Installing a car seat can be a frustrating task. Complicated buckles, latches and straps and differences among vehicles have made me yank and shove on more than one occasion. […]
Baby Gear
We’ve all heard it countless times—babies grow up way too fast. Those precious newborn moments are fleeting, and I don’t know about you, but I’d much rather spend my time playing peek-a-boo […]
We love when we are introduced to a new product and can instantly see how much impact it can make in new parents’ lives. When I first learned about the Halo Bassinest Swivel Sleeper, I was intrigued […]
Why is it that as soon as you announce that you’re expecting, everyone has an opinion about everything? Everything, it seems, except how to register for the things you’ll really need once baby arrives. […]
From colorful acrylics to reclaimed wood, the baby industry is taking cues from well-designed interiors, and it’s about time leather became a focal point. […]
When you have a new baby, sometimes it seems like blankets are a dime a dozen. Aside from teeny tiny baby clothes, they seem to be everyone’s favorite non-registry gift to give at a baby shower […]
Here at Project Nursery, we’ve been fans of the Dutch baby gear company Nuna for a while now, and we were intrigued when they revealed a new stroller that will grow with little ones from birth until their strolling days are over. […]
I love a nice suntan as much as the next person, but I value my health, and that of my family, above all else. How can we protect ourselves and our children from the sun’s harmful rays without staying indoors all summer long? […]