
We're kicking off week two of our #weePLAN series with Weelicious and Savvy Sassy Moms. This week it's all about leftovers. Leftovers are never a fan favorite in my home. Usually when I break the news that we're having leftovers for dinner, I'm met with sad faces and, occasionally, a couple of tears. Catherine McCord, …

Join Savvy Sassy Moms, Project Junior and Weelicious to kick off this year’s back-to-school season!  Moms everywhere are in full shopping and planning mode to start their family's school year off right, and we have some savvy tips and tricks to share with you!

The lazy days of summer are coming to a close! The kids are headed back to the classroom, and we moms are once again gearing up for early mornings and busy schedules. Our days will soon be filled with packing lunches, carpool and hours of homework assistance. So before you head back through the schoolyard …

During the school year, my morning routine includes packing lunch boxes for my three kids. It's important to me that they head off to school with a hearty and nutritious lunch that they actually want to eat. Too many times, one of them has returned home with a lunch box that is nearly full! I've …

I don’t know how you feel, but for my family, summer has flown by! It’s hard to believe it’s time to start thinking about homework, schedules and packing lunches. If you are anything like us and are feeling a little apprehensive about the upcoming weeks, don’t stress because we’ve joined forces with our friends at …

Your kids are probably starting to develop their own preferences and style sense when it comes to the clothes they wear. Why not stock their closets full of high-quality, great-looking clothing so that no matter what outfit they put together, you are sure to approve. The Tea Collection is an amazing source for unique children's …

Back to school is such a fun and exciting time. School supplies, school clothes, new friends, new teacher, but it can also be a stressful time—not just for mom sending her kiddos off for the day but for the kids too. My son is diagnosed with autism, and although he thrives in a structured setting …