Shop Suggestions

    Peacock/bird theme

    michelle licht
    michelle licht
    michelle licht

    Shop New Arrivals


      1. kirstysf

        January 27, 2011

        what paint color did you use? :)

      2. amanda1433

        January 30, 2011

        where did you find your mobile?

      3. michelle licht

        January 31, 2011

        Hi Amanda,

        I ordered the mobile on


      4. BuenaMano

        January 31, 2011

        Anthropologie really has some great looking decors.  Did you get the mobile from there???

      5. michelle licht

        February 1, 2011

        Hi Buenamano,

        The mobile is from 


        February 1, 2011

        I love the chair. Where did you get it?

      7. michelle licht

        February 1, 2011

        I got the chair ar Land of Nod!

      8. Ysczabel

        February 3, 2011

        I just fell in love with that pink chair and that chandelier.  But I think the runaway best decor you have here is the birdcage with the photos.

      9. WhitneyRuth

        February 15, 2011

        What an adorable nursery! I love the colors and decor! So creative! :)

      10. lcaldaronello

        February 17, 2011

        So darling!  Where is that bedding from??

      11. michelle licht

        February 17, 2011

        The bedding is from Serena and lily!


      12. Ken

        February 18, 2011

        I see that you have those circular brown/yellow hanging decor there on the wall behind the pink chair, but I can’t find a close up. I’m honestly intrigued…. what are those?

      13. michelle licht

        February 18, 2011

        Hi Ken, It is hard to see but they are picture frames from Anthropologie!

      14. SilviaMariela

        February 28, 2011

        Nice room, where did you get the dresser?

      15. parsons

        April 1, 2011

        is the land of nod glider comfortable? it is one that i am considering…

      16. Robyn

        March 27, 2012

        Hi Michelle, where did you find that Moroccan pouf?

      17. Rachel

        March 28, 2012

        What color is the wall?

      18. Rachel

        March 28, 2012

        Wall color?

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