In the Nursery with Inspired By…Designs

We are touring the lovely green and pink nursery designed by Alexandra Calame of Inspired By…Designs, a full service online interior design firm. You will love this subtle tropical inspired nursery with that gorgeous wallpaper and just the perfect touch of blush pink. You can follow along with Alexandra’s design work and peek into her adorable growing family’s life on her blog Inspired By….Thank you, Alexandra, for letting us into your home and sharing the design details with us.

Green and Pink Girl's NurseryWallpaper

Design inspiration can come from anywhere—what inspired your nursery/kid room design?
I knew I wanted to use green in her nursery—even though we knew we were having a girl, I couldn’t do another pink room. I was on Etsy one night and saw the wallpaper, and I knew I had to use it. From there, the rest of the nursery fell into place.

Green and Pink Girl's NurseryFlamingo Art (similar)

How did your personal style influence your design choices?
Much like my own personal style, my design aesthetic is never overly cluttered and typically tends to be cozy and comfortable with a polished edge.

Green and Pink Girl's NurseryMirror

While I love the idea of bright colors, I tend to keep the base color in the rooms I design neutral, so I can add pops of color here and there and change things up over time without having to recreate the whole room.

Green and Pink Girl's NurseryLamp

Now that the room is complete, what was your favorite part of the process? And what do you love the most about the finished design?
My favorite part of the design process, especially when designing a nursery, is imagining all the ways I will use the room and all the memories that will be created in the space.

Empire Rocker with Pom Pom BlanketPom Pom Blanket

Green and Pink Nursery Elephant (similar)

Design wise, I love that the wallpaper provides an overall theme for the room without being too “matchy” to everything else. I made a point to find a few other pops of green and sprinkle them throughout the space to tie everything together.

Green and Pink Nursery Diaper PailDresser Rocking ChairOttoman

What is that one thing that everyone mentions when they step into this space?
It has to be the wallpaper. The quality is awesome and it gives the room the pop of color it needs.

Green and Pink Nursery Stuffed Dog

Green and Pink Nursery XO WatercolorsGold Frames

What is the one thing that you would tell other parents to consider when they’re starting their own nursery design projects?
My main piece of advice when designing a nursery is to keep the room comfortable. You will be spending a lot of time in the room as your baby grows, and you want it to be a place that offers a calm soothing environment.

Green and Pink Nursery

Wood Swing Shelf in NurseryWood Shelf

Another piece of advice is to just have fun with the design and to bring a part of you into the room. Whether that be in the form of a photo or an old stuffed animal that used to be yours, you will love knowing your baby always has a piece of you close by.


Photography by Alexandra Calame

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Beth, Project Nursery’s Editor, lives in Upstate New York with her husband and their two sons and daughter. Beth is a work-from-home mom who loves writing, crafting and all things kid design.


  1. Jamie Rothman

    April 14, 2020

    What crib is this? Is it the babyletto Hudson?

  2. Jamie Rothman

    April 14, 2020

    Also can you tell me where to find the rocking chair? It just takes me straight to the general page of wayfair rockers and not to the specific chair.

  3. Beth

    April 14, 2020

    Yes! It is the Hudson Crib.

  4. Beth

    April 14, 2020

    Hi Jamie, It is the Empire Rocker from Nursery Works. It seems to be out of stock, but maybe you’ll be able to track it down. Good luck with your nursery design!

  5. Laura

    November 10, 2020

    Hello! Can you tell me what color paint the wall is? Thanks!

  6. Jenna

    November 16, 2020

    Hi there! Can you tell me where you got the green striped changing pad cover? I am looking for one like that and a matching bed skirt but can only locate in lime green. Thank you!

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