that I have to thank for it! Here is a little recap of three different budget nurseries I have designed for my three boys over the last few years. …
I just love scrolling through the pictures of all the gorgeous nurseries in Project Nursery's gallery, and I always find myself drooling over the rooms that radiate color and creativity! I'm a sucker for color, especially when you take two colors that might not be considered otherwise and combine them into a beautiful masterpiece. My …
In Florida, we are already in the middle of strawberry season—one of my favorite times of year! I look forward to the day every year that Plant City, FL strawberries start showing up in the farmers market—they are the biggest, sweetest, juiciest strawberries you've ever had. But I'm betting your state has its own version …