Room Decor

Our nursery design clients are always asking us for items that are unique and custom. It seems like the options for customization are endless, but a lot of times they come with a large amount of extra time, effort and money. Every now and then, we will come across a great resource for custom items …

I love to get out into the community to do projects, especially with kids. There is something so fun about working with children—their honesty, openness, creativity and innate wonder always impress me. I am honored to have received a grant from the Bourne Cultural Council and Kelly Burdge, an art teacher at the school, to create some mural …

In my opinion, there's three things you need with a newborn: milk, diapers and swaddle blankets. With a five-week-old swaddle-a-holic at home, I currently feel like a swaddle blanket expert. This is my third baby, and although I remember swaddling my first two, I don't think they required it (or enjoyed it) as much as …

In the past few years, nursery design has greatly expanded from the days of pink or purple for girls and blue or green for boys. Designers and homeowners alike are thinking outside the box, using unique color schemes in their nurseries and children's rooms. We, of course, think this is a fabulous trend, and thankfully, …

We love that first moment a baby sees him or herself in the mirror and breaks into a wide grin. It's a game that you can play with your little one over and over again. When designing a nursery, we like to select the right mirror to fit the room to complete the scheme and …

In many nurseries, the bedding selection is the heart of the design. Are you still looking for the perfect bedding for your nursery? We are big fans of the bedding at New Arrivals, Inc., but did you know they sell a lot more than bedding? Their online shop is filled with everything from bedding to …