It was the end of an era at Yankee Stadium tonight. I am not the world's biggest baseball fan by any means (my father-in-law Zack, my husband Josh and inherently my son Austin, certainly are) yet I couldn't help become emotional as the players rounded the historic stadium with glee while Frank Sinatra's "New York, New …
Baby Rooms
Julie Blanchard, owner of Lemon Tree Paperie, created a sophisticated and classic nursery for her son Weston that we are pleased to share with our readers. When planning the nursery, Julie was instantly inspired by Serena and Lily's fabrics and decided on the color scheme of navy, indigo and lime right away. One of Julie's goals …
Mandy Ford's "This Girl's Life" just got a bit more complicated for the better on May 30th, 2008, with the arrival of twin boys Ben and Landon. Kudos to Mandy's on her choice of dark paint for the nursery: "Tree Branch" by Sherwin Williams. Mandy says she was going for "a subtle nature theme with owl accessories...the main colors …
Sometimes I get really fascinated by a couples journey to parenthood. It's so interesting to learn about how they got together, found a place to call home and eventually began their path to having a baby. I look back on my own time before my first baby was born with such fondness. You know you …
Expecting parents Dennis and Denyse of new online kid clothing boutique Acme Factory are seriously cool and on the ball! They have designed and completed a nursery filled with vibrant confections for their daughter Hannah who is due in September. Their inspiration came from two great kids collections, Small Paul and Dotilicious. Dennis says, "My wife and …
Leave it to two talented art school grads and owners of graphic design studio, Form Code to develop an artistic, modern and soothing nursery for their baby boy. Impressive how they make adding a few ABC's to the wall look as easy as 123... "Our inspiration for the room was the bedding for one- it’s Dwell Alphabet bedding. We thought it would be a great beginning …
Inspired by Potterybarn Kids's "Alphabet Soup" crib bedding: A sweet, simple, gender neutral nursery for baby to be. The other week we showcased H's (all boy) playtime nursery. H's adoptive family also knew they would be welcoming H's biological sister shortly there after. Without knowing the sex, they turned to cool, gender neutral crib bedding for inspiration. Sarah tells us that …
Congratulations Project Nursery reader Johanna and her husband Gustaf on welcoming twins Casimir (8 lb / 20.5 Inches) and (Casper 7 lb 10 oz/ 20.5 inches) into the world this past Friday...WOW! The boys are very fortunate to be coming home to a most spectular nursery! A "little less baby and a little more fun" was the route style-savvy parents …