Room Decor

Caden Lane Floral Crib Bedding

This is one thing you can always count on—Caden Lane knows how to rock a nursery trend. When it comes to the latest and greatest crib bedding, our friends at Caden Lane are always on point! […]

Hand-Lettered Nursery Name Art - Project Nursery

Well hello, gorgeous hand-lettered nursery art. We’re so smitten with the trend toward hand-painted signs adorning the walls of baby’s space. They make a bold, beautiful statement, whether it’s custom name art or an inspirational quote carefully designed in perfect calligraphy. […]

Kids Art from Foster Art Company

I’ve designed a few nurseries over the years for parents waiting to adopt. It’s a very different experience, and it really opened my eyes to a whole new pathway to parenthood. Adopting a child is a beautiful thing, and there are so many children in need, even just in the United States. […]

Nursery Works Menagerie Collection

Nursery Works is no stranger to the Project Nursery community. This cutting edge company is continually catching our eye and is known as an industry trendsetter—and you all know how we love a new trend here at Project Nursery. […]

Mesh Crib Liner from BreathableBaby

We already introduced you to BreathableBaby when PN co-founder Melisa put their mesh crib liner to the test in baby Emmy’s crib, and now we want to share it with you! We’re teaming up with BreathableBaby to give you a chance to win one for your little one’s space. […]

Caden Lane Teagan Collection Baby Bedding and Complementing Artwork

Okay, I admit it, I’m a sucker for new design trends in the nursery, and let me just say that this new Boho baby style has me jumping for joy! I love, love, LOVE color in the nursery, and the Boho style is a perfectly eclectic mix of pattern, color and funkiness! […]

Mesh Crib Liner

Ready to find out what happens when you mix style and safety? PN co-founders Pam and Melisa are here to tell you! Tune in to the video below because they’re giving us an up-close and personal look at what happened […]

Nature versus nurture may be the ultimate philosophical discussion when it comes to trying to figure out who exactly our little babies are going to turn out to be, but there is no doubt that nature has always been a major inspiration for design in the nursery. […]