
Vintage Little Lamb 4th Birthday

We saw some beautiful work in the gallery this week, and readers, we know you’ll keep it up as we say goodbye to Summer and hello to Fall. Before you kick off your holiday weekend, please let us know which one you “like” most, and we’ll share the favorite on Tuesday morning! […]

Here at Project Nursery we love design, but we also love a fabulous giveaway! So when we found out some of our favorite brands had teamed up to bring you the Ultimate Baby+Kids Sweeps, we couldn’t wait to share the excitement with our readers! […]

Grandparent Present Ideas

We all know about Mother’s Day and Father’s Day, but have you ever celebrated Grandparents Day? As we all know, grandparents are very special people in our little ones’ lives (as well as our own). […]

Girl's First Birthday Party

I totally fell in love with this soft aqua, pink and peach party when I saw it. It’s not over the top. It’s not unachievable for everyone but the talented few. It’s not that expensive to recreate, but you know what this pretty little birthday brunch is? Unabashedly feminine, stylish, thoughtful and executed with great …

Girl Pink and Grey Nursery

TGIF, the weekend is almost here! We are excited to share with you our four favorites of the week from the gallery. Take a look at these and get ready to be inspired, and please don’t forget to tell us which one you “like” the most by Monday. […]

Vintage Beach Baby Shower

Wow, you wild party animals, you really raised the bar this past month with your amazing ideas and thoughtful planning. We are so thrilled to open the voting polls on our six favorites. Please take a moment to vote for the one you like most—the winner will win a $50 Visa gift certificate, courtesy of …

Vintage Modern Nursery Crib View

This was an amazing week in the gallery. We saw so many creative designs and fabulously inspiring ideas in all the rooms and parties uploaded. Please take a look at these four favorites of the week, and let us know which you “like” most by Monday. We know you’ll feel excited by what you see! …

Our project gallery is alive with the sound of music! What a sweet, classic children’s theme to use for a party, and we love all the DIY touches like the mountainscape and Austrian menu. This party had us humming those famous “do, re, mi, fa, so, la, ti…” notes all day. […]