Our dear friend and former PN contributor Kelly Lyden has written a beautiful book, Stylish Kids’ Parties, featuring twelve themed parties with lots of pictures, DIY projects, decorations and recipes. […]
When I was a kid, my little valentine shoebox mailbox was stuffed with paper, maybe the occasional lollipop. But parents these days are upping the ante, so we hope we can make your life a little easier with these free printable valentines. […]
Today we’re featuring a birthday party with a creative breakfast theme on Project Nursery’s YouTube Channel. We love the rustic look of this party and all of its great details. […]
We’re back to announce our January project gallery winners, but first we want to thank all of our readers who voted! […]
It’s always fun to create our own cards for my littles to bring to their classmates accompanied by a sweet treat. Here is a look at the last few Valentine’s Day class treats that we made together. […]
The parties this month are so clever, so thoughtful and really, just so much fun! We love your work, and we’re excited to share our six January party finalists with you. […]
My son’s favorite “girlfriend” came over to have a little Puppy Love Valentine’s Day party. He loves wearing his tuxedo, and she loves any excuse for a game of dress-up, so they both had a really great time! […]
Throwing a great kids Valentine’s Day party is a fun way to spread the love, and it can be a fun theme if your little one’s birthday happens to fall around the holiday. […]