Room Tours

Happy Monday everyone! It's the start of a new week, and we are excited to announce the new Project of the Week. Congrats to lizcarrollinteriors for being this week's readers' pick! Blue and Green Big Boy Room by lizcarrollinteriors Click Here to View More Photos and Details    Want to be one of next week’s picks …

The projects uploaded this week blew our socks off! We have some very talented readers. Our team selected our top four picks, and now we want to hear from you. Let us know which project you "like" best. Can you narrow down to just one? We'll see who the winner is on Monday. Chic Nursery …

As some of you may know, our family kicked off 2012 with a cross-country move. While I was dead set on raising my boys in sunny California, life had other plans for them, and my husband had an opportunity that simply made sense for the entire family despite being on the "wrong" coast. My 70° …

London's Big Girl Room took this week's Project of the Week by storm, and we are proud to announce it as our new readers' pick for Project of the Week! Congrats to Ginny, and a huge thank you to all of our readers who let us know which project they "liked" best! London’s Big Girl …

TGIF! We're kicking off the weekend by celebrating another four incredible projects uploaded to our gallery by our readers this week. Seriously, you guys are amazing. Every week it's so difficult to pare it down to a select few. And you all get the toughest task of all, picking just one favorite that you "like" …

Is it the end of the month already? I can't believe we are wrapping up February and hopefully heading into spring already. Our readers came out in full force this month to help us select our new Project of the Month winner. As usual, it was a very close race, but two projects pulled through …

We have a new Project of the Week! We are excited to announce that Tully's Teal, Green & Gray Nursery by Ashley C is our readers' pick! Congrats to our winner, and a big, big thank you to everyone who voted! Tully's Teal, Green & Gray Nursery by Ashley C Click Here to View More Photos and …

Here we go! It's been another great week of great projects from our talented community of parents and designers. Our team's top project picks are below, and now you the readers get to select our Project of Week by letting us know which project you "like" best. Enjoy the weekend everyone, and a big thanks …