Baby’s Things

I See Me! Personalized Books

As a first-time mom, everything is new and exciting—every few weeks I find myself saying, “This is my favorite stage!” And right on schedule, over the weekend I looked at my husband and confidently stated that our daughter Bauer (approaching eight months) is currently in my favorite stage. […]

Gap Aden+Anais Collection

We’re very loyal to our favorite brands at Project Nursery. Sure, we are always looking for the latest and greatest, but there is a special spot in our hearts for our tried-and-trues! And when two favorites come together? Perfect harmony! We are loving the new collaboration between Baby Gap and aden+anais. […]

Boon Baby Spoon

You guys, I’ve talked about this spoon before, that’s how much I love it. I don’t see it get a lot of play across the web and I rarely see it in a baby store, so I feel like I need to shout it from the rooftops! […]

Emmy Wore

Baby style has never looked so good or so darn chic, which is why we’re dabbling with hashtag #whatbabywore on Instagram for a little fashion fun around these parts! […]

Gold Birthday Party Crown - Project Nursery

Much to our amazement, the two newest members of the Project Nursery family will be turning one within the next few months—my son Everett’s birthday is first at the end of October, and Melisa’s sweet Emmy is next in December. […]

Baby Hair Accessories Organization - Project Nursery

From the very first mention that you’re having a baby girl, you’ll start receiving little tiny baby hair bows and headbands as gifts—more than you’ll know what to do with. Luckily, they are darn cute, and they perform double duty as decoration for your nursery. […]

DIY Sensory Box for Toddlers

My littlest one (a twenty-two-month-old boy) is into touching and exploring everything these days. And what toddler isn’t? His favorite books are all of the Usborne “touchy-feely” books from the That’s Not My… series. I’ve seen many DIY sensory boards floating around Pinterest […]

With all the options out there, deciding which toys to get for your child can seriously make your head spin, but today we’re introducing you to a company that offers a high-quality collection of toys that are both fun and safe for your little one. […]