For Mom

Mother Stork's Baby Book

Second-time moms often don’t have a baby shower, and with no registry to go by, it can be more challenging to think of the perfect gift for the mom who has done it all before. Here are our gift ideas for the second time mom (or third or fourth) that we are sure she’ll love. …

Favorite Maternity Jeans

This is my third pregnancy, and for my first two pregnancies, I struggled to find a pair of maternity jeans that fit me correctly. As a disclaimer, I will note that I refuse to pay any where near the $100 price tag that some maternity jeans go for. […]

Parent + Baby SmartBand

Hey guys, Melisa and I are having one of those “pinch me” moments. It’s obviously been an exciting week with the official launch of our Project Nursery Parent + Baby SmartBand. […]