
Horse Birthday Party

My daughter is obsessed with horses. Thank goodness we live in the city and she isn't begging us for a horse of her own, although I'm sort of surprised that hasn't actually stopped her! This year for her birthday party, she chose her theme, and not surprisingly, it was horses. Below are some photos of just how …

Sunny Circle Studio Girl's Room

Well, I don’t know about you, but I’m just smitten with this girl’s room. It’s no surprise really since it comes from the über talented Erin Wheeler, of Sunny Circle Studio. […]

Puff Ball Reward System

I recently implemented a system that focuses more on rewarding good behavior than punishing bad behavior, and despite my skepticism, I found it to be quite effective! Keep reading below to see how you can give your kids’ behavior a fresh start in 2019! […]

Shark Party

My son recently turned five, and for the past couple of years, he’s requested party themes that all have one thing in common—wheels! He has been obsessed with cars of every kind. You can imagine my surprise and delight this year when he requested a birthday theme in the opposite direction—SHARKS! […]

Navy and Pink Girl's Room

Jessica Hughes, a healthy living blogger at Happily Hughes and mama to Hudson and Henley, is sharing how she, with the help of Meghan, updated her daughter’s nursery to a big girl space. […]