We introduced you to Natart Furniture a couple of months ago. You remember, that little Italian furniture company that’s not so little any more? They started in Italy, but after demand grew, they moved to North America to expand both physically and into more departments, including baby! […]
You know the feeling when you find that one amazing product and you don’t buy it right away, but then it takes up permanent residence in your daydreams? Yeah, us too. I mean, you know us—we’re like a living version of Pinterest […]
We’re renaming May “The Month of Furniture.” If there’s one thing we all love over here at The Shop, it’s putting our best furniture on SALE. Yep, you read that correctly. From May 20th – 30th 2016, you can snag items from our Spot on Square collection for 20% off. […]
We are always on the hunt for companies with a strong design vision, and Natart Furniture started in a little old place called Rome, Italy—talk about a wealth of inspiration! […]
Flowers aren’t the only thing blooming this spring! We know that a lot of you have growing bellies, and whether you’re a first-time mom or a seasoned professional, knowing which items to add to your baby registry is no easy task. […]
If you have a baby, I’m sure you’ve heard that “the days are long, but the years are short.” These are the words of wisdom that, for me, are strangely comforting when I’m having an especially challenging day with my littles. […]
Good news, mamas! One of our favorite cribs here at Project Nursery is on sale for the entire month of May! Score this classic style for under $200, or spring for the crib + toddler rail for less than $225. […]
It seems like most things baby-related are so fleeting. As new parents, we await our little ones’ milestones for what feels like forever, staying wide-eyed and vigilant because if we blink, surely we’ll miss them. And it’s not just those special firsts that are here today, gone tomorrow […]