
Readers, get ready! Another week is coming to a close and we're excited to announce our Nurseries and Parties We Love This Week. These nurseries and parties will make you smile with their creativity and thoughtfulness.  Thank you to all who submitted to the Gallery-- everyone did a great job.  Before you go off into weekend …

It's that time of year! I love the summer months. Not only is it my family's (yes all of us!) birthday season, it's also time for spending beautiful weekends by the pool with family and friends. To get you in the mood, I want to share some essentials for a pool party playdate that the …

We hope everyone's Monday is off to a great start! We are pleased to announce our Readers' Favorite. Think blue. Congratulations to THREElittleBIRDS for your Smurfs-themed birthday party. You transformed your backyard into a Smurf village, igniting the imaginations of all the little party guests. Smurftastic! Thank you to all our readers for taking time …

Thank you, Project Nursery fans! It's been another week of fabulous entries into our Project Gallery. There were so many lovely nurseries and parties this past week, picking our favorites was tough. Alas, here are our selections, but the work is not done. We need to hear from you! Please help us by letting us …

It's time to name the new Project Gallery winners for May. These two choices reflect all that we love at Project Nursery—creative use of design, colors, materials and personality! Congratulations to apenrose, room project winner, and Ashlee, party winner, for springing to the top and being the recipients of our $50 Visa gift cards. Thank …

Remember the artist's paint palette cookies I shared with you? Well, here is a follow-up with some more great DIY party ideas. We are in full birthday swing over here. Between me and my bestie/business partner, three of our five kids have birthdays between April and May. This first party was themed around the birthday …

Project Nursery fans, you've blown us away this week with your submissions. What a week of clever, creative, colorful choices. Thank you for taking time to make our Project Gallery so vibrant and interesting. While all the rooms and parties were impressive, these choices highlight the magic of thinking outside-the-box in nursery design and party …

Beautiful chunky necklaces are very popular right now. Why not make one you can eat? They are super easy party favors, just detrimental to your middle! Make them fast, and you will be alright. Here is what you will need: 1. Colorful gumballs 2. Ribbon 3. Metal skewers 4. Embellishments like flowers and ribbons (optional) …