Hooray, the day has finally come! After months of planning, Project Nursery is ready to share the design reveal of the 2015 Fisher-Price™ Registry Sweepstakes. […]
PN News
Project Nursery teamed up with Fisher-Price™ a few months ago for the exciting 2015 Fisher-Price™ Registry Sweepstakes. For three months, registrants from all across the country entered to win a grand prize package worth $25,000, including a dream nursery installation designed by yours truly […]
July is all about giveaways at Magic Beans, one of Project Nursery’s favorite baby retailers. For seven straight years, their tradition is to add a little extra sunshine to your summer by giving away an amazing prize on every single day of the month.
In case you haven’t heard the news yet, Project Nursery and Savvy Sassy Moms have joined forces to cover all things travel! We’re supplying you with tips, advice and the gear you need to get where you need to go this summer. […]
When my maternity leave was over after having my first baby, I battled anxiety and worried about how, as a nursing mom, I would be able to step back into the corporate world. I remember worrying about how and where I would pump and how I would fit pumping around my meeting schedule. […]
We’ve had a blast over the past few weeks following all the #TSBabyStyle photos. It’s clear that our readers’ kids know how to rock some major style! After hours of browsing all the amazing entries, we landed on one winner. […]
The clock is ticking! Don’t miss your chance to enter the $25,000 Fisher-Price Dream Nursery sweepstakes from now until April 5th. You read that correctly—one lucky winner will get their Fisher-Price best possible start with a grand prize package that includes a dream nursery exclusively designed by Project Nursery, toys and gear from Fisher-Price, one-year …
Our friends at Medela are finally giving us a wonderful reason to say goodbye to our pumps called the Medela Recycles program. Once you’re ready to part with it, Medela is encouraging you to recycle your pump in order to help another mom begin her own breastfeeding journey. […]