Shop Suggestions
My Elle-girl just loves rainbows so of course this HAD to happen. We painted the walls gray and then added all of the rainbow accents. I made sure to have each color represented in the quilt in every aspect of the room. All of the quilt colors are on the desk , bedside table, wall and dresser. My husband painted the blinds to match the quilt as well, and it’s my FAVORITE part! I am please with the result. We do plan on adding crown molding at some point so please ignore the bad painting job. :)
I am a SAHM of 3. Our oldest and youngest are biological. We adopted our middle child when he was 10 days old. We are thinking about adopting again, but 4 sounds difficult...especially since I watch my 2 nieces 6 times a month. I used to be a teacher (and LOVED it) but being a mommy is SO much better. I am an advocate for ethical adoptions and babies STAYING with their bio moms if AT ALL possible. If you'd like to visit with me about that, please contact me. Until then, I hope you enjoy some of the projects I've been doing around the house (along with my husband).
I am a SAHM of 3. Our oldest and youngest are biological. We adopted our middle child when he was 10 days old. We are thinking about adopting again, but 4 sounds difficult...especially since I watch my 2 nieces 6 times a month. I used to be a teacher (and LOVED it) but being a mommy is SO much better. I am an advocate for ethical adoptions and babies STAYING with their bio moms if AT ALL possible. If you'd like to visit with me about that, please contact me. Until then, I hope you enjoy some of the projects I've been doing around the house (along with my husband).