Room Decor

Baby Dolls from My Sweet Muffin

I’m all for buying what a new mama has asked for. I diligently refer to the baby registry and select an item or two off the list, and then I get to the real fun. I love looking for something a little different to add to my baby shower gifts. […]

Owls and Arrows Nursery Stencil from Cutting Edge Stencils

DIY is all the rage these days, and I’ve definitely joined the tribe of enthusiastic crafters. I’ve amassed quite the collection of supplies lately (sorry hubby, #cantstopwontstop), but one thing I haven’t yet added to my DIY arsenal is a stencil. […]

Cupcake Toppers from Gifts Define

We are so excited to introduce you to Gifts Define, an amazing company that specializes in one-of-a-kind, handmade products that bring personality and fun to kids’ rooms and events. […]

So many parents-to-be (myself included) dream and design and plan their perfect nursery for months before that sweet little babe enters the world. Some people love everything about it, from choosing the theme to accessorizing every last nook and cranny. But sometimes it can be incredibly overwhelming […]

Birch Tree Nursery Decals from Pop Decors

We love Pop Decors because they offer modern and non-permanent solutions to add character to any drab nursery walls. Removable decals are all the rage these days, and we think they’re a great choice because they don’t require a big commitment or investment. […]

New Baby Bedding from Dwell Studio

We have been big fans of Dwell Studio for a long time. They seem to knock it out of the park every. single. time. While dabbling in traditional baby themes like animals and florals, Dwell Studio always puts their signature style on it, making their patterns seem fresh and modern each time. […]

Novogratz Girl's Room

Near the end of last year, we revealed that Project Nursery partnered with The Novogratz on #ProjectAddi. I’ve been a longtime fan of this design savvy family and was over the moon to tap into their design knowledge. I’m so excited to FINALLY reveal the room. […]

Taxi Nursery Artwork from Rise Art

Rise Art is an online source for contemporary art, and this amazing site not only has a fabulous collection, but it also helps to take some of the guesswork out of selecting artwork for your home. This week we’re teaming up to give you the chance to deck your nursery walls with some truly beautiful …