PN News

I had the pleasure of attending the Martha Stewart Dreamers into Doers Event in NYC last week! One of the highlights of the trip was meeting up with fellow Project Nursery contributors, Kelly Lynden of The Party Dress and Rebecca Propes from Fresh Chick Designs. Many of the fabulous party bloggers that we interact with …

Hi Friends, It’s been a wonderful 2010! We are so appreciative of your support within our little niche of the worldwide web. First off, we could not have enjoyed the year we’ve had without the assistance of our amazing contributors. Every single one, truly takes the time to write content from the heart. We know …

We are so flattered! Yesterday top online parenting resource, Babble announced their 50 Best Design Blogs For Moms. Project Nursery came in #2 within the home category. Big kiss to Elina Furman of Mamaista for making us sound pretty darn cool. We’ve been walking just a little bit taller since – despite carpooling in yoga …

We interrupt our fun design finds and inspirational party posts to share with you some personal highlights from our NYC trip to Blogher '10. Pam and I enjoyed over 7 years together in the Big Apple so coming back to town together was a real treat and a whole lot more exhausting with a couple …

Pam and I spent Saturday morning talking nursery design tips and party design trends with anchor Lisa Chan of San Francisco's CBS 5 news.  Once we got a hold of our nerves, it was a blast! Lisa was so gracious and helpful. We enjoyed nearly 10 minutes of air time - so hopefully we succeeded in gaining …

A few months ago Pam and I pulled together a couple of nursery design boards for Pregnancy Magazine on behalf of Project Nursery. As with all customers we ask, "What is your inspiration?" Our typical response usually consists of  a color palette, fabric or piece of art. So you can imagine our surprise when the inspiration …

At Little Crown Interiors, we are constantly challenging ourselves, and our clients, to think about nurseries in fresh, new ways.  The desire to create a beautiful space for our children is so common for parents that it almost seems to be biological.  Still, we can’t help but think that a nursery or child’s room is …

UPDATE: Thank you all for supporting Playdate for Haiti's diaper/formula drive. $25K in diapers and formula has been sent to two Haitian Orphanages.   The devastation in Haiti is shocking and impossible to imagine. Even my 4 year old daughter gets the severity of the situation and just yesterday she decided to donate money out …