I am new to the Etsy thing. I am new to the blogging thing but through some cool design blogs, ie. SF Girl by Bay, I noticed a banner on their sites that say "buy handmade". So I stumbled upon some really special artists. One of them creates mobiles and oh how I wished I …
Room Decor
Mirrors are great, don't you think? They are an easy way to brighten and open up any space. Everyone has used the old mirror over the mantel trick to make a room look larger. A mirror in your child's room is a nice way to tie things together too. Plus, it has saved me on many …
Corporate Creative Director by day and Crafty Do-It-Yourselfer by night. SF gal Natalie Hansen has a knack for interior design. Just check out her blog http://www.steamedartichokestudio.blogspot.com/. Project Nursery would like to give Natalie kudos for recently being featured on one of our very favorite blogs, Design*Sponge which showcases her fabulous $12 DIY lamp revamp. Our …
...but Twice as Nice! Let's face it: As a first time mom, it's difficult enough planning for the arrival of one baby. I could barely maneuver the registry process let alone try to figure out what I would need two of. Mom Amanda either had some great help or she's just an excellent multi-tasker. Either …