Declutter with $500 to Target & The Container Store

As some of you may know, our family kicked off 2012 with a cross-country move. While I was dead set on raising my boys in sunny California, life had other plans for them, and my husband had an opportunity that simply made sense for the entire family despite being on the “wrong” coast.

My 70° and sunny bubble quickly burst when the movers arrived. Deciding what was coming to our new NYC apartment and what was heading straight into years of storage was no easy task. This life-changing event called for some serious downsizing. And while I had a 22-month old to manage during the move, I also had his enormous sleigh crib to deal with. After all the packing and purging, the last thing I wanted was to lug a massive crib cross-country to use for what, just a couple of months? The panic then set in after thinking logistics. Would the crib fit in the room? How would I get rid of it? Where would I store it? And so it was decided—my youngest would be fast-tracked into a twin bed to share a room with his 4-year-old brother.

Little Brothers Are Awesome
Just like the shirt says, “Little Brothers Are Awesome”

Shared rooms are a hot topic in these parts. Pam and I are both making our kids share (although she has one up on me as she’s mixing genders). The real issue then becomes how does one mom (me!) single-handedly manage all their stuff? Keeping clean and organized is a constant battle with small children. Throw in a small space and a small closet, and well…here we are today.

After weeks of wrestling with kid clutter, I am sharing a few tried-and-true design solutions, plus a sneak peek into my boys’ new room (still a work in progress). Keeping it organized from the get-go is what gets me to the finish line of each and every hectic day here in the Big Apple. And let me just say this…This is not a designer room with three things on the wall so it looks good in a magazine. My kids have lots of stuff. My boys insist on loads of color, their own art work on the walls and Superheros splashed just about everywhere.

Gray and Yellow Boys Shared Room
So far so good

Note: I did have the option to sacrifice my home office space and give the boys their own rooms, but there’s something about forcing them to share everything in the hopes of them becoming very best buds that’s every mother’s dream. I figure it’s worth a shot.

Brothers Wall Letters
I see a little decoupage project in our future

1. Maximize wall space. Clearly this is the theme of the room. Truthfully, it’s just my way of keeping photos and frames out of the closet. Coming from a larger home, we had so many frames that we decided to create gallery-style collages on many of our apartment walls. I spray painted some and re-framed others in white, so the art would “pop,” and the frames would blend into the walls. Not only does it make a major design statement, I’m also proudly showcasing my children’s art collection and a few family heirlooms in the process.

2. Purge and then edit and edit again. The sole purpose of this exercise is to save my sanity. It sounds excessive, but do they really need every single stuffed animal they’ve received since they were born? Just saying…

Bus Pillow and Lovie
One of the keepers

3. Limit decorative accessories. Not everything needs to be included on the shelf or bedside table. Not only will it look cleaner, you will actually be able to keep it clean with a quick dusting or wipe down.

Heirloom Toys
Cherished toys compliments of grandma and grandpa

4. When in doubt, go up. That’s what great shelving is for. My picture ledges are working double time as excellent space-saving bookshelves.

Childrens Book Wall Shelf
My favorite space-saving solution

5. Get it off the floor. This is probably one of the biggest offenders when it comes to kid room clutter. Vacuuming and keeping the dust bunnies at bay is a constant when living in a small apartment, so I like to give myself a break and clear floor space by hanging what I can when I can.

Skip Hop Zoopack Zebra
Backpacks are always up and off the floor

6. Keep it fluid. Have storage boxes standing by, already labeled. My clear bins are just waiting to be filled with the clothes my oldest will pass down to my youngest.

Closet Storage Bins
Once a bin is filled, it

So that wraps up a sneak peek into my new apartment lifestyle. I am now more anxious than ever to finish off some of the design details in the boys’ room, and I’ll be sharing more in the coming weeks. But now we want to hear from you. We are offering our readers a giveaway you won’t want to miss in an effort to help you keep your kid space clean and clutter-free. How do you manage all of your kid clutter?

WIN IT!$350 Target gift card plus a $150 Container Store gift card to one lucky Project Nursery reader, a $500 value!

HOW TO ENTER: To enter, simply share with us your very best tips for keeping your kid space clean and clutter-free by commenting below. For official contest rules, visit here. Contest ends Thursday, March 22, 2012 at 11:59 PM EST.


Disclosure: This post is sponsored by the makers of Clorox® Disinfecting Wipes, the quick and easy way to clean and disinfect your home!

Melisa Fluhr

Melisa Fluhr

With a passion for decorating and design, it was Melisa's experience as a first time mom, that inspired her to start Project Nursery.


  1. Fiona

    March 6, 2012

    My tip? Go through (or have your child go through) the toys at the end of every day and put it where it belongs. Don’t let it pile up!

  2. Amy F

    March 6, 2012

    The best advice is what I learned from my own mom. Less is more! Purging old toys, clothes, etc makes a big difference when it comes to clutter. Plus it’s always a great thing to give toys a new home and a new life!

  3. Danene

    March 6, 2012

    I swear by picture ledges for keeping everything off the floor.

  4. Jessica

    March 6, 2012

    Purchase furniture with legs. We actually did this by accident with our son’s nursery furniture. His full-size bed (formerly a crib), dresser, chest, and nightstand, all have about 7″ of space beneath them, so I can store a ton of stuff under there, out of sight.

  5. Mallory

    March 6, 2012

    I put all my daughters toys in plastic bins and rotate the bins out. It keeps her interested in her toys and the toys aren’t all out at once. She obviously, has some toys out all the time for easy access, but when she gets a bin she gets excited to find out whats inside. Once she is done playing she is able to throw her toys back in the bin and we put it away. It is easy to tell what toys she has out grown because she wont take them out of the bins so we just pack them away until the next little one arrives or it is time to donate.

    Old clothes I use diaper boxes to box them up. They are great storage boxes.

  6. Laura

    March 6, 2012

    I don’t really have any good advice since I’m still expecting, but in general I like to purge my stuff frequently so it doesn’t become that avalanche of a closet that you see in cartoons.

  7. Cjko

    March 6, 2012

    My baby is just 3 months old but I plan to do what my fried does. On their birthdays (summer) and around Christmas she has her boys go through their toys and give them to less fortunate kids. The boys love doing it and it teaches them generosity while also cleaning the clutter.

  8. Pam

    March 6, 2012

    Melisa, please come over and help with all my clutter! love all your tips. Thanks

  9. leah

    March 6, 2012

    I have a basked designated for all the “little” things that need to be taken to the back of the house – either to my son’s bedroom or bathroom. I’m able to drop off the comb, lotion, random lego, sunscreen, stuffed animal, hat, ball, etc into the basket then take ONE trip to his room and put everything in the right place.

  10. Yanina

    March 6, 2012

    I have a toddler who is almost three and we do crafts everyday so instead of him just going through ALL of the supplies we have I have 3 little pins each with different fun stuff in it and he chooses what he wants to do. That way things don’t get everywhere glue is spilled when it’s not even used and we get to do all of them throughout the day because I don’t have to clean up the same stuff over and over and over!

  11. tami

    March 6, 2012

    containers! i love containers. everything feels so much better and cleaner when its all contained :)

  12. Lauren

    March 6, 2012

    My tip is to have a designated ‘spot’ for things and they go there when he’s done playing with them. Granted, he’s still only 9mo old so lots of things will change, but we figure if we start now, it’ll help get into a routine later.

  13. Crissa Robertson

    March 6, 2012

    Start with an organized room. Keep it clean and picked up at the end of each day. Even if you struggle with that, at least you know where things are supposed to go and it makes clean up easier…as opposed to not starting with a clean space and never cleaning up because you know you need to organize and that is going to be a bigger project than you want.

  14. Justine

    March 6, 2012

    Lots of bins and baskets!

  15. Audrey

    March 6, 2012

    Keeping my husband out of my daughter’s room is how I keep it clean! He will take over every horizontal space in the house if I don’t set boundaries. :)

  16. Lauren R

    March 6, 2012

    I’m just setting up my first nursery, but I think a huge thing for me will be every item having a designated place. Then there is no excuse for not putting it away!

  17. Sivan

    March 6, 2012

    I’m a sucker for storage boxes! Clear Tupperware style for the closet for clothes waiting to be worn or that have already been outgrown, and cute and fun containers for toys in the room. And of course, teaching my girls early on to clean-up with me.

  18. Amanda Hays

    March 6, 2012

    Just like everyone, I’m a lover of storage boxes and also placing random items in decorative pieces. School supplies in a wicker ottoman, games in the leather ottoman, craft supplies in a decorative box. This way things are accessible yet camouflaged for decor.

  19. Paulina

    March 6, 2012

    Bins, bins, and more bins. Everything has a home in their own bin!

  20. Helen

    March 6, 2012

    My boys are at the age where I’m trying to encourage them to take responsibility for their things. Labeled bins and hooks at kid-height have really helped them to tackle their own toy/coat/bag/accessory cleanup!

  21. Holly

    March 6, 2012

    The one thing that helps us out is to have a container for everything, and to know where it goes. Our house may be a disaster after play time, but it doesn’t take long to throw everything into the right bin.

  22. Shelbey

    March 6, 2012

    We have small bedrooms in our home so many of my baby’s toys are all over the living room. Woven baskets filled with toys actually look good in our living space. No plastic bins to put everything in to make it look even more “kidish”. Then at the end of the day I just toss everything in the baskets and my floor is clean. Ready for the next day!

  23. Kelly K

    March 6, 2012

    Splitting the toys into 4 boxes and rotating these four boxes lets them play with “new” toys every so often and cuts the toys down to 1/4 of the total!

  24. Elizabeth

    March 6, 2012

    I just had my baby shower and was blown away but the quanity of clothing, toys, books, diapers and wipes I had. My home is tiny! 800 square feet and baby’s room is just as small. I realized that I was going to have to be super organized in order to keep things under control and clutter free.

    I sorted all of my clothing items by size and put them in vacuum seal bags to save space then labeled the containers.

    I bought a cubby storage unit with baskets to sort toys and books

    My crib which is kiddy- corner in the room creates a great hiding place for extra diapers and wipes ( I keep them in the space between the crib and wall and underneath with a crib skirt to hide them away)

    I purchased a changing table that had shelves and baskets to put extra toiletries and diapers in and finally, I found a wonderful munchkin closet organizer with a place for everything in it- socks,shoes, onesies, sleepers/ birb cothes, etc.

    The key is to have a spot for everything and to put everything back in it’s spot. My nursery is clutter free!

  25. Megan Fenno

    March 6, 2012

    My favorite tip or advice would be to make sure everything has a place, no matter what. When items don’t have place where they can be put away, things can tend to build up and give your kid’s room that “cluttered” feeling.

    Here’s another thing I found to be helpful: I use plastic bins for all my sons old clothes that no longer fit him and label them by size. So far I have a “0-3 month” bin, “3-6 month” bin and “6-9 month” bin.

  26. Maralee Sullivan

    March 6, 2012

    I’m a big one for storage containers–of all sizes. I like to keep toys organized by theme in small bins and then be able to toss those into a bigger bin (that also holds bigger toys that don’t fit in small bins) and then throw the big one into the closet. Works great for us and the floor CAN be completely free of toys very quickly (but usually they’re left out…)

  27. Maribel

    March 6, 2012

    I used containers baskets to put my kids toys and also put their clothes in bins depending on the season that way I dont have a lot of clothes that they dont use.

  28. Nicole

    March 6, 2012

    I have a very active 2 year old (who probably should have been named Chase) who has 7 grandparents and 3 great-grandparents. Needless to say, he has every toy a 2 year old could dream of. What I’ve learned to do (read: was forced to do due to lack of space) is ‘rotate’ his toys. This does two things: when I think he’s getting bored with some of his toys, I switch them out with others and they’re like new again…secondly, it eliminates some of the clutter that would otherwise be strewn all over his room…and my house.

  29. Hannah Siburt

    March 6, 2012

    My tip . . . spend 5 minutes straightening up at the end of every day.

  30. cherie chapman

    March 6, 2012

    Every year at the holidays my kids clean out toys and clothes they no longer wear then we post an add on craigslist for free items to families in need over the holidays. This way they feel good about getting rid of stuff they no longer use and get to see first hand how much it really helps families in need for christmas presents

  31. Dana

    March 6, 2012

    I use storage boxes that I put all his toys in and later store it in his closet. Also his crib has legs that I am able to store boxes of toys under.

  32. Jami Hall

    March 6, 2012

    I use storage totes and organize all my daughters toys in them.

  33. Bren

    March 6, 2012

    I always rotate toys. I let my son pick out 5 or so toys to keep out in his room and then store away the rest. When he starts to get bored, I rotate in some new toys. It keeps him focused and excited about the things he already has – and helps me to cut down on the clutter!!

  34. Gina

    March 6, 2012

    I already have the “keep things off the floor” rule in place, and that definitely helps with vacuuming little dust bunnies. I’m also creating a closet organization system that’ll help with organization AND storage AND act as an “office” for my kindergartener. Hey, just because she’s 6 doesn’t mean she can’t take her homework seriously :-)

  35. Addison Kat

    March 6, 2012

    My tip is to get rid of the clutter!! Can’t get rid of toys? Hide half of them and once your kids are tired of their current toys, bring some of them out and rotate them so they’ll always have something “new” to play with..

  36. Megan

    March 6, 2012

    I love baskets! I put everything up and out of site in our attic that we dont need on a daily basis and then everything has a container – clear containers, baskets, bins, etc. I also clean out closets every 6 months. Sometimes you find things you didnt even know you had and other times you realize why its still sitting in the back of the closet. I donate everything so that makes us feel good to help other people.

  37. Julie

    March 6, 2012

    My all-time favorite piece of advice about avoiding clutter in the first place: for every new item that comes into the house, give away or throw away at least 1 other item. This can pertain to anything in the house – toys, clothes, shoes, etc. And it certainly doesn’t only apply to kids – mommys can always use this advice!!

    Great giveaway! It would be HUGE to win this since we’re expecting baby #1 this Summer. Thanks!

  38. Lindsay E.

    March 6, 2012

    Every month we do a closet purge and store clothes we’re keeping in those airtight vaccum seal bags. Cuts down on clutter and storage space!

  39. Hillary H.

    March 6, 2012

    My little one is only 3 months, but to keep my house un-cluttered I try to put away toys etc each day. A little to pick up is a lot better than a lot to pick up, and can make cleaning less intimidating!

  40. nechama levin

    March 6, 2012

    lots of containers!!!!!

  41. Amanda

    March 6, 2012

    I like to go through everything a couple times a year and get rid of things I don’t need.

  42. lace

    March 6, 2012

    containers with pictures on the front of what goes in them. That way they can easily take care of their own things.

  43. Jessica Lauren

    March 6, 2012

    What a cute and organized room! We just keep everything organized in (what seems like) millions of bins labeled with what they should contain. With 3 boys (2 seven year olds and a 2 year old) things get messy, but they’re big enough now that they can help clean and put away their own things.

  44. Whitney

    March 6, 2012

    Wow. I have two boys and love your ideas. Esp. the Brothers sign on the wall.

    As far as keeping things clean and decluttered… it’s a daily task! Seriously though we donate toys we are to big for and I sell old clothes for new clothes so we don’t have an over flow in the closet. Also we have bins so they can put their toys away! Oh and Clorox wipes are a must for it all. I buy the jumbo pack of Clorox wipes at Sams!

    Thanks for the ideas!

    ramblesahm at yahoo dot com

  45. Megan Barber

    March 6, 2012

    We installed Elfa closets in our house and it has been a lifesaver. Elfa closets maximize storage space, allowing for all of my kid’s clothes AND toys to be stored in the closet. Plus, they are beautiful! I then put clear tubs with labels on the Elfa shelves.

  46. Katie

    March 6, 2012

    Containers, bins, & baskets! I have little three girls (4,6,&8) who love all of the toys that have a million parts and pieces. Each set of toys has it’s own container or basket that is labeled with name and a picture of the toy. This way even my littlest, learning to read child, can help put things away. At our house we say, “everything has a home!” Messes still happen of course, but clean up is much more manageable with three little helpers capable of putting the mess away.

  47. kate

    March 6, 2012

    Bins and baskets for storage, everything has a place to keep clutter at bay. Also make it a point to teach your children from an early age to pick up their rooms each day.

  48. NavyNuke

    March 6, 2012

    Minimize what is present. Every year let your child select old toys they would like to donate and take them out to do it. It will minimize accumulation, teach your children about charity and help them to value all that you have provided them with.

  49. Nicole Dunlop

    March 6, 2012

    I was given a wall shelf from a friend brand new in the box and had no idea what I was going to do with it until the little one kept getting into her cloth diaper stash and throwing them everywhere! This small little partitioned shelf has worked wonders for keeping them up high over the changing table out of her reach! We also have a tall white utility cabinet in her room that was given to us, it takes up alot of space! But we made use out of it! I drilled to small screws in the side to hold and easel pad and painted the front bottom half with chalk board paint! Therefor eliminating an easel! I also make use of storage under her crib and changing table with right now thin long boxes to hold items she needs to grow into(mainly puzzles, paints etc that she has gotten for her birthday)

    I need to make a spot for all of her books, your idea is awesome think once we are done poorer training and our changing table is given away I can make her a reading corner!

    Thanks for your helpful hints!
    Nicole Dunlop

  50. Kelly Lorandos

    March 6, 2012

    We purge every so few months in our house. Store or donate old toys that we no longer play with and clothes that we outgrew. Less items, less homes to find for them!

  51. Brie Rivera

    March 6, 2012

    i love to use the fabric bins on shelving units to organize, can throw things in and no one can see in them.

  52. Michelle Ellerhoff

    March 6, 2012

    I have a son (almost 4) and a daughter (just turned 2) who share a room. EVERYTHING is stored in the closet. They are used to putting toys away in there & their playroom at the end of the day. The best advice I have for this situation is colored Rubbermaid containers. She knows her toys go in the green totes & he know his go in the blue! It is a lesson in taking care of what we own, sharing, respecting each others favorites and COLORS!

  53. Virginia

    March 6, 2012

    Purge and keep everything organized! After my daughter is done playing with her toys, I would put everything back where they belong and off the floor. Once she’s older, I’ll have her help me clean as part of a game.

  54. Lindsay

    March 6, 2012

    My sons playroom is a big problem area for us. Just last week I went through it for the fifth time since moving here a little under a year ago. My best advice is that if a toy hadn’t been played with in over 6 months, donate it! I am trying very hard to stick with my plan of going through his closets every 2 months, it’s so easy to throw something in there and forget about it! Thanks for the chance to get organized!

  55. Angie

    March 6, 2012

    I always stock up on clear containers for the big toys and switch them in and out so my toddler always has a fresh outlook on playing with ALL her toys. I also like the 4 drawer plastic containers for all the smaller toy pieces.

  56. Melissa

    March 6, 2012

    My advice would be to live simply and ensure everything has a place; if it doesn’t it’s time to purge. By doing this at least your home will always look less cluttered! Cleaning up at the end of the day is a must and with my two-year old the “clean up” song does the trick :-)

  57. Alyssa Hyde

    March 6, 2012

    Get rid of the old to make room for the new. Use plastic bins to hold the little stuff. Don’t waste time organizing by type of toy or anything like that, its a waste of time cause they are all going to end up on the floor in a pile. Teach your kid to play in designated areas, that way you only have two rooms to pick up rather than six. Also, let your child help clean up. Give him or her the swifter to push around or a wipe to wipe off their little table and chairs.

  58. Kim Maciekowicz

    March 6, 2012

    For my 12 year old’s room we added to drawer units in his closet to keep clothes and all kinds of stuff since he really doesn’t use the hanging rod. We also use shelves on each side of the bed instead of night stands so he can put things up all along his wall instead of just right next to the bed.

  59. Mommydoll13

    March 6, 2012

    have set places for toys. We have bins and after dinner the kids need to put everything in the correct bin or draw.. I find it is easier to clean if everything has a set place to go …

    also going thru and getting rid of older toys that aren’t played with as much..

  60. Chelsea A

    March 6, 2012

    I have a couple of bookshelves and whatever doesn’t fit on those, they find new homes outside of ours!

    I haven’t employed this yet with our kids (first is due in May) but for myself and my husband, it works really well. With the kids we’ll show them how to take stuff to donation bins and what their ‘sharing’ does for others who might not have as many toys as they do. Cleaning + learning experience = win-win!

  61. Nicole Dunlop

    March 6, 2012

    Nicole Dunlop,

    Oh mylanta! Mommy nreds a nap! Potty*** not poorer! Lol

  62. Lindsey

    March 6, 2012

    I am new to te mommy thing but so far baskets with cute labels have been my saving grace…not only do they look cute but they are functional too! And getting them off the floor on shelves and a dresser helps fight the clutter!

  63. Mercedes

    March 6, 2012

    I have a couple of vintage crates distributed in different spaces in the house, so that I can store any toy or shoe or crayon I find on the floor… then I on the weekends it all goes back were it should be. The crates look pretty cute and they are easy to place under a coffee table!

  64. Karina Lee

    March 6, 2012

    Clean up as you go. I have a bad habit of saving all the cleaning to the last minute and then I have to do it all at once. Dust one day, vacuum the next, etc. It helps to keep it less overwhelming

  65. stephanie

    March 6, 2012

    one of the simplest tips i was ever given was to never walk by something without putting it in its proper place. this has helped us in keeping our home clutter free and will hopefully be a useful tip when our first baby arrives in 6 weeks!

  66. Jayne L.

    March 6, 2012

    I love utilizing vertical wall space to keep things more clutter-free. Hooks, bins, photo ledges and baskets are used in my 15 month old’s room to minimize the mess while maximizing the fun he can have with the extra floor space. It definitely helps to keep things off the floors and makes cleaning easier too!

  67. Lucy

    March 6, 2012

    We have all of my sons toys in the livign room… he has a huge toy box and he knows before we nap and before he sleeps we sing the clean up song and he cleans his toys! I also have started to put away toys he has not used for over 6 months in a big giant rubermade box that goes in the garage. We try to keep his soft toys and hard toys separte,,, I also make him clean up after him self after we eat he uses a wipe to clean the table, if he spills he helps me clean up the spill when he takes his clothes off he loves to take it to the laundry basket…

  68. Michelle H.

    March 6, 2012

    My sons share a bedroom and we installed extra shelving in the back of the closet and stored each son’s toys in separate plastic bins labeled with their names: baseball cards, action figures, legos, etc. The rule was that you could take out one bin but couldn’t have another out until the first was put back where it belongs. My sons have bunk beds and I added cloth “organizers” that hang off the sides for each one so they could store their favorite toys on their own bed. I also had one large laundry bin in the corner of the room for dirty clothes and a garbage can next to it for trash. We have a daily pickup day so that the room wouldn’t get overwhelmingly cluttered and dirty.

  69. msilba

    March 6, 2012

    Clean up as you go, and sort through toys and clothes each season so you can get rid of unused toys and clothes that are too small.

  70. Susan

    March 6, 2012

    I put everything in bins and label them. I alphabetize the bin and sort them by the letter versus the category. It makes my child work harder to sound out the words, so she could get what she wants from the right bin.

  71. Lynette

    March 6, 2012

    I don’t know how helpful or insightful this is but the best way I help my daughter keep her room clean is having a bin/place for EVERYTHING. That way, nothing ends up on the floor, it goes where it is supposed to be in her room.

  72. Kassie

    March 6, 2012

    With a small space, it is very important to choose design pieces that have multiple functions. Look for things that are both fun and practical. If your children are old enough, assign them a shelf or some baskets they can use for organizing some toys themselves. Not only are they learning and developing with this task, it gives them pride to put toys away where they assigned it. My experience working with kindergarteners has taught me that children love it when you give them little pieces of responsibility. You could even help them make some labels for this task. Also, for multiple children in a room, this will encourage team work during clean up time.

  73. Patricia

    March 6, 2012

    I make sure to clean up ALL the toys every night before bedtime with my 3 year old, and make sure we have a place for everything. Favourites are kept out for daily use. Old toys and toys that are no longer age appropriate are put away in clear boxes awaiting my 9 month old to grow into. I always make sure to box up clothes in clear boxes with age labels clearly marked on the outside. I don’t like toy boxes as stuff just gets lost in the bottom, or would just be emptied for the fun of it and never played with!! I have also started using the library weekly as so we can keep the books we own down to a minimum but maximizing what we read !

  74. Abi

    March 6, 2012

    I try to control clutter by shoving everything into a closet. Seriously, I do! I have grand organizing dreams and no cash to actually create them. I really control how full the closets do get though with frequent purging. If there isn’t room for it, I either purge or don’t keep it.

  75. Ashley C

    March 6, 2012

    I try to keep different toys organized by type or bin. That way there is a specific spot for everything!


  76. Miranda Welle

    March 6, 2012

    I am dealing with this RIGHT now! LOL. I tackled our downstairs yesterday that included the living room and toy room and the house is feeling MUCH cleaner right now but our upstairs is a disaster! I definitely need some organizing help up there! But for the downstairs, I just started throwing things away! The kids like to keep every little piece possible but there were toys that were missing pieces or broke and I finally just told them that they had to GO!

  77. gilda campos

    March 6, 2012

    We use label shelves and containers with their exact contents to easy child frustration when she is searching her toys. After using her toys, we tried to clean them with hand towels clorox before keeping them in its place again.
    And Holidays, toys, games, clothes, shoes, and so on all to accumulate during the year we donate them. It’s a sure way to keep your home simple, tidy and easier to keep clean.

  78. AEOT

    March 6, 2012

    Organizing and storing old clothes correctly and in LABELED bins. We’re having our second baby in 2 months and it is so nice to know that I won’t have to sort through all the clothes or figure out which bin is which size since they’re all stored together in the basement. Plus, I have gotten some total steals on clothes that are currently too big for my son who is 2 but those are all in a bin labeled for his next size up. I find that the clear bins are great for this as a quick glance will show me if I already have khackis/jeans/winter coat/ etc in that size and I don’t have to dig through everything constantly!

  79. Ashlee

    March 6, 2012

    Purge often! I also put everything in baskets and bins – the mess is contained and it looks great!!

  80. tawni raceles

    March 6, 2012

    I love being organized, and with kids its a must in order to stay sane. After being a manager of a childcare and a nanny for 10 years, I have learned so much and have applied that to my baby room, afterall, we live in a tiny 2 bedroom and had to get creative. I organized his clothes by size, with dividers I made myself. I do not keep clutter and try and have only necessities in his room and bath. I love mason jars! And use these for paints and craft supplies for art time. I also use storage shelving with bins that I put into his closet. We took off the closet doors and put in a closet package. This made it so we did not need a huge dresser and more room for play time. I always utilize space under the bed for stuff we do not use eveart ryday. I used two bins that role, and fit neatly underneath and out of sight. By utilizing all of our space we were able to still have a guest bed, crib,changing table and extra space for fun. Instead of using an easel to paint, we had our painter use special paint that is dry erase and a chalk board. We framed them, and he can now be creative directly on the wall is his own art space. Thanks for reading!

  81. Adrienne

    March 6, 2012

    Love this post and really hoping I can win this prize. I just wrapped up my daughters nursery vision board and may need to go back and revamp. The three concepts/design ideas and elements is lounge to incorporate in the room are Africa, Treasure Trove and most importantly minimalism. I think I can master my minimalist approach with some of these tips above. Thanks!

  82. deanna

    March 6, 2012

    purging when necessary and donating things out grown. having bins labeled and teaching them what the labels are and what goes in the box. I have a box for everything! keep laundry separated and teach them how to fold it and even put it up! We LOVE LOVE LOVE clorox wipes and wipe down everything in the house that needs it. So easy and effective.

  83. Katie Lewis

    March 6, 2012

    To keep my son’s room organized, we make sure to pick up on a daily basis and put things where they belong. If you do it everyday, it only takes a few minutes. If you don’t – the mess begins!

  84. Marissa

    March 6, 2012

    Keep it off the floor, and buy one, purge one is a good rule!

  85. Brooke

    March 6, 2012

    1) Bins & Baskets – They keep everything neatly sorted so it is easy to clean up. I like the label the big bins so I can find them after periods on non-use.

    2) The consignment shop is your friend – as soon as clothing is grown out of, and toys are not used anymore take them to the consignment shop. Get store credit so you can get the next size up in clothing or gear that you need. Do this often to keep only needed things in kids rooms.


  86. michelle

    March 6, 2012

    Make sure I get rid of all the things the baby outgrows and use many storage bins to keep it tidy!

  87. Stacey

    March 6, 2012

    I find that if I keep my kid out of his room it helps a lot ;) but since that isn’t practical we use ikea expedits in the closet with buckets and baskets for small “junk” items so they are out of eye shot and easy for a toddler to put away.

  88. Mama Brooklyn

    March 6, 2012

    HI! and welcome to NYC! I’m a mama to sisters, 5 1/2 years and 11 months. One way I keep our Brooklyn apartment clean and clutter free is limiting gifts and well…THINGS! In lieu of toys and such during birthdays and Christmas, we ask friends and family who insist on giving, to contribute towards a class (piano, swim, ballet, theater…). This way, gifts are not only used and enjoyed but it also doesn’t make a permanent place in our home!

  89. Colleen Fuller

    March 6, 2012

    I use nylon clothes bins with handles on them to store books & games on shelves! You can not see the clutter and they make the room look clean. Right now I have Ivory ones but I would love if the were colorful! Thank you for the great contest!
    Oh, and a dresser to put away all the laundry I do for the babies! :)

  90. karen serna

    March 6, 2012

    as a mom of two boys, i purge A LOT! i also keep a box or tub in each of their closets for any shoes or clothes they’ve outgrown. thanks for the chance to win!

  91. amy

    March 6, 2012

    For my 2 girls I follow the anti-hoarder rule. We don;t keep every toy they get, especially all the little tiny things that just seem to get stepped on all the time. We are contently purging and donating toys and clothing. I try to hold on to the sentimental or family things that will have meaning even as they get older.
    Make sure eveything has a place- and that the kids know where that place is, this really helps all of us keep organized and not searching for things when we need them. Storage bins and labels!!

  92. Amie Olson

    March 6, 2012

    I use decorative baskets with liners that match the kids’ rooms to store toys, dolls, socks, and other small items. I also use hooks to hang purses and backpacks. I also place plastic bins with items to be stored on closet shelves I store seasonal jackets and clothing to free up space.

  93. Jessica

    March 6, 2012

    We use decorative baskets with cute little labels… one for books, one for stuffed animals, one for larger toys, and one for smaller toys. If something new doesn’t fit, we donate something old! We also make sure our little guy (17 months) helps us clean up. We sing a clean up song & make it a fun experience.

  94. leigh

    March 6, 2012

    I use clear plastic containers to hold their toys. You can see in them easy.

  95. Joanne

    March 6, 2012

    Using bins to store all those toys that have a ton of pieces. Tupperware + labels = happiness

  96. Mami2jcn

    March 6, 2012

    I do a toy purge every couple of months and either throw away broken toys or donate ones that my kids no longer play with. I use bins for storage.

  97. Jennifer jester

    March 6, 2012

    We have shelving in the closet that helps keeping things up where she can’t tear it all out! (14 mnth old) I try to have her help me pick up every night before bath, we’ve made it a nightly routine. And I have a toy organizer that she can easily put the toys in.

  98. Christina P

    March 6, 2012

    Fabric Bins!!!! We have several in our nursery wall unit.

    1) Some of them are super cute. I got some bold color ones that tie in our nursery colors.

    2) They hide the mess! I use them to toss toys, blankets, baby carriers, whatever. Whenever I need to clean the room in a hurray, which is always, I just toss items in there.

    3) Helps children learn colors and how to read. Once my little man is older, we plan on writing on the box to help identify what is inside. So we’ll have one for toys, and one for water toys, and one for blankets, and whatever we’ll need them for.

  99. Sarah Jay

    March 6, 2012

    Drawers! Or bins that function as drawers. They’re the biggest clutter-busters in our house, especially when it comes to toy storage. And if you use photos on the labels, even the littlest hands can figure out where to put something.

  100. Gwen

    March 6, 2012

    I have shelving in my boys room where books and decor goes. We try to limit how much “stuff” they have and regularly sort through old toys they’ve outgrown to make room for new things.

  101. arely colin

    March 6, 2012

    plastic boxes and drawers

  102. Jessie C.

    March 6, 2012

    I use bins and drawers to organize and storage.

  103. Karen

    March 6, 2012

    Plastic boxes for legos are a must and organizing clothes in closet by type (shirts, pants, etc.) and color.

  104. Abby

    March 6, 2012

    With our first little one due in the end of May, I’ve been doing a good deal of research on just this topic! We have a small two-bedroom, and staying organized will be our main focus. Baskets, drawer organizers, hooks and shelves will all be big helpers!

  105. Miranda

    March 6, 2012

    We use storage bins, hampers, closet storage cubes and drawers for everything in the kids rooms. We have 3 boys and toys everywhere so organizing everything really helps out.

  106. Shunta

    March 6, 2012

    baskets! lots of them. in every room. to store toys etc… and labels!!

  107. Naomi

    March 6, 2012

    downsizing only keeping whats needed & handing off extras to friends & family,
    clear storage containers
    maximizing use of space ex: hanging stuff & storing under bed

  108. Coreena

    March 6, 2012

    My 1st child is due this August. My husband and I both come from very large families and will have tons of babysitters on both sides. I decided that in order to keep clutter down in my own home, I am going to spread out the clutter between our familes! Just kidding. I am going to use tons of baskets, storage containers, shelving etc.

  109. angi archer

    March 6, 2012

    I use colorful bins to seperate my kids stuff and I try to clean out any trash once a week.

  110. Cari

    March 6, 2012

    Totes, totes, and more totes.

  111. lisa hawkes

    March 6, 2012

    I make sure everything in the room has a place. That way there is no question of where things belong. This is helpful in teaching my 3 year old organizing skills early too.

  112. Kayleigh Larkins

    March 6, 2012

    Lots of bins for toys! We also have rain gutter bookshelves!

  113. Cynthia

    March 6, 2012

    That’s easy…I have a husband who is meticulous about putting things away and keeping things orderly! One quick visit to any room in my house and he has swept into order!

  114. Linda L

    March 6, 2012

    I try to keep all of the toys in one place and label all boxes.

  115. Katherine

    March 6, 2012

    The best thing I do to avoid clutter is to avoid having too much stuff in the first place. Only get essentials, and get rid of things that are unneeded or unused.

  116. Tian Hapsari

    March 6, 2012

    I used plastic shelves from target to keep the toys organized and then encourage her to help me keep it that way. I involve her in on the action when I organize her room.

  117. cynthia orellana

    March 6, 2012

    only having what is really used and played with and keeping those item in bins, drawers, baskets, etc. oh- and LABEL EVERYTHING! :)

  118. melissa hoffman

    March 6, 2012

    I use labeled baskets and bins to house toys, puzzles, and books. My son knows where things are and where they belong… this helps with my sanity more than his :).

  119. joy person

    March 6, 2012

    I make sure to not have so much in the space in the first place and I “recycle” my daughter’s toys. I’ll take some and store it away for a little while and bring them back out and it’s like having new toys instead of buying more and more toys to add to the large collection as it is. I also have a shelving unit with storage bins that are labeled with what goes in and a picture so my daughter can see and read what goes in each bin. I also have my daughter help clean by making it a game or contest of who can clean the fastest and the best! She of course always wins and gets a little reward at the end.

  120. Alanna

    March 6, 2012

    In order to keep clutter at bay I use inexpensize shelving from ikea and vintage metal wire bins to store toys and stuffed animals, you can still see all the cute, colorful stuffed animals but everything has its place.

  121. Andrea

    March 6, 2012

    I have a toy box in our main living area which helps keep the clutter picked up. I also make sure the days worth of clutter is all picked up before going to bed. Its also nice to wipe down the treadmill/counter/bathroom counter with Clorox wipes everyday. It leaves my house smelling fresh and it just feels clean. The green smell is my favorite.

  122. Nicole

    March 6, 2012

    Bins. Ikea’s Expedit furniture is perfect for books, toys, bins, and it is totally modern and clean. We have a big unit that we are actually using as a room divider since our office and nursery are in the same room. Without a doubt, that is my favorite organization space in my house.

  123. diane fond

    March 6, 2012

    I love order and we all know with children there are tons of toys,crayons,and stuffed animals all over their room.My great solution was getting a terrific cabinet .We use it for boks and then have compatments filled with baskets.One is for ART ITEMS,,another for Legos,another for dolls and stuffed animals.This can be purchased on a upscale side from POTTERY BARN KIDS or even at a garage sae and repaint.Life is so easy when Mom and children know where to look for what they want.I think it’s great to have your children make a sign for the front of their baskets.We can spend more time having fun rather than searching for the lost doll or whatever!!!!! Love using Clorox Wipes not only for the childrens play area but for bathroom and kitchens too.Lemon Scent is awesome.Great partnership!!!

  124. Jennifer

    March 6, 2012

    Purge!! It’s nothing that hasn’t already been said but it’s the best way to keep order. Also, I make use of every nook and cranny in my kids room. I have a 20 month old daughter and a 3 week old son and they share a room so space is tight!

  125. LittleBlueBird

    March 6, 2012

    Being the youngest of four my well meaning siblings are always trying to pass on their previously loved toys and i have had to learn to edit and graciously say no thank you. I also donate a great deal of items we are no longer using. Baskets tucked into shelving help keep the clutter off our floor. I have also learned to let go of my need for everything to be neat and tidy and try to be in the moment.
    PS love the beds. does anyone where are they from?

  126. Kyla

    March 6, 2012

    Bins and Boxes and drawer organizers….labels help too! My biggest struggle is purging….but I’m getting better!

  127. mindy

    March 6, 2012

    Going vertical is a big thing for me. Utilize the space for storage of books (like you did) I also make picture labels for things so it is easier for my 2 year old to pick up himself. Also, the back side of a closet door is great for more storage. I also find it important to not put lids on boxes…more things actually get put away if there are no lids. I also like to put things under the beds…suck as a roll out train table or puzzle mat. Out of season clothes. If you don’t want to see it under there make a quick bedskirt that hook and loops to the box spring.

  128. Muriel

    March 6, 2012

    I’ve found zip-lock bags to be great for keeping smaller toys and puzzles together in bins and baskets. Would love to have some shelves for my new nursery too!!

  129. Norma

    March 6, 2012

    I use a hanging shoe cubby to organize my 3 months old closet

  130. Rebecca van de Ven

    March 6, 2012

    Toy chests and decorative boxes for the girls to put their books and toys in! That way the floor is less cluttered, creating a more open space. I also LOVE boxing up clothes to give away once the girls have outgrown them. Keeping the closets cleaner = my sanity.

  131. Tammy

    March 6, 2012

    Baskets and fabric cubes!

    ….Keeps all the little things out of the floor!

  132. Sarah

    March 6, 2012

    Bins, bins, bins …need I say more :)

  133. Tawnya Guimond

    March 6, 2012

    Start the season with clothes on a hanger facing backwards and when it is worn, turn the hanger around. At the end of the season, anything still lleft backwards gets given to charity.

  134. Ashleigh

    March 6, 2012

    Labeled bins are the catch-all for everything, and I try to really stay on top of tidying up everyday. Then it becomes a daily routine, and not a weekly headache!

  135. Jessica L Hilliard

    March 6, 2012

    We use plastic storage bins (3 to be exact) and when they get overly full, we purge. Usually there’s at least one whole box to get rid of, and with our 3 year olds birthday coming up, I’m sure we’ll be doing it soon. I also like to keep her clothing organized in her dresser, that way she knows where everything is and can get her outfit picked out all by herself. It’s much less of a fight in the mornings. I agree with you on the stuffed animals thing, she only needs so many!

  136. Jessica Hawk

    March 6, 2012

    Bins and totes are great but what it all boils down to is making it a family effort to keep it organized and clean! I think one very important lesson for children is organization. We make it a game at our house… Like a puzzle, everything has a place. We do the “pick-up” game once a day during the week and twice a day on weekends and we do cleaning and sanitizing once a week. It helps to make it a family effort!

  137. Christina Parker

    March 6, 2012

    I use a wood shelving compartment whee I put fabric bins in with different types of toys in each one. I also use baskets to keep my babies books in. Thank you!

  138. Jade

    March 6, 2012

    I plan to use baskets and bins as well as shelves to keep clutter down.

  139. ashley brooke

    March 6, 2012

    make storage solutions that kids can understand. a great idea for getting kids to put away their toys in the appropriate place is to label the box with a picture of the toys that go in that box. For example, you can put a picture of a doll on the doll box, a lego on the lego box, etc. This way, kids learn to put things away in the appropriate place, and the clutter is off teh floor!!

  140. Lorilin

    March 6, 2012

    I agree with you: get as much off the floor as possible. Also, I’ve been able to maximize space in my closets by putting free-standing shelving units from The Container Store in them. I couldn’t believe how much more stuff I could fit once I did that–and the closets look so much better, too.

  141. Kate Whitmore

    March 6, 2012

    I have a basket or storage bin for just about everything. Also since I have a newborn, I have clothes in the closet from sizes 0 to 12 months. To keep them organized, I ordered closet dividers from Etsy for the different sizes.

  142. LynnS

    March 6, 2012

    Lots of shelves, bins and storage space for everything. I also try to keep up by doing little tasks each day.

  143. Allie

    March 6, 2012

    I use clear plastic bins and shelving units, though I will confess I am still working on my organization skills.

  144. Teage

    March 6, 2012

    With our 3 year old, stuffed animals became a serious clutter issue in her bedroom. There was a pile that lived on her bed that kept growing. She is a pretty active sleeper so most of them ended up on the floor every night. I went and got some fabric and made a multi-layer hammock in one corner of her bedroom that contains all but two or three that she sleeps with. She is now able to rotate out the ones that stay in the bed with her and picking which ones to sleep with is a part of our routine now.

  145. Laura

    March 6, 2012

    maximize every storage opportunity! bins/baskets under every piece of furniture possible. Don’t accumulate to begin with, and be ruthless about purging!

  146. Kristy

    March 6, 2012

    I use hooks – placed at kid level – to help my boys keep things neat. I have hooks in the bathroom for towels, at the back door for backpacks and bags, and in their bedrooms to hang up things like bathrobes and PJ’s!

  147. Jamie

    March 6, 2012

    Organization is key for me! I had my closets done before buying all of my furniture for our new house. A clutter-free home is a happy home!

  148. Charity

    March 6, 2012

    I use small cubed storage bins from Target for easy storage. You can find them in the children’s bedding/decor section and they come in a variety of colors so pick according to personal taste! They are great for storing odds and ends and keeping floors tidy!

  149. steph

    March 6, 2012

    I use chalkboard labels, regular labels, and lots of plastic tubs to make sure everything has its own “space”!

  150. Chandelle Evans

    March 6, 2012

    I plan to use adjustable shelving and I agree, keep things off the floor.

  151. Alicia B.

    March 6, 2012

    Make kid friendly labels for storage bins… as in pictures instead of words for my little toddlers who can’t read yet. or color codes they can remember Blue for Blocks and Red for Racecars… you can even make a cleanup song for them to sing as they pick up that reminds them where things go. I guess that was like 3 things but OH WELL hope it helps =)

  152. Kat

    March 6, 2012

    I picked up some plastic see through stacking drawers so that my 22 year old can put things away and see where things are on her own. It is also safer than a lot of shelves that could fall on her, or dresser drawers she could open and climb.

  153. Melissa

    March 6, 2012

    We had built in bookshelves with a toy box built. We have lots of canvas baskets on the bookshelves to help with putting like things away together.

  154. Molly

    March 6, 2012

    Clear plastic tupperware bins and baskets

  155. Danielle

    March 6, 2012

    Edit!! Only keep what they play with. If you are wanting to pass things down to little siblings, get it in storage!

  156. Erin A. Goldman

    March 6, 2012

    I keep all my son’s toys organized in two toy organizers with 9 plastic bins each. The bins are on rods, not shelves, so they are tilted forward enough for my little guy to see exactly what goes there. He can pull out a whole bin or leave it and take out a couple toys at a time. He loves that he can reach all his toys “all by myself!”, and I love that he’s developing responsibility by putting them back where they go. Smiles all around!

  157. Heather

    March 6, 2012

    Everything has a place…. if it doesn’t, something has to go to make a spot for the new item.

  158. June L

    March 6, 2012

    Toy Boxes and kids shelves really help keep things off the floor.

  159. Christa

    March 6, 2012

    We have ottomans that we have in our play area so when the items are in the ottomans you don’t see any of the toys. Inside, there are sections for the toys. We also have a short side table that opens up and we store all the books in the table.

  160. Kirsten

    March 6, 2012

    I’m the last one to ask for tips (lol!) But one thing that has helped is my husband built shelves in on of the closets our girls’ shared bedroom so we can stash a majority of the toys in the closet instead of the floor!

  161. Miguelina Salvador

    March 6, 2012

    I like having large bins to hide the toys and keep the clutter down.

  162. Niki

    March 6, 2012

    Huge wicker baskets… they’ll just dump it all out tomorrow!

  163. Jennifer

    March 7, 2012

    Baskets and bins! Keep rotating the toys so they don’t get bored (plus, that means less clutter at once).

  164. Kellie O

    March 7, 2012

    We have fun, colorful storage bins for everything that my daughter helped decorate. And when it is time to clean up, we play a game to help make it fun!!!

  165. Stacy

    March 7, 2012

    I use clear containers with photos to show what belongs inside. Also, I really try to have clean up time before we eat all meals/snacks. Regular clean up is so important for keeping clutter under control.

  166. Rose

    March 7, 2012

    We have 2 bookshelves for toys and books. Also, making tidying a part of the bedtime routine every night so it doesn’t get to the overwhelming point.

  167. Kim

    March 7, 2012

    I use huge baskets that I already had and my son dumps it all out then puts them all back!

  168. sangeetha

    March 7, 2012

    Love baskets, itso and expedit – great storage options. But I agree purging is the best strategy

  169. Kristin

    March 7, 2012

    I use many boxes (including recycled ones} and label makers to create a spot for every little thing.

  170. Kathy Sykes

    March 7, 2012

    Now that my son is 4 almost 5, he has the responsibility of putting up his toys and stuff. Over the past few years, we have worked together to show him the importance of a tidy room. Now he knows where everything goes. We use containers too and they work well.

  171. Kelly

    March 7, 2012

    My girls are a little older, 12 and 14 sharing a room. We use lots of baskets and purge, purge, purge!

  172. Kate Preston

    March 7, 2012

    Fabric bins/baskets are a God send for organizing our son’s room. We’ve put laminated pictures of what toys go in each bin, which has really helped.

  173. pkzcass

    March 7, 2012

    First, I commend you on having your boys share a bedroom. We live in a three-bedroom house but made them start sharing when the youngest was still in a crib. At ages 15 and 12, they still share and are very close. My 15 year old doesn’t have any desire to move into his own room. I feel like it was definitely the right move! The extra bedroom became a play/storage room, which was, more often than not, a junk room. I finally decluttered it a few months ago. Anyway, I think shelving and getting things off the floor is key to keeping a room decluttered, along with consistent purging. Looks like you’ve done a great job so far!

  174. Asa-Marie Kincaide

    March 7, 2012

    Baskets, bins, and labels are all a must for me!!!!

  175. jean

    March 7, 2012

    I have a few large bins that I use to rotate toys. One comes out and the toys & books they have slowed play with go away for a time. This solves two problems by keeping the number of toys in the room to a minimum and also keeping the play options “fresh.”

  176. anahi

    March 7, 2012

    shelves and containers!!!

  177. ayleen

    March 7, 2012

    Bins with labels are a must in my house! Also, shelves, several of them in a column. Makes the room feel airy-er than having a bookcase.

  178. Heather Carter

    March 7, 2012

    We have 8 kids- so we rotate toys, they have a season. If they are not being played with we put them in plastic bins and bring them out in a few months when they are more age appropriate. If they are no longer age appropriate for the child’s room they are in, we rotate them into one of the other kids rooms so everyone has new toys to play with. If we did not use this system you can only imagine how quickly we would be overcome with toys. Also, we have the “family closet”- the children utilize the space in their closet for toy storage and things that need to be hung in space baskets. ALL the clothes stay in the family closet (a spare bedroom) to eliminate need for extra dressers in their bedroom. (Oh and we ALL know how 3 and 4 year olds love to rip all their clothes out of their dressers!!!

  179. Kimberly Russell

    March 7, 2012

    Baskets, shelves and toy bins!!

  180. Sydney S

    March 7, 2012

    We have a place in the basement for toys that aren’t played with, if it hasn’t moved from it’s spot for (2) weeks – it gets deported to the basement! We also try to keep our son’s room as clutter free as possible by nightly clean ups, clothes, toys & whatever else may have made it’s way in there. We have a storage bins for his different types of toys as well so when he’s in the mood to play with something specific, he’s not dumping every bin out to find what he’s looking for.

    Love your suggestions & the others in the comments as well! It’s great to hear fresh ideas – thank you!

  181. Alicia

    March 7, 2012

    I think my biggest tip for avoiding clutter is to not accumulate the clutter in the first place. Twice a year we go through a whole-home de-junking. Anything that is beyond repair, hasn’t been used in over a year, or just not needed anymore is donated or thrown away. We try to re-use and repurpose just about everything we can, but sometimes things need to be gone!

  182. Teondra

    March 7, 2012

    large bulky storage bins add to the clutter in my house so instead I’d suggest under bed storage in kids rooms which also eliminates the ability for them to kick things under their bed…win win! :)

  183. Kristina

    March 7, 2012

    Toy rotation! My daughter already has so much stuff it drives me nuts. So I pack up half of it, stick it in the closet on the highest shelf and keep it there till I remember about it. Part of me is tempted to just chuck the box to Goodwill since I can’t even remember half of what’s in there. Oh well… it’ll be a nice change of pace for her when I do get the toys down and pack up the stuff that’s out now.

  184. shauna

    March 7, 2012

    I use plastic cubby containers. They are on wheels so it is easy to move if need be. It’s easy to put his cars, duplos, and small action figures in each drawer. I also use a big plastic container/tub for his toy chest, in case we ever move to a new apartment, it will be easy packing.

  185. Holly

    March 7, 2012

    We have 7 daughters…which really make for a lot of stuff. I bought a shower caddy and bin organizer for each kid’s bathrooms stuff — this means they each have their own toiletries as well as grooming supplies kept in their own space. No more “Hey you took MY straightener!” or “Who used all MY shampoo?” Works great since it’s made them responsible for letting me know when they are running out of something as well…they can only blame themselves for leaving an empty bottle in their caddy.

  186. Jeanette L.

    March 7, 2012

    We rotate toys. A few toys are kept up at the top of her closet and only come down if something else goes up. It reduces the amount of thing she can possibly scatter all over at one time and also seems to keep toys fresh in her mind and played with.

  187. Jennifer

    March 7, 2012

    See through plastic tubs – they organize everything easily.

  188. Sara

    March 7, 2012

    My son loves legos!
    To keep them neat, I have purchased a plastic container like a fishing box with the dividers. To keep them organized!

  189. krista

    March 7, 2012

    my girlies share a room and we like to store toys and pjs under their beds in princess suitcases that way its easily accessible and they look cute too!

  190. Crystal

    March 7, 2012

    We constantly go through toys and pull out what doesn’t get played with. The things no longer played with either get donated or stored for my youngest son to grow into. Toys that are favorites are in bins easily accessible and manageable. Board games,toys that have many pieces or just large toys get put in the closet. The boys have to ask before getting them out. This helps prevent a disaster zone!

  191. Jen

    March 7, 2012

    My son is in a 7×11 tiny room, so storage is an issue! We shelved out his closet and use that space for extra diapers, summer shoes, sweaters, etc. My husband build a corner shelving unit for trucks, bins of blocks, stuffed animals and books. I keep all his toiletries, lotions and baby items in baskets above his changing table. And we utilize the small space under his toddler bed for extra linens and blankets! Everything serves as double duty!

  192. Lien

    March 7, 2012

    Bins are my friend to help minimize the clutter my daughter’s stuff makes. We have an open floor plan so everything are organize in bins.

  193. Joanna

    March 7, 2012

    I try and keep everything off the floor so there is as much room to play as possible. We have hanging pockets for all of the books, hanging organizers for small toys, big bins in the closet for toys that aren’t being played with.

  194. Amy

    March 7, 2012

    Where did you get your picture ledges?

  195. Ashley H.

    March 7, 2012

    We use containers and wall storage to organize toys and books.

  196. Andee

    March 7, 2012

    In my four year old’s room we hang all the clothes that we can and use her furniture for toy storage. Her beautiful armoire has become a toy box and home for all of her dolls, barbie’s, and their accessories.

  197. Rachel Platt

    March 7, 2012

    Every single thing has a home. Put like items together (be sure the kids understand the “like”)

  198. Jourdan

    March 7, 2012

    We have our first baby on the way, but this is a big focus while planning the nursery for us. Its such a small room so we want to save space where ever possible. We are doing shelving like you as well as a bookshelf with multiple small backets to put things.

  199. Saundra Chapa

    March 7, 2012

    I use ziploc bags for just about everything small! Crayons, markers, game pieces, sets of things, etc….they all fit very nicely in a dresser drawer!! :)

  200. Kelsey Olsen

    March 7, 2012

    Lots of storage baskets and bins! Plus almost constant editing of their toys and clothes. I also LOVE the bags comforters come in for organizing clothes in the closet that is either to big or to be passed on to another.

  201. Kim Olson

    March 7, 2012

    GeT cute storage stuff so it’s at least a little bit more fun!

  202. Cami

    March 7, 2012

    Label everything so that everything has a place to end up instead of just piles!

  203. Stefanie Coles

    March 7, 2012

    I go through my one-year-old daughter’s clothes, toys, etc. once a month and put things she doesn’t use or things that are too small in labeled bins and store for future kids! I’ve also organized toys and clothes into bins that are stored in her room. She can get any toys she wants out of the bins and then she helps me clean up at night before bed.

  204. Jennifer

    March 7, 2012

    Everything has a place in my house and its the same in the kid’s spaces. When they play with something, we have them put away before getting anything else out.

  205. Sarah Bryant

    March 7, 2012

    I provide enough organizers (toy boxes, book cases, baskets) so that everything has a place. And I utilize the under the bed space putting things in crates and boxes that they can still access and I also put large items that they don’t use very often under their beds and on the top shelf in the closet.

  206. Sarah

    March 7, 2012

    Love this post and this giveaway! I’m always looking for great ideas on how to downsize and organize. My favorite is your suggestion of using picture ledges for books…and the boy’s bedding is to die for!

    Anyways, to answer the giveaway:
    One of my storage solutions to store stuffed animals is by using foldable laundry hampers. It keeps all the stuffed toys off the floor and they aren’t sitting all around the room making it look cluttered! I bought these cheap, but attractive looking hampers: and they are the perfect size for little ones to reach.

  207. Tiffany A.

    March 7, 2012

    I definitely feel like making a goal of going through toys and clothes once a month to make sure everything has a place and it’s a great way to see if you can get rid of anything!

  208. Nicole T

    March 7, 2012

    We store a lot of our boy’s stuff in containers and I think closet organizers are wonderful as well!!

  209. Lucy

    March 7, 2012

    I store all my kids toys in a toy box, his books on a box box and we clean up every night. He knows exacly where his toys go and to clean up before nap and bed time.

  210. susan

    March 7, 2012

    I always say “Everything has a place, please place it back” :)

  211. amy warren

    March 7, 2012

    we have lots of storage bins that double for other things, like seats and stools. I also love hooks, and hang them all over the walls.

  212. Heidi

    March 7, 2012

    Put things back where you found them! Easier said than done sometimes but it truely does help :-).

  213. Laura Harding

    March 7, 2012

    Clear plastic storage totes in a variety of sizes are always our go to organizers and I have started cutting the labels off the box and taping inside. Make a pocket if it comes with directions and to keep the receipt in case it breaks.

  214. SB

    March 7, 2012

    We have a trundle under the boys bed to store additional items. And clear plastic drawers inside closet.

  215. Jen ~

    March 7, 2012

    Storage! Make sure everything has a home, so come clean-up time, the kids know exactly where everything belongs! :)

  216. Erica Drew

    March 7, 2012

    Hi! I would say under the bed or crib storage. This allows for easy access to things you might need to keep handy, but don’t want scattered around the room i.e. blankets, shoes, toys, etc. :)

  217. Rachael

    March 7, 2012

    We rotate toys, and pair down frequently! We too moved across country though in January of 2011. We moved from sunny Southern California where my husband and I were raised to Tulsa, Oklahoma where we knew no one with our four children. We downsized dramatically when we moved, and somehow “stuff” continues to be acquired (mainly because there are 4 sets of Grandparents that are “doting” and send LOTS of stuff!) So pairing down and donating is our biggest tool against the clutter beast!

  218. Katie Gaultney

    March 7, 2012

    As the owner of a small home, I employ many of the tips you have suggested! Orderliness is key around here! Another tip I would add: I keep a bin in the garage that I can toss my son’s clothes in as he outgrows them. He’s just seven months, so we have already flown through many sizes. I keep his closet neat and tidy by moving clothes to the bin as soon as he can’t fit in them. That way there’s no guessing as to whether the things in his drawers fit, and when the bin is full, I’ll move it to our attic.

  219. Kaycee212

    March 7, 2012

    My son is obsessed with Legos and all Lego products. To avoid all those pieces landing all over the house, we use clear plastic shoe boxes found in Target. He organizes them by type and store them them underneath his bed.

  220. Mary Wehner

    March 7, 2012

    With 3 kids ages 8,4&2 I have many toys! I go thru them and donate toys they don’t play with anymore. I try and keep little toys like blocks in containers in a closet. This prevents them from dumping and running as much. Kinda out if sight out of mind. My biggest problem is dress up clothes! I have 2 girls who love to play dress up but I can’t find a good way to store it so it’s not an eye sore!

  221. GardenV

    March 7, 2012

    Definitely getting rid of toys no longer used.

  222. Jessica Matthews

    March 7, 2012

    Purge, purge, purge! My son is only 5 months old but I’ve already sent 3 big bags of gifts I wasn’t crazy about to charity.

  223. monica gonzalez

    March 7, 2012

    Drawer organizer are a must! I only have a baby for now, but boy does he have tons of little things! Drawer dividers help keep onesies/shirt & bottom sets/wearable blankets separate and easy to reach for in the middle of the night. Closet I keep organized by separating blankets/sheets/toys in big bright baskets from Target or the Container store, whoever has the better price!
    Last but certainly not least, everything separated by size(months) and labels on drawer lining and closet rods.

  224. kenzie jardina

    March 7, 2012

    Cube bins with labels that include a picture. They are easy for both my 3 year old and my 1 year old to pull out and find the toys they want. The pictures make it easy for them both to put toys back where they belong with minimal prodding from me. I also keep a basket in the closet for outgrown clothes and toys that I sell in a twice yearly consignment sale.

  225. justJENN

    March 7, 2012

    We have a lot of legos and I put up display shelves for the tones that are put together and store the rest. It’s an always changing organization!

  226. Heather

    March 7, 2012

    Our solution for combatting clutter is simple. Involve the kids in cleanup starting at an early age. My son loves to “cwean up, cwean up!” :)

  227. Meghan

    March 7, 2012

    My son is 5 months and growing so fast, so I’m constantly rotating his wardrobe in and out of storage.

  228. Nikki B.

    March 7, 2012

    I love the square shelves with canvas drawers. Great for putting away toys and hiding some of the mess. Also, bins can store things (out of season clothes and jackets, etc. under a bed. I also like storage that can hang on the wall (e.g. an over the door shoe hanger with pockets for various craft materials).

  229. Kim

    March 7, 2012

    We live in a small apartment and that forces us to think about what and how much stuff we buy for our son in the first place. And then we constantly go through our stuff and revaluate what we still need. I also try to buy things that have multiple uses, like a bench with storage.

  230. Melissa @ A Place to Nest

    March 7, 2012

    It is all about purging often. Has he touched that toy in three months? Then he is probably done with it. Have a place for everything so my son knows where to put it and Mommy is happy :)

  231. Sarah

    March 7, 2012

    I’m trying to declutter right now and have found it is easier if I have a designated bin for stuff to be given away. When the bin is full it goes in the car to be taken to the local boys ranch thrift store.

  232. NeKisha Rowe

    March 7, 2012

    My best tip for decluttering my sons’ room is to raise their beds and store unused, or out of season, items under there. I store shoes, stuffies, jackets, and out grown clothes (as well as a few craft projects of mine) in copy paper boxes clearly labeled. This is such a inexpensive way to organize and declutter. The risers we made from wooden blocks and the boxes were from a local school. The bonus for the boys is they enjoy having their beds up a little higher :)

  233. Keisha F.

    March 7, 2012

    Two things that we do to try and keep the kids room clean are: all books and toys must go back in the storage ottoman and bookshelf every night; and every morning before the come down for breakfast beds need to be made and pjs folded and put under the throw at the foot of the beds.

  234. Aura

    March 7, 2012

    make full use of the closets- we have shelfs, bins, rods, hooks…etc. for everything they need with shelves to the ceiling. Best part is you close the door and all the stuff is gone

  235. Lilliana

    March 7, 2012

    Label everything!

  236. Bethany

    March 7, 2012

    To keep things organized in my sons nursery we have baskets galore! His closet is full of them, and so is his room! Anything that he has outgrown, we put in labeled bins to hopefully be re-used someday, and other things we donate or give away to friends!

  237. Solducky

    March 7, 2012

    Being very specific about what spaces are for. We have an art space. A toy space. And for us bedrooms are for sleeping, so only items pertaining to that go in the room. No extra stuff, no large furniture pieces for climbing and clutter. Keep it where you can see it all the time and it will be less likely to get cluttered up! I do clean sweeps every week or two also.
    soluckyducky at gmail dot com

  238. Dani

    March 7, 2012

    Clutter is a choice- so plan, plan, plan. Envision what you want in a space and only add items that are truly necessary. One question I always ask myself is could someone else use this more than I am? If the answer is yes, get rid of it! If it stays it should have a home in a bin/drawer/shelf that is easy to reach by both the kids and adults so everyone can help in keeping our living space clutter free!

  239. Tracy

    March 7, 2012

    I store toys and books in totes and switch them out every week so they’re new again. When a new toy comes in an older one is retired and donated. I have low bookcases with baskets with picture labels that can be easily changed so everything has a place and the kids can easily identify where each item goes. We try to pick up after each activity but as you know its easier said than done. We help pick up each night before so we can start the next day with a clean slate!

  240. Julia Nichols

    March 7, 2012

    A good way to keep a kids room clutter free is to put the toys, stuff animals and books in toyboxes, baskets and plastic containers. My son has so many Legos we even bought a four-drawer plastic tower with wheels for some of his Lego collection.

    I use Clorox Wipes to clean everything; especially toys and tennis shoes, because they get so dirty!

  241. Winsy

    March 8, 2012

    Keeping a room clutter free is so hard. I am all about plastic containers! One for each group of toys (one for leggos, one for trains, etc…) take them down to play with and then put them away after. But lets be honest, every night after he goes to sleep I am cleaning until my own bedtime and then start all over again in the morning. But thats part of the fun of being a mom, right?

  242. Renee

    March 8, 2012

    We have a girly girl toddler and two Lego-crazy boys, ages 7 & 9, so I am all too familiar with having too much stuff. I am a huge fan of stackable clear storage bins and under bed roll-out storage for toys. Our biggest challenge thus far has been what to do with all those “built” Legos (cars, trucks, airplanes, Star Wars fighters, Hero Factory guys, etc). Our solution: I hang them from the ceiling in our children’s playroom and bedrooms using cup hooks screwed into the ceiling and clear fishing line. For larger/heavier Legos, like the Star Wars Republic Frigate, I used large ceiling hooks (those meant for hanging plants). Our Legos are off the floor and they look really cute hanging from the ceiling too. Other Lego sets that can’t be hung (Fire station, Police station, etc), go on shelving. Individual “unbuilt” Legos and other toys go in the clear bins at the end of the day when we have a race to see who can clean up the fastest. The winner gets a piggy back ride up to bed.

  243. Alicia

    March 8, 2012

    I go through my one-year old’s clothes at least once every two months and pack up those that don’t fit. I also have diapers and all those necessities in baskets that are labeled. I love having things out and easy to get to; I have found that once lids are put on storage containers that I don’t necessarily look in them as much, so I try to keep everything open.

  244. RachelS

    March 8, 2012

    Use bright storage bins! Everything looks better with color of course :)

  245. Erin

    March 8, 2012

    Everything has it’s place–at the end of the day if it doesn’t have a “place” it goes in a storage ottoman or toy baskets that are found in two bedrooms. We also go through closets every 6 months and purge.

  246. One Hip Sticker Chic

    March 8, 2012

    Bookshelves with buckets for everything!

  247. Krissy Rouse Higgins

    March 8, 2012

    Once a month I go thru the kids room to see if there is anything we can put into the ‘garage sale’ box. I keep a box in my daughters’ shared room, so that as they grow out of stuff, or decide they are to ‘grown up’ for something, they throw it in the box and Mommy puts it in the basement for garage sale season! It cuts down some of the work for me, plus the girls know that they get to spend the garage sale money on summer clothes, or even stuff for their room!

  248. Jessica Marinaccio

    March 8, 2012

    My almost 4 yr old twins share a room i skipped the toddler beds and went straight to the twin beds and Ive had no problems. I have a Little Tikes toybox in there room where they keep all there toys , 2 beanbag chairs and a closet. In the closet I have a small dresser I keep shorts, pants, jammies, socks and t-shirts in. Dresses and Long sleeve shirts i hang up ( as they dont get as much use as the others )

    The kids play with there stuff all day and at night before bed we ” Clean it Up ” and everything is put away all toys and we get in bed. id love to have shelves for books as we dont have any and they kinda get thrown around but it works well for us.

  249. Emily @ LittleLeafLane

    March 8, 2012

    Where did you get those picture ledges?! I love them!

    Containers! Lots of containers for things. That’s the only way I can…well, contain, the stuff.

  250. veronica

    March 8, 2012

    A big key to organization is having a place for everything and not having too much stuff. Once in awhile I get rid of some toys my kids are not playing any more or do not want to play with.. And It is amazing that kids even do not notice that something is missing. Plus it’s so much easier for kids themselves to put things away when there isn’t so much stuff!

  251. Kathy

    March 8, 2012

    Well, I fight it every day. Seems like every gift we get comes in a million pieces – grocery cart food, lego blocks. I think the key is having designated places for certain things, like Playdough vs. crayons. Elise knows where things *should* go …now if we get them there, that’s another story!

  252. Katherine

    March 8, 2012

    I love your boys room~ Every night before bed the ritual is to spend 10 minutes picking up and purge as we go~

  253. Carly

    March 8, 2012

    For a very small NYC nursery – maximize ceiling space with a toy hammock. It looks great, and keeps the soft toys off the floor. Also, purging of the never-used and the i-forgot-we-had-this toys on a regular basis keeps the kid space less cluttered. Your boys’ room looks amazing! :)

  254. Lindsey Beran

    March 8, 2012

    Lots of things that open and close..push and pull out from under. You can maximize small spaces with utilizing under the bed…and also using bunk beds for 2 children. I try to find furniture with multi-functional uses.

  255. lala r

    March 8, 2012

    i have a mess box. it is easy to pick up toys everywhere and put them back again there

    amramazon280 at yahoo dot com

  256. Elizabeth P.

    March 8, 2012

    I just throw all the toys into bins after she goes to sleep. I’m going to think of a new strategy when bean 2 comes around this summer. We live in a small condo so they will definitely be sharing a room.

  257. Brigitte

    March 8, 2012

    The best way for me to organize my girls’ rooms is to purge their toys and “stuff” every 3-4 months. Amazing how those little trinkets/Dollar Store buys/ bday and Christmas presents that weren’t loved pile up! My youngest actually thanked me for getting rid of her toys last week. Now she can more easily see what she has.

  258. Stacey

    March 8, 2012

    Bins and baskets! We have baskets and bins that look like furniture so that the toys don’t stand out too much. We don’t try to hide the fact that we have a son, but we do like to keep some kind of order.

  259. AMY M

    March 8, 2012

    I clean up with my kids every night so we wake up to a tidy house. I love the under the bed bIns!!

  260. Jessica Belden

    March 8, 2012

    I had to downsize from a two bed two bath to a studio for me and my son! The task was not easy as I had to find a way to not get rid of all of his toys but not have it detract from the style I was hoping to have within the space. So I found some old vintage trunks in various sizes. One trunk holds all his books, another holds all of his toys. Within the larger trunk his toys are categorized into smaller tubs with lids so that he can pull out one at a time to play with. I have also utilized over the door shoe organizers to hold shoes, hats, socks and other misc. items of his. The trunks act as toy & book storage but also as coffee tables. If you walk into my place you wouldn’t know that I shared it with a toddler. But when he wants to play he knows where to find his toys that are cleverly hidden :)

  261. Tracy Martone

    March 8, 2012

    The number one thing I do to keep my toddler’s play spaces clean and organized is to keep her involved in the process. I have her help me organize toys and books into baskets and we routinely go through them to “explore” what’s inside. Recently when she received a new play kitchen, together we purchased a set of plastic drawers as extra pretend cabinet space. Together we decided what types of play pots and pans and kitchen tools should go inside of each space. We used that opportunity to also organize all of her play food. We went to the local Parent & Teacher Store to get posters of fruits and vegetables. She uses them to find her play foods and then places them in the corresponding shopping basket in her kitchen/market area of the playroom. Makes keeping this area organized a snap when she is involved in not only cleaning up but deciding how things should be organized.

  262. dottie dearen

    March 8, 2012

    We sing the clean song and put everything in tubs in their room and in containers!! Also everytime we get a toy we play with it and take it to its “home”.

  263. Marlena U.

    March 8, 2012

    Baskets, buckets, totes…oh my! We have containers in every room that allow for easy clean up and quick disguise when we need to pretend we are organized and put together. No one better look in the closets, though! :)

  264. Savanna

    March 8, 2012

    baskets, buckets, and shelves help keep the clutter a little more organized at our house. we try to utilize the space in their closets to the max.

  265. Lesly C

    March 8, 2012

    i use baskets! lots and lots of baskets! they keep everything in one space :)

  266. Kathryn

    March 8, 2012

    The saying less is more is true when it comes to toys. I have 2 sets of twins, now ages 2 and 5. We go through toys often to dejunk and to donate. I find the less toys we have, the more they actually play. They aren’t overwhelmed with clutter! And this way, my girls find it easier to clean and to do their chores.

  267. Valerie

    March 8, 2012

    Picking up nightly and putting stuff in its designated space. Also using that wall by space by hanging picture ledges for books, and hanging buckets full of crayons, chalk, markers, etc on cute hooks in rows for the playroom.

  268. lisa dion

    March 9, 2012

    I’ve gotten one of the square organization shelves at Target. Then I bought several fabric squares that fit into the shelving. They are perfect for kids items. One square is for books, another toys, another for crafts, etc. It was fairly cheap, easy to maintain, and very kid friendly

  269. Amanda

    March 9, 2012

    I CONSTANTLY have a large storage bag in rotation! I’ve hidden it in her bathroom cabinet, and daily toss clothes and accessories she’s grown out of and toys that have lost their luster. Once the bag is full, I put it in the attic and start another! I make a little assessment once a week. Then when new toys or clothes come in, I have room!

  270. Cindy

    March 9, 2012

    Purge and rotate…constantly re-evaluate what you have vs. what you need and get rid of anything that hasn’t been played with in the last 2 months.

  271. Natalie Clamp

    March 9, 2012

    LOVE this blog post. Totally agree–purge, rotate, purge, rotate. And always keep books off the floor with shelving–never fails!

  272. Kristen McLane

    March 9, 2012

    I use an over-the-door shoe organizer to store small items like marbles, bouncy balls, trading cards, rock collections, etc. The pockets are clear, making toys easy to find. Items played with less frequently (or items requiring supervision) are placed in the higher to reach pockets. The organizer I selected is surprisingly sturdy after three years and yet inexpensive enough to easily replace when the time comes.

  273. Aubrey Archuleta

    March 9, 2012

    You said it! Purge & purge again! It never ends with kids in the house. Just make do and go without where you can, as well.

  274. Emily

    March 9, 2012

    Here’s what works for us:

    -For small, “cheap” toys (giveaways at the doctor, fast food freebies) – I try not to even let them come in the house. My son (almost 2) will play with those in the car and quickly lose interest, so they mysteriously “get lost” before even coming in the house – he has never even asked for one of them back (this may not work as he gets older!!). At restaurants that give away toys, I sometimes ask them to leave it out. One fast food chain will let you trade the prize for ice cream, which we usually take advantage of.

    -Go through toys often and donate/sell items that were not favorites. Rotate favorite toys so not everything is out all the time.

    -We use bins for different toys (blocks, board books, animals, etc.). I take a picture of what goes inside each bin and attach the picture and a label to each container. This way my son can look at the picture to identify what belongs inside the bin – it helps with knowing what he’s getting out and where to put things away.

    -For clothes, I designate one drawer with clothes in the next size(s) up. This way I can periodically check through it and try things on him. Items that fit go into their appropriate drawer or hanging in the closet. I keep a bin on the top shelf of the closet for clothes that he’s outgrown (to pass down to baby brother due in May!)

  275. Jennifer Powers

    March 9, 2012

    We have toy bins in our 5 year old son’s room, the living room, and our bed room. Every night we dump toys, books, etc in them and scoot them under the beds. Then, on Sunday night, he “races”the clock to empty them and put everything back where it belongs (in the toy room aka the abyss). If he beats he clock…and he always does…he gets money for his piggy bank!

  276. jennifer

    March 9, 2012

    You’re going to think I’m nuts, but I organize toys and rotate them into playtime. I have three index card bins labeled “This week” “last week” and “waiting” so that a toy goes at least 2 weeks away from hands and memory. This has helped us purchase fewer toys as so many of them seem so new when they reappear, and it keeps the amount of toys in one room to a minimum. The rest are kept in clear bins for easy access (in our small, small basement).

  277. Whitney Lavender

    March 10, 2012

    I purge their rooms twice a year, usually before or right after Christmas and then after our summer birthdays. I clean out toys, broken and outgrown, same with clothes, etc. I make a couple piles: there are always items that need to be trashed, items to donate, and items to take to a consignment store to trade in for new clothes and toys. I get a lot of great stuff that way. I label shelves and buckets and whatever kind of container with both words and pictures so all the kids know exactly where each toy goes. I am an organizational obsessed momma, these gift cards would help me rock out my spring cleaning an set up the toddler’s new big boy room he’s about to get in May! Thanks for the opportunity!

  278. Toni

    March 10, 2012

    Our family had such a similar situation. My husband was transferred to Nashville for one year and in about 6 months we are moving back to Chicago, where we are originally from. With a 14 month old and 8 months pregnant with another boy, I have been ripping my hair out trying to keep things organized in hopes for an easier transition back home. The first move about put me into the loony bin going from a 1400 sq ft. condo to a 900 sq. ft. apartment. My biggest goal was to stay on top of what could stay and what could go. Right when we moved in, I started storage bins of the different season clothes (of my husband and my own) and different sizes (of my son’s). I did the same sorting and storing with toys that he just didn’t play with anymore. I even donated a lot of items that I felt did not fit our families needs.
    Although that worked temporarily, I still felt we had STUFF EVERYWHERE! So, I invested in a few items that could be used with our kids and even after they have grown: trundle for under the bed and cribs, lots of decorative baskets to store everyday items (bathroom supplies, toys, DVDs, etc.) and TALL bookshelves so I could store my son’s things on the bottom where he could reach and items that we use on the top shelves. I love the look of hanging shelves, but because of “apartment policies” we had to improvise and find alternative shelving.
    These are just a few things I have done to keep my sanity and sqeeeeeeze the most out of a small space.

  279. gilda campos

    March 10, 2012

    Instead of trying to use every square inch of your floor space, use vertical storage. Shelving, book shelves, and vertical storage solutions will help you gain more floor space and keep everything in plain eye sight. Use highest shelving for seldom used seasonal items, so you don’t have to climb a ladder or step stool often.

  280. Whitney

    March 10, 2012

    buckets and bins – lots of buckets and bins and extra large ziplock bags

  281. Wehaf

    March 10, 2012

    My best tip is to keep stuff to a minimum; it makes such a difference!

  282. Tabitha

    March 10, 2012

    we love bins for keeping things organized and out of sight/mind in our house! that and not getting too much ‘stuff’ in the first place! :)

  283. delloraine

    March 10, 2012

    I too had my daughters share a room until my oldest was 7 and the 4 yo was too messy for her sanity. I kept toys and clothes to a minimum. I used baskets to hold toys and built a shelf around the top of the room for stuffed animals( seemed to have a million of them). I color coded their storage and since we have a 2 story home, kept a drawer of hair accessories and brushes downstairs along with a shoe basket for getting out of the house in a timely manner. Good luck with the Apt living.

  284. Leslie

    March 10, 2012

    I do a quick house clean each night after the kiddo is in bed. It usually only takes about 20 minutes. I also do Laundry Tuesday and Deep Clean Wednesday. They are usually down days anyways, so it makes me get it done.

  285. Mark G.

    March 10, 2012

    My best tip is to use tubs to store toys under the bed. Kids like putting stuff under there anyway. Why not make is a neat storage area? And there is a bonus.. it’s out of site!

  286. Kelly Z.

    March 10, 2012

    I have a toddler, and the best way I have found to keep his room clean is to constantly cycle out toys, books, and stuffed animals. He gets bored with them anyways and doesn’t even notice they are gone! He has bins under his bed and in his closet that store toys and are in his reach, so he is able to help clean up!

  287. Leslie Paquette

    March 11, 2012

    Baby is on the way….we plan to use a bookshelf for baby books and baskets underneath the 3 nesting tables for toys. Also have lots of closest space for extra baby accessories.

  288. Randy

    March 11, 2012

    Baby on the way, love organized spaces!

  289. Katy M

    March 11, 2012

    living in a cape style home, our baby’s room is a bit small so anyway to conserve space is used. I have shelving for books, storage bins, dresser drawers and definitely utilize the closet space to its fullest!

  290. Jeff

    March 11, 2012

    If it’s on the floor it’s on it’s way to good will! Well at least once the kids are old enough to understand. Until then it’s thank you to my wife for labeling bins and buckets!

  291. Kathy

    March 11, 2012

    I use large zipper-type zip loc bags to store puzzles, along with the top of the box for reference, and file them in a plastic bin. I do the same with lego sets.

  292. Lavi

    March 11, 2012

    We sing the clean up sone and our 17 month old knows that items need to go back…she has fun putting things away.

  293. Abby77

    March 12, 2012

    I swear by it for everyone, kids, dogs, my husband, if you don’t use – donate it. We live in a small house and don’t have the space for anything extra. With the exception of a few beloved items, outgrown toys go to charity, broken toys go in the trash and unused toys don’t exist.

  294. Katelyn

    March 12, 2012

    Both my son(3) and daughter(1) have storage to keep toys off the floor but we definitely need to do a toy purge (or 2!) Recently I made fabric hanging bookshelves which are a great help for organizing books and having them visible to encourage more use. We just found out we have another precious boy on the way and I can’t wait for my son and his brother to share a room!

  295. Laura

    March 12, 2012

    My secret is to just weekly purge all the junk and go through all the things that no longer fit and put them somewhere else. It’s a constant struggle to keep organized, but I feel so much better when it’s done on a regular basis!

  296. Jennifer

    March 12, 2012

    Well, we are far from clutter free, but I think I do a good job of moving clothes out, once they’re outgrown or out of season. I keep two bins, one “donate” and one for “resale” in our bonus room, and whenever I see something that doesn’t fit or is no longer in season, I put it in there. That way, it’s out of sight of my 4 year old, who would continue to wear it, and it can be passed on when I have time to take a big pile. There’s very little I keep for my son, because my eldest is a girl, but those things go in a bin in his closet. Now I’m going to read everyone else’s comments to see if I can gather a few tips on containing TOYS!!!

  297. Rochel S

    March 12, 2012

    Lots of shelves and storage bins! Also toys with lots of pieces are kept separate and can only be taken down when the rest of the room is clean!

  298. ashlee

    March 12, 2012

    i’m just starting on my nursery but after reading all the comments it sounds like baskets and bins and purging and rotating of toys is the way to go :)

  299. Aisha Holley

    March 12, 2012

    What I do is buy plastic containers since they’re cheaper and store toys there. We’ve been teaching our son to start putting his toys away. I take out old clothes and store them in vacuum bags so I can sell them at a garage sale and donate the rest.

  300. Christine @ Mama Papa Barn

    March 12, 2012

    I use shelving and boxes and drawers to keep everything off the floor.

  301. Sandra R

    March 12, 2012

    I’m big on shelves & labeled boxes. Also, at the beginning of December every year, we go through the play room and put toys they don’t use any more in a bag to giveaway and broken toys or overly-loved toys into a garbage bag and clean out before any new toys come in. And if a toy does not have a clear place where it fits with the rest of our toys, it goes!

  302. Shannon S

    March 12, 2012

    I use shelves, too keep the books organized and I use peg board to keep their baseball caps organized. I also use fabric bins that I have labeled in the play room, they are not allowed toys in their rooms. We have also color coordinated the bins to each boy, one gets green, one blue and one brown. We have a jungle theme. Also every spring we have a donate day, we go through all of our toys and clothes and donate to the less fortunate. To reward them, we go out for a picnic. They look forward to it.

  303. Jen

    March 12, 2012

    We have shelving with canvas bins in my sons room. He can keep as many toys as will fit in these bins. Other toys must be donated/recycled. Because there is a constant rotation, it keeps us from accumulating too much stuff.

  304. diane fond

    March 12, 2012

    I love rooms that are fun but not cluttered.Always as clean as can be……books in the shelf not on floors.My motto is floors are for walking or playing a game…Using baskets or fun containers makes Mommy,Daddy and everyone happy!!!!!!! It’s not where is my BEAR? With two children in beds,I prefer 1 bedroom and a playroom…….What works for 1 family may not be the best for another….Use walls for pictures,reward charts and GREAT DECALS!!!!!!!! LOVE PN!!!!

  305. Cynthia

    March 12, 2012

    I got these 99 cent clear containers and I sort and label toys. I’m all about sorting, storage and labeling. That way I know (and the hubby knows) where everything is. I like for things to have a home. That works best in my home of 2 young boys.

  306. Michelle Hunt

    March 12, 2012

    I recently decided I must do something to better organize the toys within my daughters room as she didn’t even desire to play with her toys because they were all thrown in one big bin and I assume it was overwhelming + it looked cluttered. I picked up a shoe storage sleeve that you hang over a door and hung it on the inside of her closet door. I then had 24 perfect slots for placing all of her toys with even a row of shoes up top. She now opens her closet, pulls out a few toys and put them away when finished. I plan to rotate the toys from higher up so that she doesn’t tire of the ones right at her reach. Larger toys were put in a clear bin so that she can see what is inside from all sides. I actually even used the shoe sleeve method on my pantry door too. Perfect for bottles of honey, granola bars, fruit snacks, you name it!

  307. Kim

    March 12, 2012

    I organize toys by color, with red items going in red bins etc. That way my kids know which toys go where and it’s easy for them to take part in picking up.

  308. Cherilyn

    March 12, 2012

    I try to do a quick pick-up each night before bed and save the major cleanings for when I have more time. We have 4 large picture rails stacked vertically on one wall with all of his books. I think it adds a nice pop of graphic and color while also making it easy for my son to see the covers on all of his books. It also doesn’t take up any floor space which is a valuable commodity!
    We have 4 large totes from the Container Store that we have filled with stuffed animals and misc toys. They all tuck under his crib, so it is so easy to toss in all of the toys at the end of the day and tuck them away. I am planning on hanging tags on them with what goes inside this summer. I think this will help him learn where things go and what the letters and words of his favorite toys look like.
    In his closet we have a wall of shelves that are filled with any overflow books and toys. I try to rotate his toys around every couple of months so he doesn’t get bored. In the closet the toys are organized into clear plastic boxes, which makes it easy to see what is inside and helps my son visualize and learn where things go.
    I think the most important thing that we do to keep our son’s room organized it to limit the amount of stuff that comes in and be sure to clean out on a regular basis. Since my son’s birthday is days before Christmas we take some time in the beginning of December to go through his toys and clothes to clean them out and donate them to children who are less fortunate. We feel that this is not only a very important thing to teach our son, but it will also help to keep the toys and clothes in check.

  309. Candyce

    March 12, 2012

    My daughter, like every other 3 year old plays with things and forgets about them. Every now and then I will go look through her things and give away the toys/books I know she wont miss! Also, her clothes are sorted by size and season, so when she grows out of them I know which ones to give away.

  310. Andrea

    March 12, 2012

    We use a lot of baskets to make toy clean up easy and we also have cube book shelves which are perfect for keeping books and other toys in order!

  311. fancygrlnancy

    March 12, 2012

    We use multiple tubs and toy boxes. I also have a animal bag for all the stuffed animals. I would love more items to help organize.. esp with the baby coming.

  312. Denise Xagorarakis

    March 12, 2012

    For my own children (nearly 2 & 4) – We purge clothes and toys every three months. We love canvas bins & clear bins for longer storage. We also have friends who have children who either 5/6 or 3/2 year olds and we rotate all our gear. Saves on space and $$.

  313. Nina Callaway

    March 13, 2012

    I like to use multiple plastic bins to pick up clutter and organize it into rooms of the house – ie, all the bathroom stuff goes in one bin, books in another, etc. It saves you from running from room to room as you clean!

  314. natalie

    March 13, 2012

    I’m good about purging 1-2 times a year, donating/selling items, and then reorganizing from there. If I haven’t seen or used it in six months, it’s gone! The bathroom is the toughest place for storage for me, but with the help of some under the counter bins, life is easy!

  315. Mami2jcn

    March 13, 2012

    I use storage bins and also do a toy purge every season.

  316. Sarah

    March 13, 2012

    Baskets, bins, buckets. Anything that helps us stay organized. Everything has a place. Plus monthly rotating and putting away of things the girls aren’t playing with or using anymore.

  317. Shannon Nelson

    March 13, 2012

    We use plastic bins for special things we want to keep. Once it’s full it gets labeled and put away in the garage. Each family memenrship has a “crap basket”. Each night the basket goes upstairs for them to put away anything that gets brought down stairs throughout the day.

  318. sandra

    March 13, 2012

    we use a ton of bins to help organize their stuff

  319. Whitney

    March 13, 2012

    My biggest tip is to keep sleeping and playing spaces separate whenever possible! We have two boys with a shared room and a third boy on the way very soon, so there are a lot of crammed spaces. We’ve always priortized, though, and made the bedroom a no-TV, no-toys zone. It’s for sleeping, reading and getting dressed–period! It’s hard to relax in a space that’s loaded with everything that’s meant to stimulate brain development, right??

  320. Amber

    March 13, 2012

    Around here we use lots of baskets! We have a cube wall unit from ikea and we have baskets in it that each hold something different. We use plastic storage totes that slide under the bed and crib for clothes that are too big/small. Everything has a place. On the dresser in the nursery I use a big basket next tone changing pad, it holds diapers, wipes, lotion and everything else that our little one needs.

  321. Adrienne Mcallister

    March 13, 2012

    Having 4 kids this is a constant struggle. We have limited space in our home and 4 kids’ worth o clothes and toys get pretty ridiculous. I HATE traditional toy boxes and have banned them. They are black holes where toys go to be forgotten. I have transferred most toys to canvas totes or clear plastic totes so everything is easily accessible and easily cleaned up. I have a medium sized wicker basket for my 1 year old and if it doesn’t fit in there she does not need it (with the exception of her one walker toy). I still need help with organization and declutter and love the picture rails for books – ours are in cabinets and shelves and again like toy boxes get forgotten. thanks for the opportunity to further declutter my life!

  322. Lizzie

    March 13, 2012

    Having a place for everything is essential in keeping things organized.

  323. Nicole

    March 13, 2012

    Actually, I could really use the giftcards to help me get organized. I am a SAHM with a 2.5 year old, and try to use his bedroom as a multi-functional space for sleeping, reading, fun, etc. We’re kind of tight on space and while I would love to have separate areas for fun/play and learning, I just haven’t figured out the best way to do that yet. Definitely time to get better organized!

  324. EHayes

    March 13, 2012

    I’m a basket addict. Everything has a home… toys, books, blankets, sleepers, etc!

  325. christina

    March 13, 2012

    as soon as he has more toys than can fit in his chest he has to pick which ones we will take together to give away for another little boy to enjoy . . ..minimizes clutter and instills an appreciation for giving

  326. Kelly

    March 13, 2012

    We are a big fan of the Ikea Expedit shelving units. Half are filled with baskets that contain smaller toys and the rest of for books or larger toys.

  327. gina

    March 13, 2012

    We have a 15 month old, so the clutter isnt so bad right now…We incorporate some toys into the decor & have a toy chest for the rest.

  328. Vonda

    March 13, 2012

    we go through the toys every 3 or 4 months and give away the ones he doesnt play with anymore. Also all of our games and puzzles are in clear labeled totes.

  329. brooke t

    March 13, 2012

    attempt to pick up or toss daily!

  330. Colleen

    March 13, 2012

    I regularly go through my son’s toys and clothes to get rid of the stuff he has outgrown or is broken. I also love fabric bins to organize his toys into categories to keep all of the puzzle stuff together, art supplies together, etc.

  331. Danielle

    March 13, 2012

    Our nursery doesn’t have a closet, so we are trying to maximize storage as much a possible. The first thing that we did was purchase a crib with a drawer underneath to put blankets, sheets, and other items in. Next we purchased two, four foot shelves to hang on the walls for decorations, books, and other odds and ends. Next we put a dresser and a bookshelf in the room for clothes and extra storage. The last thing that we used was a cube organizer with bins in order to put extra clothes, toys, etc. in. All in all, everything we purchased matches our decor, yet also serves a functional purchase as well!

  332. Jessica C.

    March 13, 2012

    We have a 3 1/2 year old and a 22 month old. Therefore visuals are very important. We purchased several of the fabric bins from Target and tied pictures on the front so we know what goes inside. My daughter knows her things are in the polka dotted bins and my sons are in the the green bins. We also have all of our dress up things in a toy box. Our blankets and pillows go in a basket in the living room.
    Some of our “cuter” more everyday play toys are just on shelves and our part of the decor. We mix them every couple of days to keep the kids from getting bored.
    I admit I am a little ocd but the kids know where to find things and it seems to work for us!
    Oh, I really want to win this! Thanks for this awesome opportunity.

  333. Sheneka

    March 13, 2012

    Its important to have some rhyme or reason to how you use your baskets or bins, or otherwise they become part of your clutter. I believe in starting clean up skills early so I use different colored bins for everything, and walk baby or toddler round with me when I do my daily pick ups (normally afternoon, and before bedtime). I say things like “toys in the yellow bin”, or “clothes in the brown hamper”, or “books in the red bin”. My daughter learned early where things belong, and it was a game and part of routine for help when she was walking. Also I am a huge fan of labels on bookshelf bins for teaching older kids reading and helping them to stay organized. We are using a huge bookshelf for the baby this time around with coordinated bins for clothes, toys, supplies, shoes, etc. But again I feel like you should have a system there too, animal print for clothes, solid brown for baby supplies, etc.

  334. Michelle hunt

    March 13, 2012

    I use a toy rotation with half out at a time to cut down on clutter and to keep my 3 yr old entertained!

  335. Kathleen

    March 13, 2012

    Under the bed storage is key in our home. Our old house has no closets in the bedrooms so we rely on all the nooks and crannies we can find, and areas under the bed are great for seasonal clothes and toys. Hide them with a bedskirt or use some pretty boxes that you don’t mind showcasing in the room.

  336. Brettnie

    March 13, 2012

    I am big on organizing! I use a hamper for all of my daughters tutus! Canvas totes for her lace rompers, baby leggings, and ruffled bottoms! I have an old galvanized tub and fruit Crete I have refinished for her toys. In her closet I put a book shelf for her shoes and for her books. I also have a small drawer organizer for all of her headbands. On her inside of her closet door I also have a hair bow hanger for all of her bows and clips! I also have a 4 shelf wicker stand that I organize all of her colletibles and baby stuff that I like to show off in her corner in her room. Organize, organize, organize!!!

  337. Liz P

    March 13, 2012

    Organization! It’s key to keeping peace with the clutter of toys/clothes that can get thrown around daily. Try storage units, containers, color coding, toy boxes, etc.

  338. Kriste

    March 13, 2012

    I use re-purposed containers and label them for my daughters toys. In her room i found baskets in colors that go with her color theme to organize shoes, hats, and all the little things that need a home. My daughter is 18 months old so everyday I try and teach her how much “fun’ it is to put her toys away. We have a long road ahead of us. LOL

  339. tina borzelleca

    March 13, 2012

    I use all types of bins to store and organize things. I also use the space under his crib and behind his dresser to hide things:) Going through the cloths once a month is a must!

  340. Amy

    March 13, 2012

    I am a big fan of having a place for everything…so organized clutter. using bins, baskets, ‘organize’ everything, hopefully keeping the floors and counters clears.
    I am hoping this works with twins!

  341. Francelin Lopez

    March 13, 2012

    I keep clutter tucked away in my daughters’ room by using under bed storage boxes. They each have 3 under their beds to store anything from clothes to toys.

  342. Kate Preston

    March 13, 2012

    As I have said previously, we use all types of bins/baskets….another organizational tool we love it the 3M hooks. That’s where our son puts his jacket, backpack, umbrella, etc.
    It’s remarkable how much stuff children accumulate!

  343. Tracy

    March 13, 2012

    Bins, buckets and baskets, oh my! I have 2 boys, ages 1.5 and 4. They have grandparents who spoil them rotten with toys! To keep everything organized, we have one of those shelving units with the colorful buckets that we keep toys in, which I love (and also got at Target!). For books, I have sling bookshelf that keeps everything tidy. Each child also has a large bucket with their name on it to keep larger toys in. I use a pop-up clothes hamper (CARS theme, of course) to store stuffed animals in. I also have 3 wicker baskets under my coffee table to store puzzles, coloring books/crayons, more books, etc. I like these because they don’t look like kid storage and go nicely with my decor. I also have a 9 cube storage shelf that I put canvas storage bins in to put toys in. It also matches my decor and provides a nice place to store toys out of view. In each child’s closet they have a 3 drawer unit to hold hats, shoes, and in the case of the little, extra diapers and wipes. As the older one grows out of his clothes, they are rotated to the little ones closet, and as the little one grows out of his clothes they are rotated to storage bins labeled by clothing size, which are then put into the attic until friends have babies (I let them go through all the clothes and pick what they want, of course I set aside special outfits.) or until we have a yard sale. Lastly, we go through all of their toys at least 3-4 times a year to purge and donate.

  344. Stefanie

    March 13, 2012

    I love the use of the picture ledges/rails for books. Our playroom is scheduled to undergo a makeover and I can’t wait to get organized!

  345. Sarah

    March 13, 2012

    I, too, use the walls…for displaying items and for shelves or hanging things up. I also use baskets/bins under everything….the dresser, the crib, the bed….can’t have enough storage!! Thanks

  346. Carmen Van Deursen

    March 13, 2012

    Ive done two things that have kept me organized in terms of my kids toys. First I purchased plastic bins and placed an assortment of toys. Each box included a ball or some type of sporty item, a puzzle, action figure play set of sorts and you get the point. Then I labeled the bin with a number. The kids pick a numbered bin each week, I use a calendar to write the bin number to keep bins rotating. Then I use a shed for storage instead of the bedroom closets.

  347. samantha

    March 13, 2012

    I use fabric bins and rotate toys a lot. My son has Down Syndrome and having a bunch of different toys out just overwhelms him. Also I just started labeling things with pictures and we are working on having him help with clean up.

  348. Janna

    March 13, 2012

    I am pregnant with my first and hopefully will be able to control all the toy/gear clutter! I do a good job in the rest of my house, so hopefully I can keep it up. I use all sorts of containers or bins to store things, but try to find interesting pieces that don’t look like they are there for storage, but as decorative pieces….little do people know they are crammed with stuff!!

  349. Nicole B.

    March 13, 2012

    i’m a mom to be & i’m already finding that i’m cluttering up my nursery!!! what works best for me is to go through & “purge”. i tend to be a pack rat & don’t throw away things….hahaha, but i’m not a hoarder :) i just have to go through every few weeks to tidy up & clean out!

  350. Jennifer Lopez

    March 13, 2012

    Thanks for this opportunity! I’m an organize-aholic…though, I currently could use your help! I’m carrying a little baby in belly and trying to organize a newly combined office/playroom and then still trying to make the office a nursery! So far my favorite ways are first of all donate, donate, donate what isn’t used or hasn’t been used in long times! Secondly, definitely shelves with labeled baskets and or bins that separate frames to be hung, empty frangs, craft items, office items, things to give as gifts, etc! Also, something very helpful is Pinterest believe it or not, I have found so many Do It Yourself ideas that are fun! Wish me luck, as I’d love to win this contest! I haven’t one anything like this before and it would be so exciting and so helpful at this time in our lives as well! Thank you again! =) ~Jennifer Lopez & Family

  351. ana

    March 13, 2012

    We re-use plastic food containers (like baby wipes and formula) to save crayons, markers, little toys and stickers. I also love baskets and use them frequently to do quick clean up after a day of play.

  352. Heather Price

    March 13, 2012

    I loved this post! I am a Container Store and Target fanatic, like so many others :) We are expecting our first child in June, so are just learning about all the baby things that need containing and organizing. My husband and I have lived in a condo for a few years now, and my mantra for us is a quote from an organizing magazine: “Small spaces encourage a considered life; you can’t keep bringing things in.” I think this rings true for small or large spaces when the goal is to be organized and clutter-free. We will move to our first house in May, and I still plan to live by these guiding words. The first step in organizing is to be thoughtful about what we bring into our homes in the first place. Then, go to the Container Store and Target to get our bins and pantry organization tools!

  353. kristin

    March 13, 2012

    We use gutters in my daughters room to get a handle on her ever-growing book collection and baskets throughout the rest of the house.

  354. Claire

    March 13, 2012

    I’m so excited for this giveaway! It would be amazing to win! I’m having my second baby in about 4 weeks and decluttering and organizing is something I have been doing A LOT of to prepare! We don’t have a lot of space in our townhouse, so finding extra space in every nook and cranny has been more important than you know!!

  355. Beth M

    March 13, 2012

    I’m all about containers. I have them in every room for quick cleanups. I have decorative sea grass containers made by Smith and Hawken with little chalkboard labels in the living room and family room. They look great and are helpful when you are in a pinch and just need to straighten up quickly.

  356. Vanessa

    March 13, 2012

    Containers! clear plastic ones with labels to put away stuff not needed right away and decorative bins to put all the stuff in my baby’s nursery.

  357. Nicole M

    March 13, 2012

    We have a very small nursery and space is definitely limited. We hung a canvas over the door style shoe caddy on the back of the nursery door – this is where we put all of the diaper changing supplies & other healthcare products. The best part is that you can see exactly what’s there… no digging through a basket, etc to find what you’re looking for!

  358. Dana A

    March 13, 2012

    First of all everything is in bins and labeled with pics. My son has way too many toys, so I keep a bunch of it in containers in a hall closet, and switch out his toys and books when he seems to be getting bored….even if they are old toys, he still gets so excited when he sees something new in his room!

  359. Britt

    March 13, 2012


    I’d love to see a picture of that!

  360. Kate

    March 13, 2012

    Containers, containers, bins & baskets (all clearly labeled of course!!)
    And donating we we haven’t used in 6 months…we figure if you’ve gone that long without using it… You don’t really “need” it.

  361. Julie

    March 13, 2012

    We do toys by season- bringing out little by little instead of all at once.

  362. Athea Core

    March 13, 2012

    My best tip is to keep it organized! If the kids know exactly where everything goes they can clean up faster and dont feel so overwhelmed when its time to put everything away. I find that they also play with their stuff more because they can find it! lol I have the Closet maid cube organizers in everyone of my kids rooms. I love them!

  363. Ada

    March 13, 2012

    Containers and bins are a lifesaver in my house!! We use them for everything! And I usually add some deco pieces to the bins to match the kids room.

  364. Meghan

    March 13, 2012

    We have a basement full of plastic bins and tubs that store extra/off-season clothes, sports equipment, seasonal decorations, etc. Our actual living space is very small, so we’re adding lots of ikea shelves with baskets to contain/hide kid clutter. Our nursery will have plenty of baskets and bins on shelves and in the closet, as well as ikea spice racks on the wall to hold small books. In our master bedroom, I raised the bed so that we could store extra blankets, sheets, shoes, and clothes in bins underneath.

  365. Mischa

    March 13, 2012

    Buy a label maker! (
    Having the ability to put out of season clothes, bedding, holiday themed toys and decorations… into plastic containers and then store them under the bed/crib, in the garage, basement or attic. By having the labels on the containers, I can always easily find what I’m looking for when the time comes.
    Wall mounted shelves are also a great way to organize books, pictures and art. (
    One of the best things about these shelves is that little kiddos can easily see the books and choose what they’re in the mood for.

  366. Meredith

    March 13, 2012

    We try to follow the one thing in, one thing out rule. We make frequent trips to Goodwill or resale shops.

  367. Stevi Fitzgerald

    March 13, 2012

    We really love the clean up song
    “Clean up girls, clean up boys, clean up all the blocks and toys, don’t forget the dishes and cups, thats the way we all clean up.
    The songs really helps them think clean up time can be fun!

  368. Christina

    March 13, 2012

    I use a lot of plastic bins and also store things in those long, thinner bins under the beds and crib. I use woven baskets (placed on the built-in bookshelves) in my daughter’s room to store small toys.

    My daughter is only 19 months, but I’ve been trying to go through her clothes every 3-6 months and purge clothes that don’t fit, or have tears/stains and put into separate bins – one for reselling on Ebay, another for donating, and the absolute favorites I’m keeping just in case we have another girl (we’re trying for a second child).

  369. Sara Skelton

    March 13, 2012

    I have all of my babies toys in plastic bins. I rotate them every month so that old toys seem new again! This way the house isn’t overrun with items. Also, every time we bring something new into the house, something get’s donated. For example a new toy means an old one goes to charity.

  370. Amy Martin

    March 13, 2012

    My very best tip is really simple: less stuff. Most people in America have way, way, way, too much stuff. Myself and my family included. The best way to easily keep stuff cleaned and organized is to have less stuff to start with. Along with the other benefits that provides. Our rule: if you’re getting a new toy, an old one has to go. And that goes for grown-ups, too. Less to clean and even when messy, ‘looks’ cleaner simple because there’s less of it.

  371. Katy

    March 13, 2012

    I have a boy (5yrs old) and a girl (22mths old). To help keep their toys organized and separate, I have pink and blue bins to help separate his and her toys.

  372. Mandy Borkman

    March 13, 2012

    All I can say is, plastic bins, plastic bins, plastic bins. We keep all of my daughter’s little items in plastic bins and labeled so that we no exactly where everything goes. Also, we use as much wall space as possible with shelving and under my daughter’s bed to store many items in cute fabric bins. Keeping things organized keep toys from being lost and misplaced and make it easy for my daughter to find what she is looking for when my hands aren’t free when taking care of her little brother.

  373. Jasmine

    March 13, 2012

    Our best methods of keeping our daughters room clutter free was using under-crib storage, using a floor shoe rack to hold baskets for small items as well as a hanging shoe rack in the closet for headbands/hats/bow/etc and pacifiers, teething rings, etc.

    So far, it’s worked, but as she gets older and we have more stuff, we’re DEFINITELY going to rethink our current plan :-)

  374. Katy

    March 13, 2012

    Every six months the churches in our city have consignment sales for kids. Its a great way to spring clean and get rid of things we no longer use! :)

  375. laura gray

    March 13, 2012

    As a first time mom-to-be, I really appreciated this post! We are in the process of putting together our nursery and have found many of the tips here helpful. We plan on using organizing bins under the crib, an IKEA bookshelf on it’s side as a window seat/storage area, my antique vanity that I got as a child for toys, and some clear acrylic shelves for books up one one wall.

  376. Sarah M.

    March 13, 2012

    We just had our precious baby girl. I can already see how organizing is important. There is so much stuff to have when there is a baby in the house. We have a closet with bins for toys and books. I have her clothes organized by size. I actually made dividers using something from the Container Store. This is such an awesome giveaway!

  377. Emily simpson

    March 13, 2012

    I’m the proud mom of a 15 month old daughter and own a teeny tiny two bedroom home! Her room is so small and doesn’t even have a closet! Planning her nursery was crucial to make sure it was fully functional and yet still stylish! I learned how to get creative quick! The best thing we bought was her armoire so we could have a place to hang up her clothes! We were also able to fit a good size bookcase filled with fun patterned baskets from target. We also stuck under the bed organizers under her crib, added a towel rack over her door that holds all of her jackets, bath towels, dress up clothes, you nAme it. We placed baskets on top of armoire creating more storage but also making your eyes go up and giving the room a larger appearance. Around the house we utilize woven baskets and keep toys in those. For larger toys, we alternate with keeping a couple in the den and the rest up in the attic. When she starts getting bored with those toys, we trade them out for others. If they were all downstairs, she would be over stimulated and the floors would be covered! All of the cute decorative but non functional pieces of furniture I had were replaced with pieces that have drawers and storage! The more places to store the better!

  378. Rebecca G

    March 13, 2012

    I hope to keep my girls’ spaces uncluttered by purging every few months. Consignment sales are a great way to pass along toys and clothes that still can be put to good use.

  379. Lily

    March 13, 2012

    My little girl is 4 months old now so that means lots of little tiny things – those fabric square things (boxes? bins? baskets? whatever you call them) fit easily on the shelves I set up in her closet. Those, plus one of those hanging shoe organizers and viola! It also makes it super easy to put the laundry away – hint, I rarely fold (except for blankets) just toss it in :-)

  380. Miss Pete

    March 13, 2012

    The best ways to keep organized are not hoarding, keeping things off the floor (love command hooks), and make cleaning/organizing fun for the kiddos. A great “game” is who can pick up the most the fastest or basketballing objects into their correct containers. Hoping to win this fantastic giveaway!

  381. Nicole Blackmon

    March 13, 2012

    I hate a messy room, I am simply unable to think clearly! Everything has to have a place…car bin, dinosaur/plastic animal bin, musical instrument bin, etc. And I have some shelves hanging on a small wall in our son’s bedroom that is sort of hidden by the door in his bedroom that holds things he doesn’t generally play with on a daily basis. But BINS on a tidy cubby shelf are my answer!

  382. Erin White

    March 13, 2012

    Donate or sell whatever you don’t need anymore. Clutter is your enemy!

  383. Naomi

    March 13, 2012

    We’ve been overrun by toys, books, etc. so we have a rule: for every item that comes into the house, we need to donate or give away at least one or (preferably!) two similar items.

  384. Meg T

    March 13, 2012

    Having a specific place or container for EVERYTHING really helps. I also love to donate anything we don’t use anymore. I also try to think twice before I buy any new toys or clothes. Do we really NEED this?? That really helps.

  385. Michelle Stice

    March 13, 2012

    Seasonal purging of clothes that don’t fit and are worn or stained. Also toy check for broken or worn out toys. Also go through toys before Christmas and birthdays unused toys downsize. Will keep some toys set aside in clear tubs to trade out so new toys go in and out of play mix.
    Store out of season items , etc in clear plastic labeled totes. We have metal utility shelves in garage and I have bought totes to fit.

  386. Thanh

    March 13, 2012

    Having to many toys can be a nightmare for those with limited space. We allow our son about ten toys at a time than swap out the old with a new toy every few weeks. That way our house is not over run by toys and my son does not get board with his toys.

  387. Tyler

    March 13, 2012

    Baskets, baskets, baskets!!! I have baskets everywhere. Also eliminate excess furniture, such as a coffee table, especially when they are little. That way when the toys are out it doesn’t feel too tight.

  388. Ashley

    March 13, 2012

    I keep my kids room clean by limiting the toys and books we have out. Periodically I pack away some of their stuff and put it in the garage, then a few months later I’ll switch out the toys in their room for the ones on hiatus.

    On a more regular basis, I’ve made cleaning up before bed a daily routine. My daughter is only 2 but she helps to put things back on the bookshelf or in the toy container. I am so happy we do this! It makes walking in there in the morning feel joyful instead of stressful.

  389. Jessica Holbrook

    March 13, 2012

    Organize so your little one can reach the things they play with on a daily basis and keep the harder to organize things up a little higher in the room.

    If your child has a lot of toys, like mine does. Buy a large container and put a bunch of toys in it and store it out of the way. Each week or so, switch out the toys with ones they are playing with. Not only does it keep the child interested in their “new” toys, it keeps the mess off of the floor. =)

  390. auburnskyy

    March 13, 2012

    I have a 10 month old baby boy with lots of toys and clothes so we bought a bookshelf from ikea with fabric bins so all his toys or clothes can go in their designated bins. It’s easy to take them out and put them away and will someday be easy for him to help put stuff away. I also love the idea of ottomans that open up for extra storage. We also use labeled plastic bins to try to keep on top of clothes that he’s outgrowing.

  391. Juliette Genteman

    March 13, 2012

    Purge your “collection” regularly! ! I grew up in a home where we got rid of stuff we didn’t want/need/use anymore at LEAST once a year. I’ve continued in that fashion as an adult, buying practical things that I love, rather than just buying random stuff because it’s on sale. My husband and I are expecting our first child in due May 2012, and I’m already shocked by the amount of gear that’s deemed “absolutely necessary” for her survival! I’m determined to not let it take over our house! But $500 in gift cards would certainly be a help to a mama on a budget who’s trying to stay organized! :)

  392. Jenna

    March 13, 2012

    I used to want to have the kid’s shoes all lined up in neat matched rows. Turns out, the only way to keep them that way was for me to do it every time a pair was worn. Not gonna happen with three kids! So instead, I started a shoe basket in each room. My oldest has a basket that slides under his bed, the younger one has one in his closet, and I still take care of the baby’s. The older boys know that every time they take their shoes off they are to be put back in the basket. And when it’s time to walk out the door, they just grab two matching shoes. It’s not nice and neat military rows, but it’s a functional and easy to use system. Oh, and having a nice looking basket helps!

  393. Camille K

    March 13, 2012

    Your tips are GREAT! I love using things that can do double duty! Such as reusing food/coffee canisters for toys and blocks! I’ve even see FREE printables for those folder’s red coffee containers so they can be updated and labeled! So fun and a great bright POP of color in a kids room.

  394. Cheryl

    March 13, 2012

    We added a Target cubby with adorable fabric bins and labels for everything! This helps all of us during clean-up time because everything has a clearly labeled home:)

  395. Jessica

    March 13, 2012

    We keep toys in cool see-through colored totes that you can find at Target and we use the padded ottomans for this same purpose in our living room. This way, toys are always near by but very easy to put away for a quick clean up! I also have a tote on hand and ready to be filled with clothes that are too small in the closet.

  396. Lauren Benoit

    March 13, 2012

    my best tip for a clutter-free children’s room or play room is less is more. When entering new clothing, toys or anything else we always take one thing away and either sell it or donate it. I have learn that the hard way before kids. I started with myself and used it in my child’s room. We have a small home and don’t have room for useless things.

    I love this give away! please really could use it!

    thank you!!

  397. tiffany sexton

    March 13, 2012

    Once everything is organized, I keep their areas clean by picking up every night and every morning!

  398. Britt

    March 13, 2012

    This give away is right along my goals for 2012. I’m due any day with Baby 2 and I’ve been working on organizing all year. My helpful items have been baskets and labels, from my first son’s room to the kitchen pantry and all rooms between. I’ve got so much more to go, but very motivated.

  399. Eileen

    March 13, 2012

    I am due in September and I am learning what it means to declutter and organize since a whole room that was used for us now needs to be nearly gone and empty for our new baby’s nursery. What I do, is seperate what can be sold and what can be given away into 2 piles, then there is the 3rd pile. Seperating items in bins are the best way, that way you can get the bins out of the way when they are full and get to work emptying them by donating or selling them online. I have had much success so far selling my stuff and hope I can get all the BIG furniture sold before baby comes. :) I could really use these gift cards. We have been married for 12 years and thought we would never be able to have a baby which means we had 12 years combined to store up stuff for a guest room and office…

  400. Jess (The Cozy Reader)

    March 13, 2012

    What an awesome giveaway!

    For stuff animals I’m a fan of the hammocks as well as the big zippered bags you can stuff them into to make a bean bag chair. Also, a well organized closet is essential to our family. I bought a second hanging rod that attaches to the top rod by velcro. Love that thing! I refuse to fold little kid clothes so if it’s hangable, it gets hung up!

    Thanks again!

  401. Dawn Jennings

    March 13, 2012

    our toys are organized by type and every bin has a place. The bins are in different parts of the house to avoid too many toys in one place. Whenever we are done playing with a type of toys we put it all away before getting in to a new bin. This also makes it easier to get rid of unused toys.
    Helps to stop the toys from taking over the house, but it also means we need new bins a lot :)

  402. Corrin

    March 13, 2012

    The key to organization and clutter-less spaces is that every item needs a place. From organizing drawers, to closets, to toy bins, if every item has a certain space they will not end up being thrown in the very back of the closet or a corner somewhere. The Container Store has a great solution for all spaces, big and small!

  403. Berna

    March 13, 2012

    What hangers do you use to hold your boys’ clothes?

  404. Melissa L

    March 13, 2012

    We have organization bins in the kids playroom and in their closets, if everything has a place then it makes life much easier. Every Holiday we donate or sell items that are no longer used or they have grown out of.

  405. Katie J

    March 13, 2012

    Everything needs a home, and that home must be easy-access! If bin has a lid, or a drawer requires two hands to open it, nothing gets put away. Open-top bins allow for something to be put away with a one-handed toss… the same technique they would use to throw something on the floor, so the odds are much better for that something ending up where it belongs.

  406. Heather B

    March 13, 2012

    Every three months we go through my daughters toys and clothes and pick items to pack up and donate to Goodwill. My daughter enjoys this activity because she likes the idea of helping other kids less fortunate. I like the fact that it keeps down the amount of things she has to clean up and put away.

  407. Masooma

    March 13, 2012

    Love this article!! I have two boys myself (4 yrs and 2 mos) and I’m pretty sure this will be my biggest problems in a couple years. I have so much clutter with just one, don’t know how I will handle it with two boys sharing a room. Right now my biggest “declutter” tools are wicker baskets/storage bins. They look decorative and I have a few different sizes perfect for toys, clothes, books, and accessories. I might just have to buy more in the future to keep the clutter at bay!! Thanks for sharing your ideas :)

  408. Sarah S.

    March 13, 2012

    I put toys in super cute baskets so I can still have them in our common areas without looking like play rooms. I also go through all clothes monthy, storing or donating things that don’t fit.

  409. Sara

    March 13, 2012

    My husband says I am a little nuts about organization, but at least our house always looks decent. I am big on making sure every item has a “home” so that it has some place to go when guests are over or when I am sick of looking at a mess. This means lots of storage bins in everyone’s rooms, under the sink, in the closet. I am also a big purger. You have to make space for all of the new things or the things you actually want to have or play with now, so I am prone to go through things every 2-3 months and am not afraid to toss or donate. I only save and store the items that have the most sentimental value or might be useful down the road.

  410. Michelle V.

    March 13, 2012

    I keep things organized by putting them in containers, I don’t mean just tossing them in there. It has to be toys in one bin, then art supplies in the other.. Take your time to organize! Clean up will be a breeze afterwards.

  411. Jennifer C.

    March 13, 2012

    My best tip is labeling where items go so it makes it quick and easy to pick up toys and put them back in their “homes”!

  412. Rysse

    March 13, 2012

    Clips and Hooks!!! We got decorative clothes pin clips at Land of Nod and the kids proudly display their awards/school work/artwork on the clips in their rooms! Hooks in their rooms for medals, jewelry, hats, etc… and hooks as soon as they walk in the door for backpacks/coats…

  413. Vanessa Manley

    March 13, 2012

    Under the bed storage bins. They are amazing and no one ever needs to know they’re there!

  414. Pinky Sade

    March 13, 2012

    Toy bins, definitely! Whatever goes out, must go back in. Keeping the floor clear is a great way to keep a room clutter free! I also like the portable door hooks… just place the hooks on top of the door and you have a great space to hang bags or jackets!

  415. HSUper Parents

    March 13, 2012

    I love using baskets to organize and sort things. Also, a sweater organizer/rack is very handy to be used on the shelf of the closet.

  416. Claudia Alaniz

    March 13, 2012

    I feel the same way Melisa – nothing on the floor. I’m still finishing my 3-month-old daughter’s room and already there are cute plastic shoe boxes and bins with hearts on the, from Target of course. I’m pretty confident she will know about keeping neat when possible, since I have done pretty well so far with my husband. He was used to leaving wet towels and clothes on the floor. I keep open containers and bowls around the house for him to throw his keys, change, etc., in. Before that, it was any counter space and change is always ending up on the floor. I have some type of container throughout the house, and I try to match them with each room’s colors – green for the restroom, burgundy for the room, autumn colors for the dining room… Under-the-bed storage keeps my shoes and seasonal clothing out of sight, and right now under-the-crib storage holds clothes baby girl received but does not fit into yet. I’ll admit the house is not always “kept” but things always have a place, even if it’s in a messy bin, as long as it is not on the floor :P

  417. Grey Hour

    March 13, 2012

    Purge often and have a place for everything (and everything in its place)!

  418. Christina Colon

    March 13, 2012

    I have gotten into the habit of having the kids clean their room each day. That way it doesn’t get so bad that they complain about cleaning it. Making mondays and Fridays my ‘vaccuum Days”. Hope to win!!

  419. Christy Meyer

    March 13, 2012

    Staying organized with kids is a challenge but one thing that has proven to work for us is having things stored in bins. I have started to label these bins with picture and words to help my little one associate objects with their picture and written name. But, having the toys in bins that he can reach means he can intermix toys while playing…his cars can play his drums ect…but it also allows for him to help pick up. At two my little on can pick up his room all be himself because all the toys are in easy access bins. Before holidays and birthdays we go through our toys and give away things we don’t use any more in preparation for any new toys he might get. These two this have kept our house from being overrun with too many kid toys.

  420. alisha

    March 13, 2012

    i have cute little bins buckets and baskets to store random little toys, i try and separate things into similar piles, like board books in one, animals in another, blocks ect.. then i have small bookshelf for the bigger toys and a toy hamock for stuffed animals. As my 10 month old and i play i try and show her how to pick up what we are done with as we go so she starts to learn the idea of cleaning up when finished.

  421. Samantha

    March 13, 2012

    Labels, labels and more labels! Of course, keeping them toddler friendly is a must. We use pictures of the toys inside baskets or graphics to label bins of clothing. This also helps with clean up time because he knows exactly where things go. At the end of every season we go through his outgrown clothes and sell them via thredUP.

  422. Shiree A. Shaffer

    March 13, 2012

    I am all anout organization being pretty and functional. My daughter is only 15 months old, and i’m a bit of a hoarder, so I have to be on the ball with clutter! We grouped toys together and took photos of the “groups”, then put them on the corresponding basket/bin. My daughter loves to help put things away at the end of playtime! Sometimes she messes up, but at least it goes in a basket! Plus we play her music and sing and
    dance while doing it! We have done the same with
    canvas bins for tights, bloomers, baby washcloths,etc. I absolutely love opening her
    closet door and just staring at the perfection!

  423. alisonz

    March 13, 2012

    We buy everything in small order… small portable swings, a small high chair, a door frame bouncer, everything is easily stored so our house is not full of clutter. It helps because all of the baby supplies can add up quickly!

  424. Madison

    March 13, 2012

    I use bins/containers to organize my son’s closet. They do not have lids on them so it is easy to toss something in the bin and I labeled each one so I can find what I’m looking for quickly. To keep his clothes organized, I go through his closet once a month and if an outfit doesn’t fit him any longer, I put it in a specific container and once it is full I label it with the size of clothing in it and store it away in the storage closet.

  425. Marie

    March 13, 2012

    Labels Labels Label!! every toy bin is labeled. a little chalkboard paint so when they grow out of that toy for newer ones you can just erase and writ the new toys. For examples Legos in the Legos but barbies in another littlest pet shop in another transformer in another so on and so on. like weebles just went and now its littlest pet shop for my almost 3 years old. its very easy when everything is labeled for clean up time or looking for a certiain toy

  426. Alexandra wagoner

    March 13, 2012

    We keep a storage chest in every room to easily throw our 10 month olds toys into for easy clean up. We’d love to have a perfect home for everything, but sometimes that’s just not realistic. This makes our house look clean and put together fast.

  427. Aubrie G.

    March 13, 2012

    We try to pick up everyday (note, try). We definitely could make better use of some organizational techniques. Cloth bins are our main storage right now.

  428. Linda

    March 13, 2012

    I love antiques and being organized with our son’s toys. Therefore I have combined both and began to purchased old military trunks before the clutter began. We use them to store toys, as a small activity table for him and most of all we use them as decoration. We also use foot lockers for his shoes, accessories etc and they look so perfect in our living room because we place books on top of them. Old, stylish and organized. Period.

  429. Cheri LaEace

    March 14, 2012

    My favorite way to keep things organized are 1) everything must have a home. If there is no specific place to keep it, it will always just be laying around. 2) Keep storage containers everywhere – boxes, bins, baskets, etc. 3) Purge what you don’t really need. If you haven’t used get rid of it!

  430. Maria

    March 14, 2012

    I have tubs for all of my daughters and sons toys. I also have canvas bins for books/small toys that I put on their bookshelf. For my daughters hair accessories I have the heart bins from Target.

  431. Sara Berryman

    March 14, 2012

    I have big plastic tubs in each of my children’s closets so when they outgrow anything I fold it and put it away in the box. Then when the next fall or spring consignment sale rolls around I have everything ready to price and tag. And their closets are clutter free of all the things they have outgrown. And no fussing about wanting to wear a shirt that no longer fits! ;)

  432. Deb

    March 14, 2012

    I go through my daughters clothes and toys save what we want and donate what she no longer needs.

  433. Erika

    March 14, 2012

    Kids rooms are the hardest for me to keep decluttered!! I like the idea of keeping bins in their room for outgrown clothes! I also like for everything to be off the floor. My kids have several hooks in their rooms for coats, backpacks, caps etc. THanks!!

  434. Ibu

    March 14, 2012

    My baby arrives in about 7 weeks but I hate clutter and try to put things away in boxes or containers. Already got a few containers for the baby’s room. Will love to win this so many stuff to do before the baby arrives.

  435. Andrea

    March 14, 2012

    I’m not entering the contest because I’m not quite sure how to do this myself! HA. I do try my best to not purchase “unnecessary” items. We make sure the toys we have are meaningful and used. And anything that he’s not into goes into storage — where it will someday be new and exciting again.

    The reason I wanted to comment is I have to know — is that an original Mickey and Minnie animation cel? It’s stunning! My family has collected animation art for awhile. An original Dumbo hangs peacefully above my son’s crib.

  436. Melanie Duxbury

    March 14, 2012

    my best tip to keeping clutter free is to not own much clutter. haven’t used it in a few months? give it away! lol

  437. Larissa

    March 14, 2012

    Everything you own, even your kid’s stuff, should be… 1) Aesthetically pleasing, 2) Functional, 3) Sentimental

    If it isn’t at least 2 of these, then out it goes!

  438. Kim

    March 14, 2012

    We’re expecting baby #2 in a few months, and once we get past those initial couple of months he will be sharing a room with his 1.5-yr old brother in our little condo. Clothes that currently fit, as well as linens/cloths/accessories are in their dresser (each kid gets 3 drawers). We’ve got a stack of bins in the closet organizing the rest of the clothes by size, as much on hangers as possible, and toys are in two bins in their room (one bucket-like on the floor, one with compartments hanging from the ceiling). Books all get returned to the bookshelf after reading. In our living room, we keep toys organized with one of those 12-bin caddies, and part of playtime is clean-up time. We rotate the toys in this caddy to keep it interesting, with spillover in storage. We make frequent trips to donate!

  439. Christina Skinner

    March 14, 2012

    My only tip is to keep purging on a regular basis! No need to keep things you don’t use or have too much of. I always give it to a family in need. I make sure to go through things such as clothes, toys, books, movies, shoes, etc, on a regular basis so that my limited amount of space doesn’t get too cluttered.

  440. Lisamarie

    March 14, 2012

    My 9 year old daughter loves arts and crafts and has supplies all over here room. It was SO frustrating when she’d drop bead and I’d step on them so I purchased about a dozen see-through bins and we organized her yarns, beads, hole punchers, stickers, fabrics. Then we took all of the clothes out of her dresser and hung the pants, shirts, dresses. Put her socks and undies in a little 3 bin unit in her closet and placed all her craft bins in her dresser. She put little index cards in front of each bin so she knows what’s in it and she loves having all of the craft stuff in one spot and her clothes in one spot. Now my son and I share a room and we are off to declutter that one which is a bit more of a challenge cause he has hundred of those little marvel super hero guys. Wish me luck!

  441. Laura

    March 14, 2012

    I try to keep things organized by having a designated place for just about everything and tidying up a little at the end of each day so the clutter doesn’t accumulate and become overwhelming.

  442. Sherry Conrad

    March 14, 2012

    I had girls, 4 of them and when I was single space was TIGHT- a few of my best tips- we got some of that board with the holes in it, spray painted in our colors and tied ribbons around the neck so all but the animals (and UGH My Little Ponies) got put up on S hooks. We also hung baskets on some of the easy to reach hooks so they could pick up those *&^* % little hairbrushes and shoes. ;-). Another wall was done half cork and half chalkboard on the top half of the wall and shelves/cubbies along the bottom.

    One benefit of the cork on the wall- they were the ones who chose which artwork to display- if they wanted something up they had to remove something else, you can’t believe how freeing it is not to save every single scrap of paper with a scribble on it. (Take pics periodically so you don’t lose the work forever.)

    Love what you’ve done with their room, hope you love NY, I still miss it sometimes.

  443. Sherry Conrad

    March 14, 2012

    Sherry Conrad,

    sorry, that should be all but the animals they slept with.

  444. Saybher W

    March 14, 2012

    I’m a new mom, but my 5 month old daughter already has a ton of stuff. The trick for me is to make key items work double duty to cut down on furniture pieces and reduce the look of clutter. A changing pad and pretty storage containers transformed her simple dresser into a changing station. Next to our rocker, I made a side table that doubles as easy-access, rotating book storage and the ottoman doubles as toy storage. As for her massive wardrobe, everything is stored in the closet. We made use of the vertical space with shelves and clothing rods installed clear up to the ceiling and color coordinated containers so even this space is functional yet pretty.

  445. Sheena

    March 14, 2012

    I use soft bins/baskets all over the place. They are more flexible than regular baskets/drawers so they can fit a variety of stuff. In her changing table I have one for bath stuff (towels, toys, washcloths) and sleep stuff (sheets, swaddles, blankets). By her bed I have one with soft toys, and outside I have one for hard toys. Etc.

  446. Andrea

    March 14, 2012

    My son is only 4 months, and does not have a real use for toys yet, but I am sure many will be coming his way soon as he becomes more aware of them. I plan on using the ikea expedit shelves with bins that we have in his room to organize what he is currently into. Anything he is not yet using, or he has outgrown will be cleaned and placed in a bin in the garage for the next child, sale or to give to goodwill. I do alot better moving things to the garage than gettingrid of things right away. I am terrible with emotional attatchment.

  447. Amber

    March 14, 2012

    We utilize lots of bins and purge as necessary. It is easy for kids stuff to over take the home. I try to keep similar items in individual containers.

  448. Sarah Medeiros

    March 14, 2012

    Involving my 6 year old in the process is surprisingly helpful, though often short lived. He always knows where things belong when its time to clean up. “Within arms reach” seems to be his theme so I provide him with many little bins and he stacks them where he sees fit. I hung a transparent mesh shoe organizer on the back of his door for all his collections e.i. rocks, stick, cards, rubber bands… any small items which don’t have a regular bin. Then there is my 2yr old… he is in that really helpful, copy what he sees mode, so for now, his brother is setting a great example!

  449. Rebekah

    March 14, 2012

    We use lots of lidless bins– all square, no baskets, no cutesie shapes. I learned right after we got married that if my husband had to open a cabinet or a lid to put something away, it was probably going to get left out or tossed on the floor. Plus, picking up after a toddler with a baby-in-arms is much easier if I can do it one-handed. We also use lots of hooks for jackets, backpacks, diaper bags, etc.

    The boys’ room is shelved practically wall-to-wall, but all the shelves are shallow (we used gutters and ledged picture shelves) and low enough to reach conveniently (if I have to go find a stool to put something away, I procrastinate).

    We purge almost monthly. We make a game of it by weighing the Goodwill bag when we’re finished (10 lbs equals a pizza, 15 pounds a pizza and ice cream, etc).

    I think the biggest tip is one my mom gave me when I was a kid (and I hated it then): if you have time to leave it on the floor, you have time to put it away. Putting things away immediately after use goes a long way in feeling less cluttered and crowded.

  450. Karen

    March 14, 2012

    always rotate out the toys that he has out grown, so we never have too much stuff

  451. Dawn

    March 14, 2012

    I love all the ideas and use quite a few of them. I have a 3 year old daughter and another on the way. I keep a basket in my oldest daughters closet so as she grows out of old clothes, I throw them in the basket. Once the basket is full, I go back through the clothes and make sure I want to pack them away for her baby sister. If they are stained, too worn or just not really to my liking, I donate them and then pack away the rest of the next little one by size. I also keep a bag in my closet for donation and try to try something new on everyday, if I don’t love it anymore, I put it in the donation bag. You have to constantly purge but by making it easy and a daily or weekly activity it does not get too overwhelming. Now if someone could help me with my garage, I would be set.

  452. Tami

    March 14, 2012

    Distraction, distraction! I declutter by distracting my 4 yr. old son and when his back is turned, the trash can comes out…along with the big plastic storage bins. Out of sight, out of mind! :)

  453. Meredith Palfrey

    March 14, 2012

    I am still struggling with the clutter. I do keep bins available and as clothes go out of season, I sort them into my “keep” and “consign” bins. Then I can carefully tuck them away until needed.

  454. Stephanie S.

    March 14, 2012

    Melisa~ We live in the crazy Big Apple with our eight-month old son. We know now, more than ever, space is a premium here! We are on the top floor of our building, so extra tall ceilings mean we organize UP and we take full advantage! Shelves and hooks keep things off the floor and it keeps things colorful and fun too. Toys are stored in a huge basket from Home Goods and old clothes are store in repurposed jumbo diaper boxes!

  455. Sarah G.

    March 14, 2012

    To cut down on clutter I try lots of ideas! For example – repurpose & reuse! My daughter’s art supply box is one of her old diaper boxes and I have also used refashioned diaper boxes as storage containers.

    I have a colorful wide ribbon hanging from a flower that all her barrettes, bows, and hats can hang from for easy accessibility by her clothes.

    I also have an organizer in her closet that has dividers for days of the week. I put her clothes for each day ahead of time. Later on in life she can dress herself, but that way I’ve limited the choice and the mess that can be made in the closet!

    If you have stairs, under the steps becomes handy for hooks and boxes too!

  456. samantha Howe

    March 14, 2012

    Storage Storage Storage..but I try to make it fun storage too and not boring so that it looks ok to be kept out (I blogged about some great options here: And hooks- hang it up…there’s so many great hooks out there too that can also be a design feature. And then having a good old clear out once every few months helps too and archiving old clothes ready for the next baby to wear them :-)

  457. Kristen Gullick

    March 14, 2012

    I use storage bins for easy under the bed storage and tops of closets. I also have organized labeled bins in my attic.

  458. Lynn

    March 14, 2012

    Constantly decluttering- deciding what they’re playing with and not- then donating or giving away to friends with new babies. My 3.5 year old and almost 2 year old are old enough to clean up and are now helping to make sure their room is neat and organized!

  459. anne

    March 14, 2012

    my very best tips for keeping my kids space clean and clutter-free is to sort & reduce frequently (at least every other month but especially before holiday/birthday). you can purchase every container on the market but if you only allow clutter in without getting rid of anything than you will never win the battle. i also like to try new ideas i find on blogs or see friends doing with their toys, art, clutter. you never know what just might change your room into a clutter free zone…at least for a little while lol

  460. Kaitlynn

    March 14, 2012

    I wish I had a great technique to share… I NEED to get decluttered and organized and am working on it. I would say to make sure everything has a place- and anything that doesn’t gets donated!

  461. Kathrine Call

    March 14, 2012

    I use old diaper box that I cover with fabric for bin for my children’s toys, shoes, blankets, etc. Works great and not that expensive.

  462. Katie

    March 14, 2012

    I use large keg tub style rubber tubs to put lots of trucks and what ever the boys have in. Different colors so they know what goes where.

  463. Lorraine Marie Deichert

    March 14, 2012

    I keep my toddler’s toys separate from my older kiddos stuff my using big canvas bins. I store the older kiddos stuff in plastic storage bins. Helps keep things from being a smidge less chaotic with 3 boys ;)

  464. Lindsay

    March 14, 2012

    Once a week I go through my little ones closet and get rid of clothes that are too small and toys they have not played with in at least a few weeks. Off to my charity it goes. Storge bin under the bed/crib is another great place for misc.

  465. LeeAnne

    March 14, 2012

    The circo tubs with rope handles from target are my best friend. I have them all over. They rock at providing a home for big trucks that every boy has tons of. Toys are confined to the playroom, garage(outdoor toys), and bedroom. If we run out space we donate and I have them select a toy before every gift holiday to donate. Hopefully they will learn to be giving. :)

  466. Jamie Koonce

    March 14, 2012

    I keep everything in bins and clean up every night before bed. We also go through and purge every so often. We move every 2-3 years since we are a military family so it makes us declutter often.

  467. Holly

    March 14, 2012

    I love using old locker bins tucked in ikea open bookshelves. When everything has a place it makes it so much easier! Our baby is only 6 months, so we are trying to limit what we bring in.

  468. Alene Conner

    March 14, 2012

    With two girls ages 4&6 and another on the way clutter seems to multiply! My biggest clutter reducer method is using the cubby/fabric bin system I purchased at Target. Each bin has a specific type of toy in it, ex: the my little pony bin, the polly pocket bin, the Barbie bin, etc. The girls are only allowed to have one bin out at a time when playing , and when cleaning up they know exactly where things belong! If the bin is full and new toys don’t fit it’s time to purge!

  469. Katie

    March 14, 2012

    I use furniture with built-in storage whenever possible! Storage ottomans are great for hiding the little knick knacks (and toys!) that you need every day.

  470. amy

    March 14, 2012

    Bins and wall hooks- gives everything a spot off the floor but still easy access for the kids

  471. Ashlee

    March 14, 2012

    I don’t really have a tried and true answer, except that I use containers a lot! I’m still trying to figure out an attractive yet functional way to store my 2-year-old daughter’s toys! This giveaway would be awesome!!! :)

  472. Bdaiss

    March 14, 2012

    I try to stick to the “one in one out” philosophy. When that doesn’t work (or for all the other. It’s and bobs I don’t want to see all the time) I love baskets and bins. Doesn’t matter what kind of a mess it is inside, it looks neat and orderly from the outside! Keeps me same and the kids still have easy access to their toys.

  473. adrienne

    March 14, 2012

    I HATE clutter. Purging is an absolute lifesaver. We do a lot of donating when things are no longer played with and before birthday and holidays. Also keeping things off the floor and minimizing knock knacks. We use the cube storage shelf in the closet to display toys on and drawers for art supplies/paper.

  474. Mikaela

    March 14, 2012

    Cube shelves with tons of baskets and bins. I literally have a huge cube shelving unit
    In every bedroom and in our game room. Also, Don’t be afraid to donate things when your kids outgrow them. Toys and clothes are always piling up. I go through them every 3 months and donate what Is outgrown or what my kids don’t play with and give it to our local shelter.

  475. Cyn Corces

    March 14, 2012

    Since we live in a not so big apartment I use a magazine rack in our living room to keep my little guys toys from spilling all over the place. And I have some cool wine crates that I have found and I line them with canvas and paint them for specific groups of toys for his room so he can dump all of his toys in there and he know where he can find them as well

  476. Laura M

    March 14, 2012

    Piles. I’m so bad at organization!

  477. Lara S.

    March 14, 2012

    My best is kind of like she already said, but I keep empty bins in my daughter’s closet to fill with clothes (I try to go through the drawers every month or two) & toss in whatever I know isn’t fitting. When it’s full it gets stored & it’s all out of the way.

  478. Rachael

    March 14, 2012

    We are a huge fan of cube organizers with cute baskets.

  479. Tiki Huey

    March 14, 2012

    I don’t know how to, everything is everywhere, and I mean EVERYWHERE!!!! If I could attach pictures I would. I need a pro to come in and help me with my organization. I need someone to please tell me what to keep, how to store things I need, but don’t always need out, and make me throw out what I don’t need!!!!! I am such a hoarder!!! I have a 19 month, and so now it has gotten worse. Please I beg of you to pick me!!!! I DESPERATELY NEED THE HELP!!!

  480. Kisa

    March 14, 2012

    We are all about the cute fabric baskets and clear containers, there is no such thing as having too many storage bins!!

  481. Anne Lehnick

    March 14, 2012

    We clean up when we finish playing with something. We also have containers or places for all types of toys and are supplies, so things have a home to go to.

  482. lynn b

    March 14, 2012

    Oh let me count the ways I try to keep the kids organized…first with some amazing shelves and media centers, with doors to hide clutter. Then we use lots of reusable bags, re-use clear zip bags that comforters and bed sets come in so the kiddies can easily see the toys and keep like items can never have enough storage with 3 kids.

  483. Melody J

    March 14, 2012

    I do two very useful things to keep the kids clutter at bay: 1) Get custom closets – this makes the entire closet useful and organized. 2) I purchased very cute clear storage boxes that are decorated with hearts(from Target) so we can keep all the Polly Pockets together and the Barbie Accessories in check. Easily transportable to other rooms and easy to clean up! We have small, med, large and huge boxes.

  484. beth leyva

    March 14, 2012

    We go through and get rid of things once month, and lot of storage bins!!

  485. Renee V.

    March 14, 2012

    I realized the toys were getting out of control, so we had to finally purchase the cube storage shelves that hold individual bins. Then the toys can theoretically stay organized, but most importantly off the floor! Also, since my daughter is a toddler and she doesn’t have adult size clothes yet, a bookshelf in her closet holds lots of things that are easily seen and again keeps things off the floor in her room! Now that we are expecting a boy we realize we need to come up with an updated plan!

  486. lisa w

    March 14, 2012

    Love containers, bins, storage benches, closets! I appreciate this post since I do still need help!

  487. Jen

    March 14, 2012

    I label everything… bins for art supplies, games, Nintendo gear and more. Plus I’m obsessed with Command hooks (by 3m). I have one positioned low inside the coat closet so even my smallest can hang up her coat. Some behind my sons door for hats, bags, bath towel, and in my daughters closet at eye level for her favorite dress up clothes. Last, I never leave a room empty handed. Something inevitably needs to go somewhere else. This small step makes a big difference throughout the day.

  488. Stacey

    March 14, 2012

    I have a HUGE tote in the attic that I use to store toys that have been played with for a few months. Then, every few months, I take them down and put up other ones. That keeps our toy collection to a minimum in the house, and also keeps them excited about the “new” toys that are coming down! I also have great storage bins from IKEA in our playroom and EVERYTHING has a place. I also pack up too-small clothes into those extra large ziplock bags, label them and then put them in a tote for younger brother to wear when he moves up in sizes. Would love to win this! Thanks!

  489. Kara

    March 14, 2012

    This post is awesome! I am in the midst of finishing my 3 yr old’s big boy room and these are all helpful hints! I would say my biggest tip is make everything serve a purpose. Don’t put something in the room if it doesn’t have a purpose. Helps to keep the clutter down.
    Thanks for an awesome post and the chance to win the gift cards!

  490. Amanda Stauffer

    March 14, 2012

    Space is limited in my small home. I’m constantly trying to organize better and baskets do help and book shelves too. Utilizing space under beds is great too.

  491. Tracy S

    March 14, 2012

    We are basket happy in our house. It’s a great place to store his toys that’s easily accessible to our baby. Love the ledges for books too. We should do it.

  492. Johnna

    March 14, 2012

    I love organization! It makes my life feel so….clean! I wish I was more organized and could stay on top of it, but to keep my daughter’s room clutter-free, I try to purge toys before birthday and Christmas. And the usual spring cleaning. The same with clothes in the closet. I store all clothes that are too little in storage bins and mark the sizes on the outside of the bin and store it in the attic. That way when they get ready for the younger one or I get ready to sell them, I know where to go!

  493. Celia

    March 14, 2012

    Under bed storage!!! This has been a life saver in both of my daughters (2 yrs, 6 mos) seasonal cloths. As for the abundance of toys, I try and rotate them to keep it fresh and interesting. I just recently put pictures on each storage toy bin of the toys that belong on them. My 2 year old loves “cleaning” up now, because she thinks of itas a game!!

  494. Susan R

    March 14, 2012

    Before our baby was born, I begged my husband to build a giant toy box/bench and bookshelves built-ins in the nursery! They turned out awesome and add a huge amount of storage. The best part is all the toys go in the bench and don’t have to been seen! I also built a little reading corner that has shallow picture leaning shelves to lean books against. That way he can see the covers and pick out the book he wants to read. Adds decoration and storage!

  495. Robin K

    March 14, 2012

    With my 7 month old, we don’t have alot of clutter yet. But I do keep a laundry basket in her closet for donation/consignment. Cute metal buckets and wooden baskets in nursery colors keep toys, books, nursery supplies together and deco chic! :)

  496. Stacey C.

    March 14, 2012

    Bins! Bins! Bins! Bins for toys, diapers, outgrown clothes, shoes, etc. (and lots of labels for said bins :)

  497. karen

    March 14, 2012

    work little by little. i never get anything if i tell myself i ‘have to clean the whole room. by tomorrow’ we start in one corner and work from there. sometimes it takes a few days, but we’ll get there eventually!!

  498. Megan

    March 14, 2012

    Storage bins and lots of them! Fabric boxes for the closets and plastic bins for storage.

  499. Lissette Gonzalez-Toledo

    March 14, 2012

    I take care of my 4 year old son’s clutter by using multiple sources of storage. His play area is in our family room. There he has an 8 cubby storage system, a train table with two drawers, and we use the two cabinets under the t.v. to store certain toys. He is now learning that each area stores a specific type of toy. So if he wants to play with one of his cars he can find them in cubby # 3 of the storage system.

  500. Vicki Covrig

    March 14, 2012

    We use book shelves for the stuffed animals, plastic storage bins, toy boxes with dividers and try to train the kids to put the stuff back where it belongs. If all else fails, offer the oldest one and her friend a $1 to pick up the toys and replace them.

  501. Jamie

    March 14, 2012

    Move every 2 years! Kidding! But seriously, we have moved every one to two years since 2004. We are now settled, finally, into a long term home (10+ years) and moving that often really makes you reconsider what you “need” and what is worth hauling around. I keep a constant pile ready for donations and drop it off often so I am not tempted to go back and pull something back out. With kids the only thing we don’t limit is books so I am needing some wall shelving as well. We try to pay attention to which toys are novelties, barely played with and ready to be donated (usually loud/plastic types) in favor of the more simple things that grow with them – plain, uncolored wooden blocks are a favorite of both kids, 2 and 4 years old. Not accumulating in the first place is a big one, too – instead of things, grandparents gift classes – my kids have done soccer, dance, etc as wonderful, experience type gifts! My favorite!

  502. Jeni

    March 14, 2012

    Lots of organizers! We have a large dresser with lots of plastic organizers in each drawer to seperate the socks, bibs, onesies and all the other little clothes. In the closet we have plastic drawers to store clothes that are still too big, and fabric bins for blankets and sheets.

  503. Barbie

    March 14, 2012

    For everything that goes in, something must go out. For example, when my daughter gets a a new stuffed animal or toy, she has to give up something to goodwill.

  504. Carolsue

    March 15, 2012

    My kids have always been good about keeping their rooms clean. They know if they leave things lying around, they may lose that item for a week. If it gets left out again, it gets donated. What they do have, they have a lot of storage space and plastic drawers to keep the little items stored in. On their birthdays and Christmas, they each pick a few items to donate since they will be getting new things.

  505. danielle

    March 15, 2012

    Bins,Bins,Bins. Rotate toys. A special place for everything!

  506. margo B.

    March 15, 2012

    My children (2) share a room together and we have used bookshelf / room divider type of furniture to maximize the storage space and keep the clutter of the floor… everything goes to a dedicated basket inside the cubes so its out of sight and you can really play off on the design scheme – with the baskets, containers etc….

  507. Kate

    March 15, 2012

    I would love to know where you got some of the things pictured, like the picture ledge, the superhero art and the bedding. I love this room. You did a wonderful job.

  508. Jas

    March 15, 2012

    I use storage bins for my boys’ books and toys, and keep them in cubbies. Their clothes are all organized into clear bins labeled with the sizes so I can easily find what I need. I love all of my kids things but I love them even better when it’s all organized :)

  509. Kimberly

    March 15, 2012

    Storage bins are my solution! I although not that I am pregnant with my 2nd I am fearing a cluttered household when the baby toys and gear come back out in a few months. We have a lot of space, but I could definitely still use a lot of decluttering help!

  510. cindy b

    March 15, 2012

    We do a clean up first thing in the morning and at night before bed. I find this keeps the space pretty clean and only takes a few mins!

  511. Ali

    March 15, 2012

    by using lots of storage bins. I lable them to make things even easier.

  512. cindy b

    March 15, 2012

    cindy b,


  513. Emily Harrison

    March 15, 2012

    A place for everything and everything in it’s place. We really do not go crazy buying toys. If we have a birthday or holiday then old toys get donated before new toys come into the playroom. Shoes get put away when taken off, coats hung up, backpack in the same spot every night. THings like that so nothing get’s lost or is under foot. I use baskets in the living room for toys that my 11 month old plays with daily. Each night they are filled up and slide out of sight.
    Great giveaway!!

    Thanks, Emily Harrison

  514. Tamara Owens

    March 15, 2012

    Encourage your family to bless others! We are expecting our first child and every time we get hand-me-downs from sweet friends/family, we keep a few things but donate the rest to our local pregnancy resource center. These centers are 100% funded by donations and they use them to help young mothers who need love and support. It’s easy to give up those sentimental items when you think of those who’ll be blessed by them!

  515. Jennifer

    March 15, 2012

    Making sure everything has a home and lots of bins that are labeled!

  516. Rachel

    March 15, 2012

    This article is so right and on-point! The collection of the different sized frames on the wall is so in-style right now! Some people are constantly holding on to old items that have no use, getting rid of them or donating them can be such a therapeutic and cleansing feeling!

  517. Nikki L

    March 15, 2012

    I could use some tips on decluttering…my closets are a mess! I really like to use drawer organizers, and labeled bins to keep things looking tidy…

  518. Vanessa Coker

    March 15, 2012

    Definitely try to keep it de-cluttered by never letting it get too bad and to have tons of easy-access storage containers around.

  519. Leah asuncion

    March 15, 2012

    We are only just starting to have to really deal with the clutter! My sons are two years old and four months and right now they are in separate rooms, although they will eventually share! As my oldests toys have started to get out of hand I got a storage bookshelf with several labeled bins and we try to make picking up his stuff a game that he enjoys! We also don’t keep toys on the rooms… Only books! We are lucky because we have a large loft that is the designated “playroom” so the clutter is at least centralized! However this would be an awesome contest to win because as the boys are getting older the clutter is getting bigger….. And it’s always mom who is trying to keep it picked up!

  520. Staci A

    March 15, 2012

    My best tip is to label storage containers with photos or words. It encourages my little one to put things away. If a bin is too full, we know it’s time to donate toys.

  521. Candi

    March 15, 2012

    Since deciding to stay in our smallish one bedroom apartment with our now 20 month old, DH and I have decided that instead of buying new toys we would rather buy “experiences”. For example, instead of paying forty dollars or more for a new toy we would simply put that money towards a yearly membership to a museum or other activity that we could enjoy as a family during the year. It has helped us especially minimize the toy dilemma. Also for every new thing that comes in one thing MUST go. Absolutely no exceptions. We regularly donate to our local charities and hand things down to people in our family/friend circle who may have children our sons age. I have only kept a few things that I really could not part with and those are up in our storage area. Also we us those space bags for out of season and outgrown clothes so that if someday we have another child or we are letting go of items everything is clean and clearly labeled and ready to go. I am loving reading all these clutter busting solutions, it is as someone put it, very timely. :)

  522. Ginny

    March 15, 2012

    For babies under age 15 months (this is what we did for our daughter) they don’t need much every day to play with. We kept out two or three BIG toys (the play table, slide, etc) and then along one wall of our dining room I kept FIVE clear plastic bins with lids…they were about 10 inches wide, 18 inches long, and 12 inches high. Each of them had a colorful sign on the front that simply said “Monday” “Tuesday” etc…one for each day Monday-Friday (the weekends are crazy and we are hardly ever home then, so not much playing indoors.) Each bin had: about 7-8 small “baby” toys (rattles, teethers, home-made shakers, tambourine, soft blocks, etc) one educational short DVD (baby einsteins, baby genius, elmo, etc…30 min or less) and 3 books. Each day we ot our our DAY box and read every book all day, watched that DVD about animals or colors or whatnot, and scattered those toys out all over the living room. Each day was like a new adventure! They forget at that age in a week’s time what toys are in bin “Monday”…so when Monday rolls around again it is so exciting! I always felt like she got tired of the same old toys I would hand her when she was screaming bc they weren’t new and interesting. She loved this! So then, all you have out is 5 bins along one wall and 2 or 3 larger toys to play with. You can even do this with toddlers…it will help teach them colors (have each day sign a different bold color) DAYS of the week, and you can even put a different animal on the back and learn a new animal sound each day. Then inside put stickers, coloring books, stories, crafts, flash cards, DVDs, puppets, etc. Do it all on Saturday or Sunday and you have the week’s activities planned :)

    I purchased a soft storage ottoman from Target that was super beautiful and totally “adult” looking and told our oldest it was her toybox. It has soft edges, is the size of a coffee table, and sits as if it is one in our living room. People wouldn’t know it was full of toys unless you lift it up and see the chaos inside :) She can open and close it and I don’t worry about smashed fingers. Plus when our youngest starts cruising around it I won’t worry about sharp corners.

    Also, upstairs in our playroom, her art table has two “Chairs” that are really square storage ottomans…they hold all of her supplies for art and then the other one hold all of her puzzles. These are things that are all annoying with small pieces so I just have two square seats that open and hold all of it inside, right with her table so she can get it out then get to playing there. We only have one “bonus” room upstairs and we wanted to it be able to transform from a kids room during the day to an adult space we could take our friend to at night after the kids were in bed and hang out there. Success!

    So our living room and playroom is clean and toy free except a few larger items and then the bins and toy box :) Everyone always comments on how clutter-free and adult looking it is! If they only came over in the middle of the day… ;)

  523. Char A.

    March 15, 2012

    Everything should have a home so you can always find it! Also, lots of easy access storage containers helps too.

  524. Zsa Zsa

    March 16, 2012

    I moved only once during my married life. Now I’m wishing to move so that I can “lose” some of my husband’s stuff. He is such a hoarder. I try to keep them all in bins and it helps a little bit.

  525. Erin Lawrence

    March 16, 2012

    We try to stay as organized as possible. Everything has a place! And when something hasn’t been played with or used for a good amount of time, it goes to the basement in either the “garage sale” or “donation” box.

  526. Brooke Ragan

    March 16, 2012

    Here’s a rule I live by: If you haven’t worn it or used it in 6 months, donate it or sell it on ebay. I use lots of clear plastic storage bins in the closet with labels( would love prettier ones) and shelves/bookcases keep items still in use. Would love a few picture ledges as shown above for a books and maybe some colorful patterned bins to put in bookcases.

  527. Amy

    March 16, 2012

    I keep a diaper box handy to store clothes that he has outgrown easy way to store and pass on. I have plastic bins on metal shelves to keep everything organized and easily see what is in each one.

  528. Erin

    March 16, 2012

    Havent had the experience yet, as we are still expecting, but I definitely have lots of shelves in our nursery closet! I am taking the bifold doors down to be safer for little ones, and have a tall boy in there for the small knick-nack items like hair barrettes and combs!

    Making clothing seperators by age group soon to keep the hang-ables organized! Need to get a lot more totes & plastic bins though!

  529. Stephanie

    March 16, 2012

    Containers and LABELING! Labeled containers save my life and create so much more room for my growing family <3 I loved reading this article and getting more ideas….so THANK YOU!!

  530. Heidi

    March 16, 2012

    Same with me. Have not had the experience yet. But I can’t wait! Going through the process of adopting my baby and should have her/him by the end of the year! I have already started collecting clothes and organizing them by size is so much fun! A Target and Container Store gift card would be an amazing gift!!!

  531. Jennifer

    March 16, 2012

    I appreciated all the tips. One thing that I think really helps with organization and aesthetics is making sure you have a focused look you are going for and don’t stray too far from it. Then you start looking all over the place and cluttered rather than getting a specific look across. It’s always nice to have shelves with doors on the front too, to hide away the toys!

  532. April

    March 16, 2012

    I purge twice per year. If something hasn’t been used in 6 months, it probably isn’t needed. We donate or sell what we aren’t using or don’t need. Our daughter gives the toys she doesn’t use anymore to other children who can use them. Also, dual purpose furniture helps. Storage ottomans, storage benches, and under bed storage are great for containing clutter.

  533. Nedaa Almier

    March 16, 2012

    using lots of storage pins, boxes & organizers and most importantly teaching children to clean up after themselves.

  534. Scotty

    March 17, 2012

    The mom to 5 small kids with a husband who deploys often you have to be very organized! Having 1 year old, 2 year old twins a 3 year old and a 7 year old can lead to a lot of toys on the floor. The number one thing to do when you have a lot of toys and not a lot of space is to have a spot for everything and to get rid of things when they break. Those are my biggies that I can’t live without is if you don’t need it or the kids are not playing with it well get rid of it. Storage is a must! I bought a big book shelf cubicle thing from IKEA and it has boxes that fit perfectly in the cubicle so when the kids finish playing that is where they toys go. The floor must be keep clean of clutter or you will lose yourself.

  535. Alison

    March 17, 2012

    For every new thing that comes in, one old thing MUST go out!

  536. Anna

    March 17, 2012

    The best way is that early in their lives start that you do not go to be without cleaning your room. We have done that for 5 years now and it works. My son does it all by him self and also we have a ton of different containers for him to sort into,

  537. Amy

    March 17, 2012

    The best way I have found to keep my son’s room clutter free is to start early when they are very young and have a “place for everything and everything in it’s place”…I purchased bookcases from IKEA and labeled fabric boxes from Target with the items that go in them and I spent the first couple of years helping him clean up and we always put the toys back in the same place. Now he is seven and if I tell him to please take anything that belongs to him and put it in the right place, he can go through the house and have it all back in his room where it belongs in a few minutes! No stuffing things in closets and under the bed! Which means less for me to have to do too!

  538. Claire

    March 17, 2012

    Everyone’s tips and ideas are so helpful!! As for one of my tactics for keeping things clutter-free (as best as I can), I try not to let outgrown clothes pile up in my kids’ closets… I am constantly purging their drawers and closets with clothes that no longer fit, and then I store them in clear bins with size/gender labeled on the top and side! Then away to the attic the bins go until we know for sure whether our family of 4 is complete! :-) Cleaning them out promptly makes it so much easier and quicker to get everyone dressed and on with our day!

  539. Lulu

    March 17, 2012

    I’m a huge fan of the Land of Nod Shelfapalooza –

  540. Chavy Abelesz

    March 17, 2012

    We rotate the kids toys every few months so they don’t get bored so fast.
    Bins, bins, bins, we already have quite a collection of “The Container Store” bins.
    We live by the rule “If it wasn’t used in a year, it’s time to go”!

  541. Dee

    March 18, 2012

    Clear plastic shoe boxes and chalk board sticky labels are our best friends. Also, we have lots of nieces and nephews close and across the country. We take 1 Saturday every 6 months, go through clothes and ship or take to cousins they do the same. Toys get donated to a local early intervention program in the same intervals. We really try to live by the rule of if something comes in than something gets donated.

  542. Cassandra D

    March 18, 2012

    Well, of course lots of storage bins. Everything must have a place. Also, we constantly sell our things in the Just Between Friends consignment sales in the spring and fall and purge ourselves of unwanted toys and clothes. Which also helps with money to purchase the next seasons clothes. What doesn’t sell, we donate to goodwill immediately. We also do 15 min cleanups to keep their playroom clean and tidy!

  543. Krist

    March 19, 2012

    Teach your children to pick up their toys when they’re done playing.

    From the time my girls were itty bitty, I had them help me pick up their things and put them in labeled bins. Before they could read, I labeled the bins with photos so they knew where to put things. Now the bins are labeled with cute hanging tags.

    I am convinced that if you start early, picking up and putting away just becomes a good habit and saves your sanity!

  544. DJ Cox

    March 19, 2012

    Teach by example and keep the joy of teaming together. Plan for extra time to clean between activities and call a “happy meeting.” This is your segway to the next activity which creates interest, pulls the group back together and plans the prompt cleanup prior to moving on. This is made much easier with organized storage that all ages can manage… baskets, cubbies, bookshelves, drawers.

    Now I am confident that if you put your best coaches hat on, show enthusiastic leadership and take the time for call everyone’s attention to how well each one did… you can train the youngest little playtime partner into good habits. You see, their satisfaction of a job well done is the greatest prize.

    Creating the joy of a job well done,

  545. Jaime

    March 19, 2012

    I try not to go over 15 min. while I organize a drawer. Makes me stay on task.

  546. Krissy

    March 19, 2012

    Have a place for everything and put it away after using it. We have bins everywhere right by where we the things are used so it’s easy to put away. My favorite is the bin of clothes that my son has outgrown next to the laundry basket in his closet. It really cuts down on the time it takes to get rid of smaller clothes!

  547. cara

    March 19, 2012

    Even though both bedrooms are upstairs, there is only 1 closet. My husband put his things in the downstairs coat closet, and I put my seasonal things in the basement. Then I gave half of the walk in closet to my 3 year old to get dressed, play, and organize his books and toys. It makes his adjacent bedroom seem larger. And ditto on all the bins!

  548. amylee

    March 19, 2012

    I live in a small condo so I know what it is like to feel overwhelmed with stuff. I love to organize and I use storage boxes for toys. I had my husband put in shelves in my two boys closets so they serve double duty of clothes storage and toy storage. It is also nice cause the boys have to ask to play with toys, which allows us to clean up before we get new stuff out. I love your boys room and am going to redo my boys this summer when my youngest (now 23 months) moves to a big boy bed.

  549. Karen

    March 19, 2012

    Pick one day out of the month just dedicate to clean out the closets under the beds and just clean away! I typically turn on music and turn the volume all the way up and dont let nothing hold me down!. I do piles to take to Goodwill. Containers help and labeling things as well. :)

  550. Deanna G.

    March 19, 2012

    I just like to use lots of storage containers and organizers & frequently re-organize to make things look neat.

  551. Jessica

    March 19, 2012

    My most favorite way to keep my daughters things organized are those cute fabric, square baskets! I can organize brip cloths, bibs, Jammie’s, toys, stuffed animals, First Aid/grooming, diapering things, etc. each in their own bins! Plus they come in all sorts of fun, coordinating colors and designs so they look super cute and matchy matchy with her bedroom decor!

  552. Sarah

    March 19, 2012

    My favorite way to organize my daughter’s toys is baskets. When it’s time to pick up the toys we throw them all in the basket. It’s easy for my 2 year old daughter to help, doesn’t have to be sorted out and super organized, but it’s all contained in one spot!

  553. Allie

    March 20, 2012

    I love using plastic bins to organize my sons toys by type to keep items he plays with together in places he can easily access them.

  554. Courie

    March 20, 2012

    We’ve had our house on the market for almost 8 months now, so keeping a toddler and infant room clean, clutter free and easy to pick up has been a challenge. Here are the three things that are saving my sanity:
    1. Large, clear storage bins that we can stack in the garage or attic. I use them for clothes that aren’t quite ready to be passed down yet, and, more importantly, I use them to rotate toys. With about 1/2 the toys in storage, my oldests room is much easier to keep clean. And when those “old” toys get rotated out storage, it’s like they are brand new again!
    2. Boxes in each closet for clothes they grow out of. I use old diaper boxes becuase they are small and sturdy, but plastic bins work great too. As soon as the box is full, key pieces come and out and go into long term storage and the rest is dropped off at the Salvation Army ASAP.
    3. All my toddler’s toys are bins with see through fronts, and he can reach all of them. It makes it much easier for him to help clean his room becuse he knows where everything came from and where it goes.

  555. Tonya Hopkins

    March 20, 2012

    Each one of my boys have their own toy boxes for there smaller toys. I also have pegs on the wall for their hats, backpacks, and toy masks so everything is hung up and out of the way. For clothes that they have grown out of I either donate them to children in need or keep them in a plastic container until someone needs them. That keeps me from having a ton of clothes that isn’t worn out of the way.

  556. Tessa Hall

    March 20, 2012

    To keep my little ones organized who happen to share a room as well. I organize organize organize. I can not stress or say that enough. The each have their own clothes hampers 2 each (i dont know where all there clothes come from) im going to have to say its got to be the grandparents. I have a shelving cubby like unit that we purchased from ikea which are filled with individual bins and we put their shoes, towels, diapers and clothes in these individual cubby units. no toys are allowed in the room it just creates clutter we keep the toys in a seperate area.

  557. Jess Erin

    March 20, 2012

    I’m with most of the others here – baskets are the way to go! I also love the underbed storage boxes for “project” type things like legos and dolls.

  558. Makia

    March 20, 2012

    My favorite for organization are the painted metal containers from Pottery Barn Kids. They are great for storing books, art supplies, toys, toiletries and small baby items.

  559. KR

    March 20, 2012

    Baskets!!! Kid friendly, can’t really ruin them, look acceptably chic to the adult eye and help keep things organized in small spaces. Can’t live without ’em!

  560. SunRae

    March 20, 2012

    My best tip to keep a kids room organized is lots of storage containers and under bed storage. Make it a game . to put everything away. Also teach them to put one thing away before they get out anymore.

  561. Crystal Sard